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President John F. Kennedy was assassinated 57 years ago
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated 57 years ago. President John F. Kennedy (JFK) spent his last night alive at the Texas Hotel in Ft. Worth, Texas. When morning came there was a light rain falling on Ft. Worth as the JFK entourage, including JFK's wife Jackie, prepared to take a thirteen minute flight to Dallas for a limo ride through the city. It proved to be a very fateful day!
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated 57 years ago
By Lynda Carson - November 22, 2020
Today, November 22, 2020, it is the 57th anniversary date of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
For those who are old enough to remember, it was precisely on Friday November 22, 1963, that President John F. Kennedy was allegedly assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, and two days later on November 24, 1963, that Lee Harvey Oswald was assassinated by Jack Ruby.
Both assassinations occurred in Dallas, Texas, only days apart from one another.
If Kennedy was not assassinated in 1963, history would be totally different. We would not have the Trump Monster in the White House currently who is trying to assassinate the recent November 3, 2020, election results, in an attempt to steal the election from those who legally voted him out of office.
These are scary times we live in with covid-19 breathing down our neck, and a gangster in the White House who refuses to concede that he lost his recent re-election bid to President Elect Joe Biden.
Times are tense, and the future is uncertain at the moment. What will happen to the lying prick in the White House if he is still there after January 20, 2020? Will his fate be the same as Benito Mussolini, Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Husein, or Judas Iscariot? Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock,,,,, Only time will tell...
Assassination Of JFK 57 Years Ago
I was in school the day JFK was assassinated, and the nuns immediately let us go home after it was announced on the news that JFK was assassinated 57 years ago in Dallas, Texas.
Friday November 22, 1963, was a tragic day for many that can remember that fateful day. Children were let out of school that afternoon early. Workers were sent home early in disbelief that the President had been assassinated.
For days the newspapers, and news programs on television and radio, were all about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK), and Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who allegedly assassinated JFK.
Newspaper publishers were offering newspapers that were extra thick and made of special paper that would last longer, as special editions for collectors, that were filled with images, and stories about that fateful day in Dallas.
As reality was sinking in, many across the nation were in a state of disbelief, and found it difficult to believe that JFK was really dead.
In Dallas, the day of the shooting, for many it was chaos, and panic in the streets, with many people running in different directions as it became evident that gunfire was taking place as the Presidents Motorcade was passing by.
The question after all of these years?
Did Lee Harvey Oswald assassinate the President, or was it someone that was allegedly firing a weapon on the grassy knoll?
There has been plenty of witness and documentation revealing that there may have been several people impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald.
The question people are asking?
Who is the real Lee Harvey Oswald?
Well... See for yourself. Let your own eyes set the truth free.
(Mugshot of Lee Harvey Oswald with a mole - In New Orleans Parish Prison (jail) )
Image of Lee Harvey Oswald with a mole on the right side of his face, under his eye, perhaps 2 moles…
Click here for image…
Or click here to see image of Lee Harvey Oswald with mole on right side of his face, perhaps 2 moles…$_1.JPG
Or click here to see image of Lee Harvey Oswald with mole on right side of his face, perhaps 2 moles…
(Mugshot of Lee Harvey Oswald without a mole - In Dallas jail)
Now here is a closeup photo of Lee Harvey Oswald without any moles on the right side of his face. The photo was of him in the Dallas jail, after he was beat up by Dallas Police….
Click here for image…
Or click here to see image of Lee Harvey Oswald without a mole on the right side of his face…
Or click here to see image of Lee Harvey Oswald without a mole on the right side of his face…,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,h_1200,q_80,w_1200/MTE5NDg0MDU1MDkxNDQ3MzEx.jpg
Or click here to see a different image of Lee Harvey Oswald without a mole on the right side of his face…
What is wrong with this picture of Lee Harvey Oswald? You decide.
Click below to see another image of the man who allegedly was Lee Harvey Oswald….
Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly used the name Alex James Hidell
Click below for ID image of Oswald/Hidell…
November 22, 1963 In Dallas, Texas
President John F. Kennedy (JFK) spent his last night alive at the Texas Hotel in Ft. Worth, Texas, and when morning came there was a light rain falling on Ft. Worth as the JFK entourage, including JFK's wife Jackie, prepared to take a thirteen minute flight to Dallas for a limo ride through the city.
They were on their way to the Trade Mart for a political event, in addition to a fundraising event. The rain let up by the time the entourage reached Dallas, and it was decided that the bubble top for the limousine JFK would be riding in, would not be necessary as the Presidential motorcade cruised through the city.
According to a government Secret Service report, the Dallas Police Department (DPD) assigned in excess of fifteen motorcycles to the Presidential motorcade. Four to six motorcycles preceded the lead car, and four motorcycles including two on each side, flanked the rear of the presidential limousine (limo). Apparently the motorcycles were supposed to provide some cover for the president, but their main purpose was to keep the crowd back from the president. Other motorcycles were stretched out along the motorcade parade route as it passed through the thousands of excited spectators in the city, that fateful day.
For some reason on November 22, 1963, the Dallas motorcycle policemen were ordered to stay in front of, or in back of the president's limo along the motorcade route, and they were ordered to stay away from the side of JFK's limo, which was different from the normal routine in other cities. Additionally for some other strange reason, the limo that the media was in to cover the event, was a number of cars behind JFK's limo, instead of in front of it as was normal procedure in those days. The motorcade may have traveled around eight to twelve miles per hour, along the route where excited crowds of people hung out.
The limo that JFK was in was called car 100-x by the Secret Service. Henry Dashiell Burroughs, a still photographer for AP B&W, rode in camera car #2 in the motorcade, and according to reports, he said, "I was a member of the White House pool aboard Air Force One when we arrived with JFK in Dallas on that fateful day. We the pool were dismayed to find our pool car shoved back to about #11 position in the motorcade. We protested but it was too late."
In another report, Dallas Police Department (DPD) Sergeant Samuel Q. Bellah, an advance motorcycle officer in the motorcade stated, "On the night before his assignment, Bellah reviewed the plan route with his captain, and the route was not the original to go straight through Dealy Plaza, but a revised route. The original plan would have skirted the book depository building by a block, but the altered plan turned to pass directly in front of the Texas School Book Depository building (TSBD)."
Among the cars in the presidential motorcade in Dallas on November 22, 1963 there were three vehicles being used by the secret service and police for protection, and the second car in the motorcade which was JFK's limo, it contained two secret service men, plus JFK and his wife Jackie Kennedy, and Texas Governor John Connally, and Nellie Connally.
As the motorcade drove through the city, crowds of exuberant cheering people lined the streets as it passed in front of them, and as the motorcade turned off of Main Street at Dealey Plaza and as it passed the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) around 12:30p.m., gunfire erupted and terrorized the excited throng of people. There were fewer people along the motorcade route here than in other parts of the city. JFK was struck in the neck and head by bullets, Gov. Connally was also hit in the chest, and according to the mass media, three shots could be heard in the span of a few seconds.
In some reports, DPD James M. Chaney, a motorcycle policeman who rode in the motorcade said as he was riding on the right rear fender of JFK's limo during the shooting, the first shot missed entirely and passed JFK's limo. Oddly, the limo stopped at that point when the first shot was fired said Chaney. The president was shot in the face by the second shot according to Chaney, and he stated that Gov. Connally was hit by the third shot, according to reports. Some reports were conflicting, and say that Chaney said that JFK was hit by two shots, that Connally was hit by the third shot, and that four cops were sprayed by the blood from the victims.
After the gun fire erupted at 12:30p.m., on Nov. 22, hitting JFK and Gov. Connally, seconds later the limo sped off to Parkland Memorial Hospital a few minutes away. Gov. Connally was to eventually recover from his wounds, but JFK was mortally wounded and a Catholic priest was summoned to administer the last rites, and at 1:00p.m., on Nov. 22, 1963 JFK was pronounced dead.
