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Protect California Community Colleges! Fully Funded Free Community Colleges For All!

Monday, May 24, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
California Board Of Governors Offices
1102 Q Street, Sacramento

Protect California Community Colleges! Fully Funded Free Community Colleges For All!

Rally In Sacramento

Monday, May 24, 2021 12:00 Noon California Board Of Governors Offices 1102 Q Street, Sacramento

Our Community Colleges are under attack by the corporate shills running the appointed Community College Board of Governors. They are downsizing and destroying colleges like San Francisco Community College and others in the state particularly in urban areas with large number of Black, Brown and Asian students. Join with us to defend our public community college system and stop the privatization of public education in California.


1. Use the multi-billion surplus to provide full funding for public education

2. Fire State Community College Chancellor, Eloy Oakley, for championing the downsizing & privat- izing community colleges.

3. End student success funding formula and keep community in community colleges—end the no repeat of classes provision.

4. Immediately close the online community college named Calbright. The money for it should be used for education.

5. Implement the California Master Plan for High- er Education—Full funding for Free Higher Educa- tion

6. Support Labor and teacher unions. Stop union busting!

7. Bring back lifelong learning for the entire comunity college system.

Initiated by:

Higher Education Action Team HEAT SFCityCollegeHEAT(at)

Skyline College, SLO’s, the ACCJC and Accreditation: The Privatization of California Community Colleges UPWA Action Alert!!! by George Wright

5/24/21 Board of Governors Of Community College Meeting
The California Community Colleges is guided by a process of participatory governance, and the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges sets policy and provides guidance for the 73 districts and 116 colleges that constitute the system. Board members are appointed by the Governor and formally interact with state and federal officials and other state organizations.

The Board of Governors also selects a chancellor for the system. The chancellor brings recommendations to the board, which has the legislatively-granted authority to develop and implement policy for the colleges. In addition, the Board of Governors serves as the Board of Trustees for the California Online Community College District.

The Board of Governors works through a consultation process to ensure representatives from all levels of the system have an opportunity to advise the chancellor on state policy decisions.

To obtain information about the California Community Colleges Board of Governors, please contact ccastro [at]

Meeting Schedule, Minutes and Agendas
The Board of Governors meet every other month.


Or join the meeting by phone: (669) 900 6833

Meeting ID: 381 430 034

Password: 234632
Or iPhone one-tap: +16699006833,,381430034#

Attacks On CA Community Colleges! Who's Doing It & Defending The Right To A Higher Public Education

A statewide panel was held non 5/15/21 on the attacks on California Community Colleges, who is doing it and how to stop it. Speakers participated from around the Bay Area and participants were from around the state.
A proposal was made for a statewide protest at the meeting on May 24, 2021 at the Board of Governors of the Community Colleges. Privatization and corporatization of the community colleges has been going on for decades and colleges such as CCSF face a major attack.
This panel was initiated and sponsored by Higher Education Action Team HEAT
Additional media:
CCSF HEAT-CCSF Collective Report Card & Privatization Of Community Colleges
SF CCSF Students Protest Class Cuts & March To Board Trustee Temprano's House To Oppose Layoffs
Stop The Closure of CCSF Ft. Mason & Other Campuses & Classes At SF Community College
Community Colleges Under Attack, Working People & The Right To Higher Education, Racism & Capitalism
CCSF Art Students Do Art & MusicTo Save Ft. Mason & Stop Privatization Of Balboa Reservoir
Protest To Stop The Destruction of CCSF Through Elimination of ESL, Shuttering of Campuses, Privatization & Union Busting
Stop The Cuts! Hundreds of CCSF Students & Faculty Protest 300 Class Cuts AT BOT Meet-SF & CA Demos Lead The Attack On Public Education
CCSF Board Of Trustees At Meeting All Support Chancellor Rocha Cuts & Union Busting
AFT 2121 CCSF Faculty Speak Out On Rocha Budget Cuts & Public Education
Students, Faculty & Community Demand STOP The CUTS At CCSF With Funeral
Shooting Yourself In The Foot & Increasing Executive Salaries At CCSF By Chancellor Rocha
Speak-out On Privatization of Balboa Reservoir For Developers Which Threatens SF City College
BUSTING up CCSF! CCSF Chancellor, Bd President & Bd Majority Wrecking City College
The Downsizing & Privatization Of CCSF "Vision 2025" & The Secret Illegal CCSF Board Meetings
Privatization and Destruction of CCSF
Build The PAEC NOW! Stop The Privatization & Developers Rip-off Scam
Conflicts of Interest, CCSF & The Attack On Public Education Privatization With Kathy Carroll
Public Education, Privatization, Corruption And The
Destruction Of Our Schools
"Are You Out Of Your Minds"? AFT 2121 Faculty Challenge CCSF Board On Mark Rocha Appointment
For more information:
SFCityCollegeHEAT [at]
Production of Labor Video Project

