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International Workers Committe says Free Mumia and All Elders...

by IWC release posted by the Jamal Journal
The international campaign to free Mumia Abu-Jamal launched by the International Workers Committee Against War and Exploitation, For a Workers International (IWC) is under way. This new IWC release declares: Free Mumia and All Elders, Vulnerable Inmates and Political Prisoners Immediately!
Free Mumia and All Elders, Vulnerable Inmates and Political Prisoners Immediately!

The international campaign to free Mumia Abu-Jamal launched by the International Workers Committee Against War and Exploitation, For a Workers International (IWC) is under way.

The IWC Campaign Appeal, issued on March 6, has now received support from labor and democratic rights organizations and activists in countries the world over. It is our contribution to the mass-based campaign to free Mumia.

The three demands being relayed by the IWC to authorities in Pennsylvania [see people to contact below] are the following:

• Transfer Mumia to a hospital for proper medical care!

• Free Mumia immediately!

• Free all elders, vulnerable inmates, and political prisoners!

We are reprinting below an article published in the March 17, 2021 issue of Tribune des Travailleurs (Workers Tribune), which provides some initial information on the statements calling to free Mumia from unions worldwide.

You will also find attached some of the initial responses to this campaign in numerous countries from trade union bodies, representatives of workers’ and community organizations, and activists from all political horizons. This is a first list; reports from many more countries are on the way.

Please support this effort TODAY!

Many thanks, in advance,

The Editorial Board of The Organizer newspaper
(supporters of the IWC campaigns)

* * * * * * * * * *


Mumia’s COVID-19 Infection Has Been Confirmed by Prison Doctors After Initial Denial

• Free Mumia Immediately!
• Free All Political Prisoners!

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Mumia Abu-Jamal needs to be released from prison and sent to a hospital for proper medical attention.

But that is not all. Mumia needs to be released from prison altogether, based on his documented innocence and his medical condition, which in itself should be sufficient to warrant his release.

We urge you to contact Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Secretary of Pennsylvania Prisons John Wetzel, and Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner with these three demands:

• Transfer Mumia to a hospital for proper medical care!

• Free Mumia immediately!

• Free all elders, vulnerable inmates, and political prisoners!

Here is the contact information:

PA DA Larry Krasner: 267-456-1000 (justice [at]

PA DOC Secretary John Wetzel: 717-728-2573 (jowetzel [at]

PA Governor Tom Wolf: 717-787-2500 (Brunelle.michael [at]

Please send copies of your email messages — with your name, organization and country — to owcmumbai2016 [at] and SuzanneWRoss [at]

In solidarity,

The Editorial Board of
The Organizer Newspaper

* * * * * * * * * * *

“Freedom for Mumia, It’s the Only Treatment!” (Dr. Ricardo Alvarez, Mumia’s physician)

(Reprinted and translated from Tribune des Travailleurs (Workers Tribune) No. 281, March 17, 2021. Tribune des Travailleurs is the weekly newspaper of the Independent Democratic Workers Party of France, POID.)

“Now, right now, we need to free Mumia Abu-Jamal!” This is the cry of the U.S. coalitions fighting to save the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal, 66, who has just tested positive for COVID-19 in prison. Mumia suffers from congestive heart failure and hepatitis C. As his physician, Ricardo Alvarez, says: "Freedom is the only possible treatment!”

Statements demanding that Mumia be released immediately and hospitalized are being gathered worldwide.

“During the dark days of Apartheid,” reads a statement by the 300,000-member National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), “the liberation movement was supported by progressive organizations putting pressure on the government to release political prisoners. It is our turn now to free Mumia Abu-Jamal.”

For their part, the International Federation of Journalists, the National Writers Union (U.S.) and the SNJ-CGT (France) have issued a call for "the immediate hospitalization of Mumia so that he can receive proper care by independent professionals, with his release as soon as he is able, so that he can rejoin his family.”

The Independent Democratic Workers Party of France (POID), as well as the International Workers Committee Against War and Exploitation, For the Workers International (IWC), have issued similar statements, addressed to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf [see attached].

To obtain a copy of a “Model Letter” from the Free Mumia coalitions that has been published in the IWC Weekly Newsletter, please write to: owcmumbai2016 [at]
§Statement from Brazil
by Reposted by the Jamal Journal
Letter from Brazil: Freedom and Life for Mumia Abu-Jamal

To the Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf
To Pennsylvania's Secretary of Corrections, John Wetzel
To the District Attorney of Philadelphia, Larry Krasner

We – entities and participants in the trade union, political and popular movements, intellectuals and people committed to democracy and justice – turn to you to appeal for the life of Black activist Mumia Abu-Jamal, who tested positive for Covid-19 and is being treated in a prison infirmary, a situation that is completely inadequate given the state of his health. Mumia's immediate transfer to a hospital is an urgent matter, where hours count for his survival.

We take this opportunity to join those in the United States who are demanding justice for Mumia and his transfer to a hospital. They also demand that all elderly and vulnerable political prisoners be released before COVID devastates their already
precarious lives.

