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5/29/21 March on Washington for Palestine

by Stop US Aid to Israel
On May 29, 2021, for the first time in memory, there was a March on Washington for Palestine, endorsed by over 130 groups, with some 35,000 people walking in the rain from the Lincoln Memorial to the White House.
On May 29, 2021, for the first time in memory, there was a March on Washington for Palestine, endorsed by over 130 groups, with some 35,000 people walking in the rain from the Lincoln Memorial to the White House.

"‘The Landscape is Shifting’: Over 35,000 rally for Palestine in DC on Memorial Day weekend" by Nadia Ahmad, Faisal Khan, 5/31/21 at
"DC March for Palestine Demands Biden and Congress 'Hold Israel Accountable for Its War Crimes in Gaza'" by Jessica Corbett, 5/30/21 at
Also see

From the Mondoweiss article:
"Over 35,000 protestors converged in Washington DC this Memorial Day weekend for The National March for Palestine, the largest nationwide protest against U.S. foreign policy in decades. More than 100 buses arrived at the Lincoln Memorial from as far away as Minneapolis, Minnesota and Dallas, Texas. Organized in less than one week, the event unfurled the potential for Muslim American and Palestinian activists to lead antiwar mobilizations. The program was spearheaded by American Muslims for Palestine and the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations. The groups urged sanctions on Israel in the wake of its recent 11 day bombing campaign in Gaza where over 66 children were killed, including 11 who were recovering from trauma of previous Israeli government attacks. "

"This unprecedented gathering on Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial was a clear sign to President Joe Biden, his administration, and to Israel that public opinion in the United States is shifting, and people of conscience demand a tangible solution for Palestinians who have endured decades of dehumanization, marginalization, and subjugation."

"The rally and march were a collective condemnation of two weeks of Israeli indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian civilians including children and destruction of infrastructure including homes, schools and clinics. The storming and attacking of Masjid Al-Aqsa, the third holiest site for Muslims, during the holy month of Ramadan, and expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem was the catalyst that awakened a sleeping giant worldwide demanding President Biden take bold steps which he failed to deliver. "

"People from all demographics and professions came together to show support to the Palestinian diaspora in the U.S. and their families who have experienced colonial annexation of their land and racism. Partners of the National March for Palestine included the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Muslim American Society (MAS), ICNA Council for Social Justice, Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA), Majlis Ash-Shura: Islamic Leadership Council of New York, Turkish American National Steering Committee (TASC) and Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM). Jewish Voice for Peace, Veterans for Peace, MPower Change, United National Antiwar Coalition, Progressive Democrats of America, Our Revolution National, National Lawyers Guild, and Honor the Earth, and endorsed along with over 130 organizations. "

also endorsing were
Labor for Palestine, Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights, Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights. A major supporting organization which mobilized its supporters was Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER).

The tide has turned now with a march on Washington for Palestine and members of Congress speaking in support of Palestine. This March on Washington was preceded by tens of thousands of people in cities across the United States commemorating the Nakba (catastrophe) of the destruction of Palestine of May 15, 1948 when 750,000 people were chased off their land of Palestine in their possession for hundreds of years to never be allowed to return to their land and if they did not move fast enough, they were massacred by the US and Israel, with the US replacing Great Britain as the primary colonizer, and setting up Israel, a theocratic, apartheid, settler colony as its junior partner to maximize its oil profits in the Middle East, to be a "bulwark against communism" in the strategic Middle East which connects to 3 continents and the Suez Canal and to be the American foot soldier promoting counter-revolution around the world, including right now in Columbia.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
Not one nickel, not one dime, stop US/Israeli war crimes!
Stop US aid to Israel!
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by Stop US Aid to Israel
The Israel-Columbia Alliance is part of Israel's counter-revolutionary role in Latin America. In Columbia, they even have a military patch with the flags of Israel and Columbia and a menorah for the fascist thugs to wear. See
“Birds of a Fascist Feather: Why Israel Is Aiding Colombia’s Crackdown on Protesters” by Alan MacLeod, 5/28/21 at

From the above article:

"For exactly one month now, a nationwide strike has crippled Colombia and has been met with deadly repression by the far-right government of Ivan Duque. As trade unions have shut down major cities, halting mass transit and bringing economic gridlock to the country, government forces have responded with violence. According to government figures, at least 44 people have been killed in protests that began on April 28. A further 500 people have been “disappeared,” more than 100 shot with live fire, and at least 28 have been wounded in the eye by police, the notorious ESMAD riot squad, or by paramilitary organizations linked to the state."

"The crackdown on dissent is being abetted by the Israeli government, which itself is dealing with widespread economic, military and social revolt from its captive Palestinian population. Outside of the United States, Israel is the Colombian military and paramilitaries’ chief weapons supplier, and the Colombian police and army have been putting their Israeli training and weapons to use against their own domestic revolt."

"The state has essentially declared war on the citizenry, turning streets and neighborhoods into battlefields in an attempt to push through President Duque’s highly controversial neoliberal policies that would eliminate public healthcare, privatize pensions, reduce the minimum wage and levy a 19% tax on staple foods, moves which critics deem an all-out attack on Colombia’s working-class majority. The president is showing no sign of backing down, despite his approval rating slumping to 18%— an all-time low for Colombian heads of state."

"For the most part, trade between the two states consists of Israeli weaponry and know-how going to Colombia in exchange for the South American nation’s mineral reserves. In 2011, military-grade arms comprised 49.6% of all Israeli exports to Colombia. Coal makes up around 89% of what goes back the other way. The rest is primarily agricultural produce (coffee, fruit, sugar, etc.)."

"Colombia’s mineral wealth is only exploitable after a decades-long push by the military and associated paramilitaries to clear black and indigenous people off their valuable land, making way for transnational agribusiness and energy corporations to set up shop. Israeli weaponry and technical advice have been crucial in achieving this. As a result, Israel is able to reap some of the benefits, keeping the lights on at home thanks to cheap Colombian coal in a deal that benefits them and big business but hurts the people and contributes to ethnic cleansing on both sides of the world."

"Colombia is the Israel of South America because they have started to export these tactics throughout the region. The U.S. loves this, the offshoring of indoctrinating military forces abroad. They don’t have to do it because the Colombians now do it. So you see Colombian forces training Honduran, Salvadoran or Mexican police. Most recently, you saw Colombian special forces going to Haiti to train Haitian security forces, who are now also gunning down protestors in the streets.”
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