Meanwhile according to reports, along the motorcade route where JFK was shot near the book depository building and the grassy knoll across the street, witnesses were saying that some shots were heard coming from the book depository. Some people claimed they saw a rifle being pulled back into the building on an upper floor. Others heard shots coming from on top of the grassy knoll, and some witnesses heard shots at street level. Some people said there was smoke in the air on the grassy knoll, and that the smell of gun smoke was very strong in the air.
JFK was shot at 12:30p.m., and according to radio dispatch records of the DPD at 12:45p.m., on November 22, 1963, a report went out over the police radio airwaves giving a description of the shooter that shot JFK and Gov. Connally as being an unknown white male, approximately thirty, slender build, height five feet ten inches, weight one hundred sixty-five pounds, and reported to be armed with a 30 caliber rifle.
At 12:47p.m., the dispatcher sent the report out again on the police airwaves, this time saying there was no clothing description.
Incredibly, channel two of the dispatch police radio reports for November 22, 1963, being the same records/recordings that were monkeyed around with and allegedly slightly modified by the Warren Commission (commission that claimed Oswald was the lone gunman), at 1:16p.m., a citizen (non police officer) using a police radio from the squad car of Officer Tippit who was allegedly gunned down and murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald, says there is a shooting on Tenth St., between Marsalis and Beckley streets. "It's a police officer, somebody shot him," the citizen said. The name of the gunman was unknown at the time the citizen made the report.
At 1:19p.m., the radio dispatcher reports that the suspect was seen running west on Jefferson from the location.
At 1:22p.m., Patrol Man (Ptm) R.W. Walker reports in that we have a description on this suspect over here on Jefferson. Last seen about 300 block of East Jefferson. He's a white male, about thirty, five eight, black hair, slender, wearing white jacket, a white shirt, and dark slacks.
At 1:24p.m., the police dispatcher sends out a radio message that the suspect is wanted for investigation for assault to murder a police officer: Description is a white male, approximately thirty, about five foot eight, slender build, has black hair, a white jacket, a white shirt, and dark trousers. The suspect was last seen running west on Jefferson from 400 East Jefferson.
At 1:52p.m., in part three of the radio dispatch transcript for Channel two (possible revised part by the Warren Commission), it says; we have apprehended a suspect in the Texas Theatre.
At 1:53p.m., from Channel one of the police dispatch transcripts for Nov. 22, 1963, it says suspect in the shooting of the police officer is apprehended and en route to the station. Dispatcher asks, at the Texas Theatre? The reply; Caught him on the lower floor of the Texas Theatre after a fight.
The films playing at the Texas Theatre on that fateful day Nov. 22, 1963 were Cry of Battle and War is Hell, and allegedly Oswald briefly viewed the latter film before being arrested.
Click below for the November 22, 1963, Dallas radio police dispatch reports you can listen to, plus the transcript of the police transmissions from 12:25p.m., until Lee Harvey Oswald was captured in the Texas Theatre about 1:45p.m. (Note: Channel one was edited by Russ Shearer, and the transcript for Channel two is from the Warren Commission Exhibit 1974, that has some minor revisions.)
According to a report by the Warren Commission, Oswald was seen wearing a brown shirt on a public bus by his landlady on Nov. 22, right after he left the book depository that he worked at.
Click on link below for Warren Commission report on the movements of the assassin.
However, the Dallas radio police transcripts/records clearly reveal that on Nov. 22, 1963 a report went out over the police radio airwaves giving a description of the shooter that shot JFK and Gov. Connally as being an unknown white male, approximately thirty, slender build, height five feet ten inches, weight one hundred sixty-five pounds, and reported to be armed with a 30 caliber rifle. A shooter wearing a white jacket, and white shirt, that has allegedly also just shot Officer J.D. Tippit, after the two of them had a discussion with one another.
Click below for transcripts, dispatch police radio reports from Dallas, Nov. 22, 1963...
Apparently, it was a very busy schedule for Oswald on that fateful day of Nov. 22, 1963 if we are to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in Dallas barely one hour and twenty minutes or less, after he allegedly assassinated JFK. Oswald managed to shot Texas Governor John Connally, took a public bus home and asked for a transfer, and then he shot Officer Tippit along the way before going to see the movie War is Hell, at the Texas Theatre. Allegedly, Oswald even managed to sneak into the movie theatre somehow.
