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Indybay Feature

Spread the Word Gather Forces Stop the San Lorenzo Evictions!

Saturday, December 26, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Event Type:
HUFF (Homeless United Friendship & Freedom
Location Details:
In front of the Bookshop Santa Cruz at 1520 Pacific Avenue
(weather and scanty pedestrian traffic may have us moving to the sidewalk in front of the main Post Office)

The abusive edicts of Martin Bernal and police chief Andrew Mills seizure of homeless survival gear on 12-21 are well-documented and well-known.

See "Santa Cruz Left: Eviction is Violence..." at

""Clear 'em Out" Cruelty as Usual: Deportations Slated from San Lorenzo Park" at

"Missing Documentation on San Lorenzo Camp Extermination to Remain Missing" at

We'll be trying a bit of tabling, ducking the rain today, initially in front of the Bookstore Santa Cruz hopefully with some coffee to warm folks up.

We'll be circulating a petition and a sign-up sheet for those wishing to oppose either electronically or in person the police sweeps in San Lorenzo Park.

The main problem is that police make and get paid for their time and trouble. So showing up at their scheduled time of eviction doesn't really phase them. They just come back later when housed volunteers have gone home.

I don't have any answers. Perhaps taking over a vacant building and defending it would be a better way to go. At least a more permanent presence could be established. And people shelter themselves against the rain and the cold in the interim.
That, of course, involves willingness to risk more likely citation and/or arrest.

Another possibiilty is a broader coalitions with other groups strongly opposed to government policies--some of whom we don't agree with who are (such as the anti-shut down folks). What's needed are the numbers that returned the anti-homeless fences at the Town Clock and Post Office back to the perps at the police station.

But folks with NOMAD, Copwatch, YAR, Food Not Bombs, the SC Homeless Union, the DSA, and other groups are increasingly active. Even Brent Adams, though he can't resist denunciations of other activists, has posted strong videos denouncing Bernal's actions.

For the first time, a majority of the letters hitting the reactionary Sentinel highlight Bernal's decrees as pointless and counterproductive. The issue is finding a way to unite our power--or at least work parallel rather than at cross-purposes.

The threat of police action and the economic/health crisis prompt fear--which is contagious. But then, so can courage be--when folks begin to stand up to injustice.
Added to the calendar on Sat, Dec 26, 2020 8:31AM
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