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Let Cuba Live Letter to Biden

by repost
The following letter dated July 23, 2021 to Pres. Biden was published in the New York Times today and signed by the following people. See
The following letter dated July 23, 2021 to Pres. Biden was published in the New York Times today and signed by the following people. See

Dear President Joe Biden,

It is time to take a new path forward in U.S.-Cuban relations. We, the undersigned, are making this urgent, public appeal to you to reject the cruel policies put into place by the Trump White House that have created so much suffering among the Cuban people.

Cuba – a country of eleven million people – is living through a difficult crisis due to the growing scarcity of food and medicine. Recent protests have drawn the world’s attention to this. While the Covid-19 pandemic has proven challenging for all countries, it has been even more so for a small island under the heavy weight of an economic embargo.

We find it unconscionable, especially during a pandemic, to intentionally block remittances and Cuba’s use of global financial institutions, given that access to dollars is necessary for the importation of food and medicine.

As the pandemic struck the island, its people – and their government – lost billions in revenue from international tourism that would normally go to their public health care system, food distribution and economic relief.

During the pandemic, Donald Trump’s administration tightened the embargo, pushed aside the Obama opening, and put in place 243 “coercive measures” that have intentionally throttled life on the island and created more suffering.

The prohibition on remittances and the end of direct commercial flights between the U.S. and Cuba are impediments to the wellbeing of a majority of Cuban families.

“We stand with the Cuban people,” you wrote on July 12. If that is the case, we ask you to immediately sign an executive order and annul Trump’s 243 “coercive measures.”

There is no reason to maintain the Cold War politics that required the U.S. to treat Cuba as an existential enemy rather than a neighbor. Instead of maintaining the path set by Trump in his efforts to undo President Obama’s opening to Cuba, we call on you to move forward. Resume the opening and begin the process of ending the embargo. Ending the severe shortages in food and medicine must be the top priority.

On 23 June, most of the member states of the United Nations voted to ask the U.S. to end the embargo. For the past 30 years this has been the consistent position of a majority of member states. In addition, seven UN Special Rapporteurs wrote a letter to the U.S. government in April 2020 regarding the sanctions on Cuba. “In the pandemic emergency,” they wrote, “the lack of will of the U.S. government to suspend sanctions may lead to a higher risk of suffering in Cuba.”

We ask you to end the Trump “coercive measures” and return to the Obama opening or, even better, begin the process of ending the embargo and fully normalizing relations between the United States and Cuba.