According to the police department's arrest report dated 11/22/63 - Time 1:40p.m., for Lee Harvey Oswald, it says:
[[[white, male, age 24, date of birth Oct. 18, 1939, Home address 1026 North Beckley address were arrest was made - 231 W. Jefferson / Type of premises or business (Theatre). Charge: lWV? Murder]]]
Other Details Of The Arrest Report: This man shot and killed President John F. Kennedy and Police Officer J.D. Tippit. He also shot and wounded Governor John Connally.
It also has a stamped mark on it saying DECEASED dated 11-24-63, with a signature I cannot read.
It also lists arresting officer as M.N.McDonald I.D. No. 1178
Arresting officer K.E. Lyons I.D. No. 1276
Other officer: LT. E.J. Cunningham no I.D. listed.
Other Officer: P.J. Bentley I.D. No. 526
Case number? 63-98155
Click on link below to see DPD arrest report for Lee Harvey Oswald for Nov. 22, 1963...
It appears that the police in Dallas caught JFK's so-called lone assassin somehow despite the reports swirling around revealing that there may have actually been two people that appeared to look like Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, on Nov.22, 1963.
The Coverup Of The Assassination of JFK --- New Orleans Connection
On Nov. 22, 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for allegedly assassinating JFK, killing Officer J.D. Tippit, shooting Gov. John Connally, and sneaking into a movie theatre. Now here comes Jack Ruby (who allegedly worked with or worked for New Orleans mob boss Carlos Marcello) and assassinates Oswald in the basement of the Dallas police department.
Click below for release report of Oswald to be transferred to another location...
Click on the link below for photo of Oswald being assassinated by Jack Ruby while being transferred to another location...
It is not the first time Jack Ruby was arrested with a gun. Violence appears to be nothing new to Ruby and an arrest report revealing that Ruby was arrested on 5/1/1954 with a 38 pistol in his pocket, may shed a little more light on this fellows activities...
Click below for police report...
According to reports, after his arrest while in the Dallas City jail before Ruby killed him, Oswald repeatedly kept asking for a civil rights attorney out of New York to come and defend him, and he claimed that he was a member of the A.C.L.U., to his jailers.
Apparently, Oswald may not have known that someone else on his behalf was trying to make arrangements for him to be defended by an attorney named Dean Andrews Jr., after being arrested by the police on Nov. 22. According to the transcripts of the Orleans Parish grand jury from the Jim Garrison investigation, Clay Shaw, a.k.a Clay Bertrand, a.k.a. Clem Bertrand, contacted Dean Andrews Jr., to offer payment to him to represent Lee Harvey Oswald for the crimes he was accused of by the police on November 22, 1963.
This is the same Clay Shaw that was with Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, and Perry Russo a month or so earlier in October of 1963, who was allegedly involved in a discussion on how JFK could be assassinated by a triangulation of shooters.
Click below for an Orleans Parish grand jury transcript of testimony by Dean Andrews Jr., stating that he was contacted by Clay Shaw, a.k.a. Clay Bertrand, a.k.a. Clem Bertrand, and asked to represent Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 after his arrest in Dallas.
According to the Warren Commission, Oswald's wallet allegedly contained a false I.D. in it, being a forged selective service card with a photo of Oswald on it, with the name of Alek J. Hidell on it also. However, the report by the commission failed to mention that the same wallet was allegedly found by Dallas Police Officer Westbrook, on the ground at the scene of the crime in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, where Officer J.D. Tippit was allegedly killed by Oswald. The wallet in question was handed over to FBI Agent Barrett, according to reports
Click on link below to read what the Warren Commission had to say about Oswald's wallet.
Click on link below to see Oswald's alleged fake I.D., allegedly found in his wallet on the ground where Officer J.D. Tippit was shot.
Click on link below for a report by John Armstrong about Oswald's wallet that allegedly was found by Officer Westbrook, and handed over to FBI Agent Barrett, which is the same wallet that the Warren Commission failed to mention in their report about Lee Harvey Oswald.