CFT 2019 Vote of no confidence in the community college chancellor
May 3, 2019
Whereas, the principle of participatory governance in the California Community Colleges has been established and codified in law (AB 1725); and

Whereas, participatory governance only functions when it is practiced at all levels of the administration and faculty governing bodies; and

Whereas, confidence in the leadership of the chief executive of a college system is integral to the effective administration of the California Community College mission; and

Whereas, the faculty of the Los Rios College Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 2279, recognize that participatory governance has ceased to function at the state level where the state Chancellor’s Office has closed the normal channels of communication with the faculty organizations such as the Academic Senate, the Community College Council of the California Federation of Teachers, the Community College Association of the California Teachers Association, the California Community College Independents, and the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges; and

Whereas, the state Chancellor’s Office has demonstrated a lack of transparency and collegial consultations which includes, but is not limited to:

Introducing legislation and state budget for Guided Pathways;
Introducing language into AB 19 that requires districts and colleges participate in Guided Pathways in order to receive funding;
Reducing the meetings to consult with stakeholders on the budget change proposal and legislation to a single meeting;
Making Consultation Council a reporting of state Chancellor’s Office activities rather than a forum where consensus can be achieved on critical issues facing community colleges;
Failing to engage in consultation and consensus building with stakeholders concerning AB 705.
There was a lack of discussion and preparation of the college districts for the changes required in AB 705. There was a lack of funding for the workload required for the mandated activity for AB 705 and none has been planned in the future. There has been no discussion on the unintended consequences of AB705 implementation. The state Chancellor’s Office has announced that reading programs will be eliminated based on AB 705 even though the bill contains no language to that effect;
Failing to consult with any stakeholders before the introduction of the online college in the governor’s budget in January 2018. Alterations in the online college proposal have been made when testifying before the budget and higher education committees without consultation with faculty. New programs such as medical coding have been proposed by the state chancellor without a functioning local Academic Senate (no faculty have been hired yet) and as a consequence no participatory governance. In addition, an online medical coding program will directly compete with the current program at Cosumnes River College. The online college will be subscription-based and competency-based without discussion with a local Academic Senate and another example of a lack of participatory governance. These academic and professional matters could have been at least discussed and possibly resolved with the State Academic Senate, but that did not occur. The new faculty for the online college will not be represented by a union, will not have a collectively bargained contract, and will be on a meet-and-confer basis. The state chancellor has not engaged with the faculty unions about the parameters of contract for the online college faculty;
Failing to consult with any stakeholders before the introduction of the new funding formula in the governor’s budget in January 2018. There were virtually no simulations run to test the viability of such a funding formula or to determine unintended consequences. The Chancellor’s Office convened a task force of chief executive officers to seek alternative proposals from which faculty were excluded;
Whereas, these and other examples have illustrated that the state chancellor has demonstrated a lack of transparency and collegial consultation with the faculty organizations, has actively blocked faculty leadership access to meetings in which decisions have been made, and exhibits a general lack of acknowledgement of the concerns of faculty;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the California Federation of Teachers has no confidence in the California Community College Chancellor, Eloy Ortiz Oakley;

Be it further resolved, that the CFT send this resolution with a letter stating our vote of no confidence to the California Community College Board of Governors and to Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Passed as Resolution 12 by the CFT Executive Council
Submitted by the Executive Council​

Accelerating Student Success Project is part of the Lumina Foundation’s efforts to champion and support the California Community Colleges Student Success Initiative
Amy Supinger Works FoR Lumina and The Community College Chancellor’s Office
Foundation expands support of student success initiatives
SACRAMENTO, Calif.—September 12, 2012—The Foundation for California Community Colleges (Foundation) has recently been selected to receive an educational policy grant from Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors’ California Education Policy Fund, established in 2011 with a leadership gift from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, to support the project “Accelerating Student Success in the California Community Colleges.”

