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Indybay Feature

Stop the Money Pipeline at CHASE

Friday, October 08, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Event Type:
Extinction Rebellion Santa Cruz
Location Details:
Chase Bank on Ocean Street, Santa Cruz

An XR Affinity Group is organizing a weekly, Friday meditation and protest at CHASE BANK on Ocean Street EVERY Friday at 3pm until the coming Youth Strike (currently planned for Oct. 29)

We begin THIS Friday, Oct. 8 at 3pm - 4:30 pm (rough end time)

Chase Bank is the number one funder of fossil fuels worldwide. This, despite their own, internal report (“Risky Business”) concluding that human caused global heating will lead to the collapse of human civilization. Go figure.

Our immediate concern is the activation of the Canadian-US Enbridge Line 3 Pipeline against treaties established with indigenous nations, and in violation of indigenous sovereignty. Also, the very recent Huntington Beach OIL SPILL highlights the near constant leaks and spills, death and destruction related to oil pipelines. Tar Sands oil from Canada is the dirtiest of all, with a much greater global heating capacity than other oils.

Please stay tuned to “DISCUSSION" for this EVENT as the Youth Climate Strike is still in planning and that will impact our schedule on Oct. 29 (We will be supporting the Youth Strike that day).

General Schedule (subject to alteration)

3-3:30 pm: Silent Meditation on sidewalk w/ some standing up or sitting (bring lawn chair) to hold signs. Signs about Line 3, indigenous sovereignty, the Canadian pipelines and the coming Climate Strike are welcome. Passing out Line 3 Pipeline and Youth Strike Flyers also OK. We will have some extra signs. However, this is mostly a time of stillness.

3:30-4:15-ish: We will be teaching the XR "Staying Alive" disco dance to anyone who wants to learn. We will learn the dance the next two Fridays and "perform" on the 22nd--and if the youth want us to, on the 29th. Bring your disco wear if you like, but especially on the 22nd!

4:15-4:30: Die In ... We will lay down and "die" for at least 10 minutes. Some folks hopefully will continue to stand or sit and hold signs, to draw motorist attention.

Again, on the 29th, we will be allowing for the Youth Strike and making changes as the youth make their plans. Stay tuned to this Event.

The protest may go on a bit longer than 4:30. The bank closes at 5pm. This is a strictly, non-violent, free speech protest organized by an affinity group of Extinction Rebellion in support of, indigenous sovereignty, Fridays for Future, XR and the local youth strike (Youth for Climate Justice).

Our demands are the four XRUS demands, plus for Chase Bank (and all US banks) to divest from fossil fuels. We also demand that Joe Biden halt the oil flow in the Line 3 Pipeline and launch an environmental study on its impacts.

Please share this event with the following hashtags.

#LandBack #CutTheChase #StopTheMoneyPipeline #StopLine3 #ExtinctionRebellion #ClimateStrike
Added to the calendar on Tue, Oct 5, 2021 7:52PM
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