On Nov. 22, 1963, JFK was assassinated, and according to official reports only three gun shots were fired.
However, Jean Lollis Hill was standing very close to where JFK was shot, and according the testimony she gave to the Warren Commission, she clearly heard a minimum of four to six gun shots in those brief seconds the presidential motorcade was fired upon. Mrs. Hill thought that more than one person was firing on the motorcade. She also heard gun shots that were coming from the grassy knoll.
According to her testimony, she spoke to a secret service agent and said, "Am I a kook or what's wrong with me? They keep saying three shots---three shots." and I said, "I know I heard more. I heard from four to six shots anyway." And the secret service agent replied, Mrs. Hill, we were standing at the window and we heard more shots also, but we have three wounds and we have three bullets, three shots is all that we are willing to say right now."
Click below for the eye witness testimony of Jean Lollis Hill to the Warren Commission...
According to reports, the rifle found at the book depository building allegedly used to assassinate JFK by Oswald had no finger prints on it, but it had a very suspicious palm print of Oswald on it produced by the Dalas police, but was somehow overlooked by the FBI, nor found when the FBI tested the rifle for prints. The rifle originally was also falsely described by the police as a 7.65" Mauser for a full day, before it was later declared by the police to be a 6.5' Mannlicher-Carcano.
Click below for palm print report...
The so-called magic bullet that allegedly made seven wounds in two victims (JFK & Gov. Connally) according to the Warren Commission, was mysteriously found on a stretcher.
Click below for FBI report on so-called magic bullet...
An eyewitness identifies Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby being together (as friends) sometime before Ruby assassinates Oswald on Nov. 22, 1963.
Click on link to report below...
No bond for Jack Ruby, for killing Oswald. Warrant of Arrest. Formal arrest warrant charging Jack Ruby with the murder Lee Harvey Oswald.
Click on both links below...
A few years later on January 27, 1967, Oswald's clothes were transferred to the National Archives.
Click on link below for full report...
Of interest is the report of Jack Ruby killing Lee Harvey Oswald at the police station in Dallas.
Click below for report...
Oswald's clothes were mysteriously locked up and kept as evidence by the police.
Click on link below for report...
Click on link below for a supplementary defense report about Jack Ruby murdering Lee Harvey Oswald.
Jack Ruby becomes a celebrity after shooting Oswald. On the day of November 26, 1963, two days after Jack Ruby assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald, as many as 106 telegrams were sent to Jack Ruby at the Dallas police department, and were delivered to Ruby, by M. Johnson.
Click on link below for report....
Before his death, on Nov. 24, 1963, Oswald was arrested for allegedly killing JFK, Officer J.D. Tippit, and Governor John Connally, and Ruby claimed that he assassinated Oswald because he loved President Kennedy so much.
Click on link below for report of JFK and Governor John Connally, allegedly being shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.
According to reports, before his assassination, Robert Kennedy, then Attorney General and brother of JFK said, 'There's so much bitterness I thought they would get one of us, but Jack (JFK) after all he'd been through, never worried."
Click on link below for photo of JFK after he was assassinated...
Click on link below for photo of Robert Kennedy, JFK's brother, after he was assassinated...
In an effort to convince the world that Cubans were behind JFK's death, the man who had the most to gain by JFK's assassination, President Lyndon B. Johnson, who rode in a limo directly behind JFK's limo when he was assassinated, President Johnson was quoted as saying, "Ill tell you something about Kennedy's murder that will rock you.....Kennedy was trying to get Castro, but Castro got him first."
H.R. "Bob" Halderman, a former President Nixon chief of staff said, "After Kennedy was killed, the CIA launched a fantastic cover-up. Many of the facts about Oswald unavoidably pointed to a Cuban connection. In a chilling parallel to their cover-up at Watergate, the CIA literally erased any connection between Kennedy's assassination and the CIA," according to reports.
Before he passed away, according to reports, President Richard Nixon, a.k.a. Tricky Dick, said, "Why don't we play the game a bit smarter for a change. They pinned the assassination of Kennedy on the right-wing, the Birchers. It was done by a Communist and it was the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetuated. And I respectfully suggest, can't we pin this on one of theirs?"