Vermont State Labor Council, AFL-CIO
ANSWER Coalition
IFCO/Pastors for Peace
Andres Arauz (Ecuador)
Nnimmo Bassey (Nigeria)
Jackson Browne
Prof. Judith Butler
Jeremy Corbyn (UK)
Daniel Ellsberg
Danny Glover
Wagner Moura (Brasil)
Boots Riley
Silvio Rodriguez Dominguez (Cuba)
Susan Sarandon
Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis
Marisa Tomei
Reinerio Arce, Instituto Superior Ecuménico de Ciencias de las Religiones (Cuba)
Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK
Rafael Correa, Fmr. President (Ecuador)
Manolo De Los Santos, The People’s Forum
David Harvey, CUNY Graduate Center (UK)
Prof. Raj Patel, University of Texas
Bishop Rubin Phillip, Anglican Church of Southern Africa (South Africa)
Israel Rojas Fiel, Duo Buena Fe (Cuba)
Rev. Raul Suarez, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Center (Cuba)
Yanis Varoufakis, (Greece)
Rev. Jim Winkler, National Council of Churches USA
United States Peace Council
PazAmor, Inc
Leonardo Boff
Glauber Braga
Alicia Castro (Argentina)
Jandira Fhegalli
Luis Hernández Navarro (Mexico)
Dr. Robin D. G. Kelley
Dr. Gilberto López y Rivas (Mexico)
Dra. Josefina Morales (Mexico)
Dr. Barbara Ransby
Prof Raymond Suttner
Ruth Wilson Gilmore
Prof. Bruno Bosteels, Columbia University
John Cavanagh, Institute for Policy Studies
Gabriel Coderch Diaz, Centro Oscar Arnulfo Romero (Cuba)
Prof. Costas Douzinas, Hellenic Parliament (Greece)
Jorge González Nuñez, Student Christian Movement of Cuba (Cuba)
Chris Hazzard, Sinn Fein (Ireland)
Bishop Ismael Laborde Figueras, United Evangelical Church in Cuba Lutheran Synod (Cuba)
Michael Löwy, French National Center of Scientific Research
Eugene Puryear, BreakThrough News
Angélica Salazar, Alliance for Cuba Engagement and Respect (ACERE)
President David Van Deusen, Vermont State Labor Council AFL-CIO
Corporación colectivo CreAcción
The Grayzone
Comite 68 (Mexico)
RadioMiamiTV y PazAmor
Carl Messineo, Attorney
New Frame (South Africa)
Eve 6
Labor Against Racism and War
Zackie Achmat (South Africa)
Santiago Alba Rico (Spain)
Dr. Tom Alter
Eduardo Alvares Moreira (Brasil)
Dr. Barbara Applebaum
Dr. Silvia Arrom
Maricruz Badia
Leo Bashinsky
Dr. Richard Benson
Altamiro Borges (Brasil)
Ricardo Bracho
Noni Brynjolson
Dr. Larry Busk
Lee Camp
Dr. Chuck Churchill
Prof. Jean Cohen
Ana Cortes
Peter Coyote
Edevaldo de Medeiros (Brasil)
Derek DePratter
Osvaldo Doimeadiós (Cuba)
Dr Jean Dreze
Jennifer Duprey
Max Elbaum
Liza Featherstone
Alon Feuerwerker (Brasil)
Prof. Carlos Forment
Morgan Glaze
Prof. Emeritus Karen Graffeo
Chris Gude
Prof. Peter Hallward
Prof. Donna Haraway
Michael Hardt
Chris Hedges
Prof. Anasa Hicks
Bruno Jaffré
Esteban Jimenez
Prof. Cedric Johnson
Prof. Sujung Kim
Dr. Tomomi Kinukawa
Flávia Lacerda (Brasil)
Greg LaMotta
Vivien Lesnik Weisman
Prof. Ania Loomba
Prof. Clayton Lust
Verónica Lynn (Cuba)
Dr. Richard MacMaster
Dr. Curry Malott
Professor Emeritus, SUNY Cortland John Marciano
James Martel
Aaron Maté
Dr. David McNally
Dr. Magali Menezes (Brasil)
Camilo Molina
Prof. Daniel Mosquera
Julio Munoz
Prof. Michael Neocosmos (South Africa)
Ben Norton
Dr. Marcos Oliveira (Brasil)
Hypatia Ostojic
Prof. Tanalís Padilla (Mexico)
João Paulo (Brasil)
Dr. Jacques Pauwels
João Pimenta Lopes
Beatrice Pita
Prof. Claire Potter
Lindi Ragon
Dr. Josiah Rector
Corey Robin
Prof. Gabriel Rockhill
Thomas Ross
Prof. Abra Salazar
Prof. Rosaura Sanchez
Sanford Schram
Dr. Rupa Shah
Prof. Beverly Sheftall
Prof. Lewis Siegelbaum
Alan Singer
Greg Smith
Samuel Stein
Linda Talton
Jules Taylor
Vladislava Tomova
Dario Ulloa
Prof. Luis Felipe Ulloa-Forero
Orlando Valle “Maraca” (Cuba)
Jaime Veve
José Villa Soberón (Cuba)
Byron Vu
Antonio Y. Vázquez-Arroyo
Dr Randall Williams
Dr. Barbara Winslow
Amanda Yee