Best regards,

Paulo Teixeira - Federal Member of Congress and General Secretary of the Workers Party (PT)
National Confederation of Metalworkers – CNM-CUT
Angelo Vanhoni - President of the Workers Party (PT)of Curitiba/PR
Luiz Carlos Paixão - Executive Committee of the National Confederation of Education Workers - CNTE
Union of Professional Journalists of Paraná, SindijorPR
National Federation of Journalists, FENAJ
Gustavo Henrique Vidal - President-Director of the Union of Journalists of Paraná
Movement of Dam-Affected People, MAB
Pedro Carrano - Journalist and member of the Union of Dwellers and Workers (UMT)
Florisvaldo Fier - Dr. Rosinha, pediatrician and public health physician
Anísio G. Homem - Writer and translator
Valter Pomar - Historian, national leader of the PT
Valério Arcary - Historian, member of PSOL;
Marco Maia - Federal Deputy of the PT
Elmano Freitas - Deputy State PT /Ceará
Renato Freitas - Member of City Council of PT in Curitiba/PR
Ana Carolina Dartora - Member of City Council PT in Curitiba/PR
Boanerges Elias - State director of CUT-PR
Cláudio Ribeiro - Retired labor lawyer
Johnson G. Homem - Lawyer
Ney Jansen - Director of the Curitiba North Union Branch of the APP Sindicato/PR
Ricardo Prestes Pazello - Popular Consultation militant and UFPR law professor
Julio Cesar Carignano - Director of the Journalists Union of Paraná
Maurino Silva - PT Directory of São José- SC
Christiane Ribeiro Gomes - General Director - Center 39 of CPERS/Sindicato
Lucas Barbosa Pelissari - Teacher at IFPR and member of Popular Consultation
Pedro Jacobs - Trade Unionist, 39th CPERS nucleus
Popular Peasant Movement - MCP
Alaerte Leandro Martins - Black Women's Network, nurse, doctor in public health from USP, founder of
the Pelourinho da Lapa Association
Angela Sarneski - Black Women's Network and Comvida collective
Berquelei Matheus Costa - Historian
Giorgia Prates - Photojournalist from the newspaper Brasil de Fato Paraná
Davi Macedo - Journalist
Leandro Taques - Photojournalist
Luzia Nunes - Popular Consultation
Sara Gladys Toniato - Psychologist and Popular Consultation
Bernardo Kestring - NS Curitiba Norte of the APP Sindicato and director of Sinpes
Levante Popular da Juventude
Rodrigo Tomazini – Member of PSOL, leader of the trade union nucleus of Curitiba Norte da APP
Marina de Godoy – CUTista Opposition in Sismmac
Diana Cristina
§Letter from Mexico City
by Reposted by the Jamal Journal
Ciudad de México 17 de marzo de 2021

Tom Wolf
Gobernador del Estado de Pensilvania, EUA.
Larry Krasner
Fiscal de Distrito 26 de Filadelfia•
John Wetzel
Secretario de correccionales


La Estructura Ejecutiva de la Nueva Central de Trabajadores, ha tomado conocimiento del reciente contagio por COVID 19 del compañero Mumia Abu Jamal, destacado militante del movimiento negro y democrático en EUA, injustamente encarcelado y condenado a prisión perpetua.

Desde hace meses se nos informó que había llegado el contagio del COVID 19 a la prisión donde se encuentra recluido y que este contagio se dio través del personal de seguridad. Hoy nos enteramos que la vida de Mumia corre peligro derivado de su infección y de su condición médica: tiene enfermedad hepática, recientemente se le ha diagnosticado una insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva lo que se suma a su avanzada edad, 67 años.

Esto amerita el traslado inmediato a un hospital especializado donde puede ser atendido adecuadamente y no solo la atención que se le ha bridando en la enfermería de la penitenciaria.

Es por ello que respaldando al llamado urgente realizado por distintas organizaciones y coaliciones solidarias con el compañero Mumia Abu Jamal, nos dirigimos a ustedes para pedir:

¡Trasladar a Mumia a un hospital para que reciba la atención médica adecuada!

¡Liberar a Mumia inmediatamente!

¡Liberen a todos los ancianos, presos vulnerables y presos políticos!

Estas son medidas humanitarias urgentes que deben llevarse a cabo para resguardar la vida del compañero y de los presos vulnerables.

Estructura Ejecutiva Nacional de la Confederación Nueva Central de Trabajadores.
§Support from the Philippines for Mumia
by Reposted by the Jamal Journal
My name is Randy Miranda, from Partido Manggagawa – Labor Party-Philippines. In behalf of our party, we are calling on the authorities to release Mumia the soonest possible time. We have learned that his condition is even more alarming, as he has been diagnosed recently as suffering from congestive heart failure. He needs to be released from prison and sent to a hospital for proper medical attention. We ask the authorities to transfer Mumia to a hospital for proper medical care and attention.

Free Mumia immediately!

Free all elders, vulnerable inmates, and political prisoners!
§POID from France
by Reposted by the Jamal Journal
POID 67 avenue Faidherbe
93 100 Montreuil France
poidemocratique [at]

To : Honorable Governor Tom Wolf,
Copy to :
Secretary of Pennsylvania Prisons, John Wetzel,
Philadelphia DA, Larry Krasner
Paris (France), March 16, 2021

Dear Governor Tom Wolf,

On behalf of the Democratic Independent Workers’ Party (POID) of France, we urge you to order the immediate release and hospitalization of Pennsylvania’s most well known inmate in the world : Mumia Abu-Jamal.

As you know, Mumia Abu-Jamal has tested positive for COVID-19 and is being warehoused in a completely inadequate prison infirmary.

Given his age, 67, his liver disease, and his blood-pressure challenges, his life is seriously in danger. Mumia needs to be released from prison.

The name of Mumia Abu-Jamal is known internationally, as it is known in our country by hundred of thousands of citizens. We add our voice to the growing clamor internationally, demanding Mumia’s immediate release and transfer to a hospital for proper medical care.

Yours respectfully,
The national secretary of the Democratic Independent Workers Party
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