Oswald Proclaimed His Innocence And Requested An Attorney To Assist Him
Lee Harvey Oswald was fatally wounded by Jack Ruby in the basement of the police department in Dallas at 11:21a.m., on November 24, 1963. But before his assassination by Jack Ruby it was reported that Oswald had a few things to say, while being interrogated by his jailers.
According to reports, Oswald said, "My name is Lee Harvey Oswald. I work at the Texas School Book Depository Building. I lived in Minsk and in Moscow. I worked in a factory. I liked everything over there except the weather. I have a wife and some children. My residence is 1026 North Beckley, Dallas, Tex."
"You have been at my home two or three times talking to my wife. I don't appreciate your coming out there when I was not there. I was never in Mexico City. I have been in Tijuana. Please take the handcuffs from behind me, behind my back."
According to reports, during a press conference on Nov. 22, 1963, it was reported that when Oswald was asked about his black eye, he answered; "A cop hit me."
When he was asked about the earlier arraignment, Oswald said, "Well, I was questioned by Judge Johnston. However, I protested at that time that I was not allowed legal representation during that very short and sweet hearing.
I really don't know what the situation is about. Nobody has told me anything except that I am accused of murdering a policeman. I know nothing more than that, and I do request someone to come forward to give me legal assistance."
When Oswald was asked, "Did you kill the President?" Oswald replied, "No. I have not been charged with that. In fact, nobody has said that to me yet. The first thing I heard about it was when the newspaper reporters in the hall asked me that question. I did not do it. I did not do it. I did not shoot anyone."
Click on the link below for the Dallas arrest report of Oswald for Nov. 22, 1963...
The Only Trial There Was To Go After The Assassins Of JFK
On March 2, 1967 the District Attorney for New Orleans, Jim Garrison, announced the arrest of Clay Shaw, a.k.a. Clay Bertrand, a.k.a. Clem Bertrand, on charges of conspiring to assassinate President John F. Kennedy (JFK).
Perry Russo, was the star witness for Jim Garrison (DA) against Claw Shaw, and eventually Shaw was acquitted by a jury in 1969.
Some believe that the testimony of Perry Russo was discredited. Others such as Jim Garrison and film director Oliver Stone had great faith in Russo’s testimony about being with Claw Shaw, David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald for a few discussions on how JFK could be assassinated, shortly before JFK was assassinated in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.
Perry Russo assisted Oliver Stone with the mysterious, wonderful film called JFK, and Perry Russo even appeared in it. Perry Russo passed away in 1995, at the age of 54,
Interrogation Of Lee Harvey Oswald
(Interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald, by an unknown author. Typed rough draft with handwritten corrections pertaining to the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), date unknown. 12 pages)
Interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald
Arrest Warrant for shooting of JFK
Warrant of arrest for murdering JFK
Oswald being processed (photo & fingerprints)
Three hulls found at book depository after JFK shooting
Rifle found at book depository
Route of President's motorcade from airport to hospital
Oswald's arrest for shooting of Gov. John Connally
Witness to shooting of Oswald
(Oswald was shot on Nov. 24, 1963, but statement says Oswald was shot on Nov. 23, 1963)
Witness testimony of shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, with wrong date of shooting
Evidence report includes one brown sports shirt of Oswald (Note: police dispatch report claims shooter of Officer Tippit wore white jacket and white shirt on Nov. 22, 1963)
Property belonging to Oswald
Some of Oswald's possessions
Transferred items of Oswald
Receipt for Oswald clothing
Evidence given to FBI of Oswald
Warrant of arrest for shooting Oswald
Typed note regarding arraignment of Jack Ruby
Arrest report of shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald
Homicide report for Lee Harvey Oswald
Photos of Oswald being shot
Report of gun used by Ruby to kill Oswald
List of officers listed in transfer of Oswald when Ruby killed Oswald
List of duty status officers of Homicide & Robbery Bureau Nov. 22, 1963
Information regarding murder of Oswald
Oswald shooting
Property of Ruby that he carried while he shot Oswald
Property belonging to Jack Ruby
Search Warrant of Vegas Club (owned by Ruby & partners)
Statement by maid about Jack Ruby
Autopsy report regarding death of Jack Ruby
Oswald allegedly seen on public bus
Oswald allegedly seen in brown sport shirt
Permits to visit Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas jail
(Rifle found 1:22pm)
7.65 Mauser bolt action rifle allegedly found a book depository
Conflicting info regarding rifle allegedly used to kill JFK
Report on investigation of the JFK's murder
Teen (16 year old) arrested where JFK was to speak
Oswald seen with Jack Ruby at bowling alley
Car that belonged to Lee Oswald (But Oswald took buses & did not drive)
Arrest report of Jack Ruby in 1954
Arrest report for Jack Ruby in 1953
Homicide report of Lee Harvey Oswald
Transfer of Oswald's Clothes to National Archives...