Prof. Rabab Abdulhadi, Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies, San Francisco State University
David Adler, Progressive International
Dr. Julia Alekseyeva, University of Pennsylvania
Rev. Aundreia Alexander, National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA
Tata Amaral, (Brasil)
Christian Appy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Prof. Guy Aronoff, Humboldt State University
Etienne Balibar, Kingston University London
Prof. Narciso Barrera-Bassols, Grupo de Trabajo Agroecología Política CLACSO (Argentina)
Prof. Joel Beinin, Stanford University
Monica Benicio, Vereadora Psol (Brasil)
Dr. Cyrus Bina, University of Minnesota
Heidi Boghosian, A.J. Muste Memorial Institute
Marc Botenga, Parti du Travail de Belgique
Prof. Robert Brenner, UCLA
Prof. Wendy Brown, U Cal Berkeley
Beatriz Cerqueira, (PT) MG (Brasil)
Prof. Benoit Challand, New School for Social Research
Dianna Cohen, Plastic Pollution Coalition
Fray Miguel Concha Malo, Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Francisco de Vitoria (Mexico)
Leslie Cunningham, Texas State Employees Union
Luiz Carlos da Rocha, advogado (Brasil)
Adriana de França, advogada (Brasil)
Bruno de Paiva e Souza, Igreja Reina (Brasil)
Susana Draper, Princeton University
Prof. Sandi E Cooper, CUNY
Augusta Eulália Ferreira, Sindicato dos Advogados de São Paulo (Brasil)
Dr. Jerise Fogel, Montclair State University
Charles Fredricks, Israeli-Palestinian Confederation
Rita Maria Garcia Morris, Christian Center for Dialogue & Reflection (Cuba)
Adam Gogola, Blind Adam and The Federal League
Prof. Van Gosse, Franklin & Marshall College
August H. Nimtz, University of Minnesota
Prof. Martin Halpern, Henderson State University
Dr. Neil Harvey, New Mexico State University
Gary Holloway, USW Local 675
Prof. Kevin Howley, DePauw University
Esther Iverem, Journalist
Dr. Katharine Jackson, University of Dayton School of Law
Dr. Nazia Kazi, Stockton University
Adam Kotsko, Shimer Great Books School, North Central College
Ertugrul Kürkçü, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) (Turkey)
Reed Lindsay, Belly of The Beast
Scott Ludlam, Fmr. Senator (Australia)
Prof. Anastasia Mann, Princeton University
Prof. Eric Mar, Asian American Studies, SF State University
Teresa Meade, Union College
Iago Montalvão, União Nacional dos Estudantes UNE (Brasil)
Dr. Jamil Murad, Centro brasileiro pela Solidariedade aos povos e luta pela Paz (Brasil)
Frank Padrón, Belly of The Beast (Cuba)
Anya Parampil, The Grayzone
Prof. Paul Passavant, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Carol Proner, ABJD (Brasil)
Paulo Roberto da Silva Lima, Entregadores Antifascistas (Brasil)
Dr. Julio Vernon Ruíz, MD, FORNORM
Prof. Saskia Sassen, Columbia University
Roger Scott, AFSCME Local 2401
Cliff Smith, United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers, Local 36
Walter Sorrentino, PCdoB (Brasil)
Lester Spence, Johns Hopkins University
Neal Sweeney, UAW Local 5810
Katrina Vanden Heuvel, The Nation
Gilberto Vieira dos Santos, Conselho Indigenista Missionário Cimi (Brasil)
Prof. Barbara Weinstein, New York Univ.
Philip Wohlstetter, Red May
Colonel Ann Wright, Veterans for Peace and CODEPINK
Kevin Young, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Acácio Zuniga Leite, Associação Brasileira de Reforma Agrária (Brasil)
Black Lives Matter Global Network
The People’s Forum
Landless Workers Movement-MST (Brasil)
V (Formerly Eve Ensler)
Miguel Barnet Lanza (Cuba)
Frei Betto (Brasil)
Chico Buarque (Brasil)
Noam Chomsky
Prof. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Jane Fonda
Nancy Morejón (Cuba)
Manu Pineda (Spain)
Eduardo (Choco) Roca Salazar (Cuba)
Mark Ruffalo
Oliver Stone
Emma Thompson (UK)
Dr. Cornel West
Rev. Dr. Dora Arce Valentin, Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba (Cuba)
Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, ACT Alliance
Lula Da Silva, Fmr. President (Brasil)
Rev. Dr. Chris Ferguson, World Communion of Reformed Churches
Gleisi Hoffman, Worker’s Party (PT) (Brasil)
Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize (Argentina)
Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental Institute for Social Research
Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party
Dr. Earl D. Trent Jr., Florida Avenue Baptist Church
Mark Weisbrot, Center for Economic and Policy Research
Alliance for Cuba Engagement and Respect (ACERE)
Observatorio Latinoamericano de Geopolítica (Mexico)
Democratic Socialists of America
Phillip Agnew
Atilio A Boron (Argentina)
Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly
Roberto Chile (Cuba)
Dr. Pablo González Casanova (Mexico)
Dr Gerald Horne
Gloria La Riva
Fernando Morais (Brasil)
Alderperson Carlos Ramirez-Rosa
G. C, Spivak
Estela Vazquez
Dr. Enrique Alemán Gutiérrez, Plataforma Cubana Pra el Dialogo Intereligioso (Cuba)
Kenarik Boujikian, Association of Judges for Democracy – Brazil
Fernando Chavez, Son of Cesar Chavez
Prof. Jodi Dean, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Former Assistant Secretary Education and Public Service Smithsonian Institution James Counts Early, Institute for Policy Studies Board
Rev. Dr. Carlos Emilio Ham Stanard, Seminario Evangelico de Teologia (Cuba)
Prof. Fredric Jameson, Duke University
Max Lesnick, La Alianza Martiana/ Radio Miami
Dianet Martínez Valdés, World Student Christian Federation – Latin America (Cuba)
Prof. Adolph Reed Jr, University of Pennsylvania, Dept of Political Science
Rev. Tania Sánchez Fonseca, Moravian Church in Cuba (Cuba)
Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Partnership for Civil Justice Fund
DISPARADA – Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) (Brasil)
CUBA Solidarity Forum Ireland
Denver Peace Council
United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS)
Get Better Records
Associação Intervenção Democrática – ID
Historians for Peace and Democracy
Dream Defenders
Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement (South Africa)
Prof. Gregory Afinogenov
Jonathan Alingu
Breno Altman (Brasil)
Prof. Elisabeth Anker
Mauricio Arenas
Dr. Albena Azmanova
Maura Barrios
Kenneth Baynes
Katiusca Blanco Castiñeira (Cuba)
Atilio Boron (Argentina)
Peter Bratt
Prof. Susan Buck-Morss
Prof. Lana Cable
Dr. Roosbelinda Cardenas
Prof. Joshua Clover
Prof. Deborah Cohen
Bernardo Cotrim (Brasil)
Rubén Darío Salazar (Cuba)
Prof. T. J. Demos
Richard Dickerson
Prof. Elizabeth Dore
Dr. David Dulceany
Prof. Zillah Eisenstein
Ernesto Espinoza
Jorge Fernández Souza (Brasil)
John J. Fitzgerald
Prof. Nancy Fraser
Prof. David Theo Goldberg
Prof. A. Tom Grunfeld
Digna Guerra (Cuba)
Nigel Hanrahan
Michele Hardesty
Dr. John Harfouch
Doug Henwood
Vanessa and Ted Hope
Jon Jeter
Esteban Esteban Jimenez
Prof. Rebecca Karl
Prof. Esther kingston-mann
Rachel Kushner
Annie Lacroix-Riz
Dr. Tamara Lee
Jonathan Lethem
Susan Luss
Prof. Kara Lynch
Francisco López Sacha (Cuba)
Prof. Geo Maher
Bernardo Mançano Fernandes (Brasil)
Dr. Nadia Marsh
Abby Martin
Prof. Peter McLaren
Veronika Mendoza (Peru)
Prof. Márgara Millán
Alexis Moncada
Prof. Eshragh Motahar
Prof. James Neel
Prof. Mary Nolan
Luna Olavarria Gallegos
Jacqueline Osorio
Fraser Ottanelli
Scott Parkin
João Paulo Souza de Alencar (Brasil)
Sandra Pereira
Peyman Piran
Graziella Pogolotti (Cuba)
Prof. Margaret Power
Ignacio Ramonet (Spain)
Dolores Rintoul
Dr. William I. Robinson
Tania Romero
Vicente Rubio-Pueyo
Prof. Josefina Saldaña-Portillo
Magdiel Sanchez Quiroz (Mexico)
Ellen Schrecker
Cindy Sheehan
Prof. Francis Shor
Prof. Renato Simões (Brasil)
Doris Smith
Mark Spencer