This three-year, $300,000 grant will provide general operating support to help the Foundation advance system-wide student success activities, including innovative student-oriented technology advancements.

The Accelerating Student Success Project is part of the Foundation’s efforts to champion and support the California Community Colleges Student Success Initiative—a widespread effort to promote student success in the Community College system. Launched in 2011 by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors in partnership with the statewide Chancellor’s Office, the Student Success Initiative is based on a set of 22 recommendations put forth in the Student Success Task Force Report, compiled by an independent group of academic and administrative practitioners, researchers, and educational policy leaders, involved in a 12-month study of best practices in higher education systems throughout the nation. These recommendations now serve as a guiding policy for the system.

“As the official non-profit supporting the California Community College system, the Foundation is proud to be working closely with the Chancellor’s Office to move the student success Initiative forward,” said Keetha Mills, Foundation President and CEO. “Our goal is to help carry the banner of Student Success, keep a finger on the pulse of national, state, and local community college reform efforts, leverage existing and identify new partnerships, and make significant progress in the implementation of key Student Success Initiative recommendations.”

As an initial area of focus for the Accelerating Student Success Project, the Foundation is supporting the development and wide-use of student-centered technology that leads to student success. The Foundation will also work to improve digital literacy and access, overcome institutional barriers to the adoption of new technology tools, and serve as a champion for student-centered technology that shifts from an institution-oriented to a student-oriented approach.

“I am thrilled by the support offered to the Foundation by the California Education Policy Fund,” said Amy Supinger, Executive Director of the Student Success Task Force. “This grant serves as the cornerstone of the Foundation’s work around student success and will allow the organization to form a coalition of reform-minded practitioners and advocacy groups to continue moving the thoughtfully constructed recommendations of the Student Success Task Force forward.”


The Foundation for California Community Colleges is the official non-profit foundation to the California Community Colleges’ Board of Governors and Chancellor’s Office. The Foundation’s mission is to benefit, support, and enhance the missions of the California Community College system, the largest higher education system in the nation. Incorporated in 1998, the Foundation works with Community Colleges and partner organizations to manage donations, grants, programs, and services that drive excellence in education while saving millions of dollars for colleges each year. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit corporation and receives no direct state or public support.

Billionaires With Amy Supionger who Works For Community College Chancellor’s Office and Is With Lumina Pushes Privatization


The Foundation for California Community Colleges is grateful to the James Irvine Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and College Futures Foundation for their generous support of this project.
Project Leaders
Sandra Fried
Executive Director, Success Center for California Community Colleges
Foundation for California Community Colleges
Camille Esch
Co-author and project manager
Amy Supinger
Co-author and project manager
Project Advisors
Lande Ajose
Executive Director, California Competes, and Chair, California Student Aid Commission
Julie Bruno
President, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Hans Johnson
Director, Higher Education Center, Public Policy Institute of California
Alejandro Lomeli
Former Student Trustee, Long Beach Community College District
Mojedeh Mehdizadeh
President, Contra Costa College
Tim Rainey
Executive Director, California Workforce Development Board
Erik Skinner
Deputy Chancellor, California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO)
Contributing Researchers
Amber Cruz-Mohring
Brock Grubb
Darcie Harvey
Brian Martin-Rojas

Added to the calendar on Tue, May 18, 2021 11:29AM
In a scheme to get major concessions from AFT 2121 the CCSF high paid administrators and Board of Trustees demanded concession bargaining after threatening to cut 600 faculty positions. The AFT 2121 bought the concession bargaining and agreed to major economic concessions. This was followed by an plan to increase Chancellor's pay to $35,000 a month.
§Defend Public Education
California with a massive $75 billion budget surplus is pushing to down size and destroy it's community colleges. The appointed Community College Board of Trustees appointed by the governor has pushed corporatization and privatization of the community college system. The CFT has also opposed Chancellor Oakley.
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