Margaret Stevens
Dr. Maria Tamiolaki
Niren Tolsi (South Africa)
Peter Truskier
Maria Ulloa
Nadia Valavani (Greece)
Lesbia Vent Dumois (Cuba)
Henrique Vieira (Brasil)
Aldo ‘Bocafloja’ Villegas
Roy Vu
Ben Wilkins
Dr. Helen Yaffe
Alejandro Zuñiga
Darryl Accone, New Frame (South Africa)
Christine Ahn, Women Cross the DMZ
Luiz Alencar Dalla Costa, Coordenação nacional MAB, Coordenação internacional do MAR, FRENTE BRASIL POPULAR BTASIL (Brasil)
Harry Amana, UNC-CH
Tânia Andrade, Advogada (Brasil)
Valerio Arcary, PSol (Brasil)
Ericah Azeviche, A Revolta da Lâmpada, Coletiva ComunaDeusa (Brasil)
Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace
Prof. Ericka Beckman, University of Pennsylvania
Douglas Belchior, Coalizão Negra por Direitos e Uneafro Brasil (Brasil)
Prof. Daniel Benson, St. Francis College
Prof. Martha Biondi, Northwestern University
Prof. James Borchert, Cleveland State University
Prof. Robert Brenner, UCLA
Prof. Howard Brick, University of Michigan
Prof. Robert Buzzanco, University of Houston
Prof. Beatriz Cerqueira, Deputada estadual (PT) em Minas Gerais (Brasil)
Dr. Paloma Checa-Gismero, Swarthmore College
Robert Carl Cohen, The film “Three Cubans”
Prof. Drucilla Cornell, Rutgers University
Prof. Daniel Czitrom, Mount Holyoke College
Prof. Bruno De Conti, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil (Brasil)
Maria de Fátima Carneiro de Mendonça, (Brasil)
Eliane Dias Caffe Alves, Cineasta
Prof. Lisa Duggan, New York University
Hassan El-Tayyab, Friends Committee on National Legislation
Wagner Firmino Santana, Sindicato dos Metalurgicos do ABC (Brasil)
Prof. Derek Ford, DePauw University
Carlos Gabas, Consórcio de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Nordeste (Brasil)
Dr. Nathaniel George, Harvard University
Juan Gonzalez, Democracy Now
Prof. Maggie Gray, Adelphi University
Rev. Graylan Hagler, Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ
Dr. Kenneth Hammond, New Mexico State University
Alexandre Henrique Bezerra Pires, Centro Sabia e Articulação no Semiárido Brasileiro (ASA) (Brasil)
Srećko Horvat, DIEM, Democracy in Europe Movement
Derek Ide, University of Houston
Dr. Christina Jackson, Stockton University
Ammar Ali Jan, Haqooq-e-Khalq Movement (Pakistan)
Prof. Claudia Koonz, History. Duke University
Prof. Peter Kuznick, American University
Prof. Andrew Lamas, University of Pennsylvania
Helmut-Harry Loewen, Canadian Anti-racism Education & Research Society
Prof. Sergio Machado Rezende, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Brasil)
Prof. Patrick Manning, American Historical Association
Prof. Lori Marso, Union College
Dr. Rosemari Mealy, City College of NY (CUNY)
Daniel Montero, Belly of The Beast
Liz Oliva Fernández, Belly of The Beast (Cuba)
Jerry and Koohan Paik-Mander, International Forum on Globalization
Commissioner Mariah Parker, Athens-Clarke County Unified Government
Dr. Jennifer Ponce de León, University of Pennsylvania
Mike Prysner, The Empire Files
Prof. Andrew Ross, New York University
Alvaro Salgado, Centro Nacional de Apoyo a Misiones Indígenas (Mexico)
Lohana Schalken, LOUD (Brasil)
Ivan Silveira, Ubatuba/SP (Brasil)
Joaquim Soriano, Executiva Nacional do Partido dos Trabalhadores (Brasil)
Deyvid Souza Bacelar da Silva, FUP – Federação Única dos Petroleiros (Brasil)
Devyn Springer, Walter Rodney Foundation
Astra Taylor, Debt Collective
João Vicente Caixa d’Água, Sindicato dos Advogados de São Paulo (Brasil)
Jeanette Vizguerra, Sanctuary for All Colorado
Prof. Suzi Weissman, Saint Mary’s College of CA
Patti Woods, Patti Woods Interiors
Prof. Emeritus Nicholas Xenos, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Orlando Zaccone D’Elia Filho, Movimento Policiais Antifascismo (Brasil)
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