Arrest report for shooting Lee Harvey Oswald...
Report regarding an interrogation of Jack Ruby
For more views on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy or more about Lee Harvey Oswald, click below for some items by Bill Simpich, an Oakland Civil Rights attorney.
Lynda Carson may be reached at newzland2 [at]
§Clarification: Alek James Hidell, not Alex James Hidell
Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly used the name Alek James Hidell
Click below for ID image of Oswald/Hidell…
§More links: HSCA report: JFK assassination a probable conspiracy
--- JFK assassination a probable conspiracy ---
House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA): JFK Assassination
Reports and Records
From History Matters
In the wake of Watergate and President Richard Nixon's resignation in 1974, a "reform" Congress undertook investigations of the FBI, CIA, and other intelligence agencies--the Church Committee published 14 reports containing its findings. With the public airing of the Zapruder home movie of the JFK assassination showing Kennedy reacting to an apparent shot from the front, there were calls for reinvestigation of this and other political assassinations of the 1960s.
In 1976, the House Select Committee on Assassinations undertook reinvestigations of the murders of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1979, a single Report and twelve volumes of appendices on each assassination were published by the Congress. In the JFK case, the HSCA found that there was a "probable conspiracy," though it was unable to determine the nature of that conspiracy or its other participants (besides Oswald). This finding was based in part on acoustics evidence from a tape purported to record the shots, but was also based on other evidence including an investigation of Ruby's underworld connections. The acoustics evidence was disputed by a panel of scientists, but that "debunking" has itself come under attack recently.
The massive internal files of the HSCA were unsealed in the wake of the 1992 JFK Assassination Records Collection Act. Still being digested by researchers, they have shed more light on the assassination itself and also on the conduct of the HSCA's investigation. Contained herein are some of the more important documents from that collection, including the long-desired "Lopez Report" and many formerly-secret depositions.
Click below for links HSCA internal files…
Frontline links - Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? Plus more...
The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection
From: National Archives
Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, Appendix 13: Biography of Lee Harvey Oswald
From National Archives: JFK Assassination Records
More Important Links Regarding JFK/Oswald
The Murder of JFK: Another Puzzle Piece Solved
By Bill Simpich, Reader Supported News
15 October 15
Click below…
# Anonymot 2015-10-15 18:19
Anyone interested in the JFK assassination or what is going on in the secret America really needs to see this recent, well made & documented 3 1/2 hr film. It puts it all in historical context, gives incredible details including the names, times, etc. and provides a clear theory of exactly how JFK was murdered and by whom.
MidwestTom 2015-10-15 18:44
For those who are interested, here is one of the most complete summaries of the holes in the official report.
(Bill Simpich is a civil-rights attorney in Oakland, Ca. - For more on JFK/Oswald)
Bill Simpich, Lee Harvey Oswald
Click below…
Twenty-Four Years
November 19, 2013 by
Bill Rockwood
A chronology of Lee Harvey Oswald’s life, drawn primarily from FRONTLINE’s three-hour investigative biography, with links to photos, writings, and documents gathered by the 1964 Warren Commission investigation and the 1978-79 House Select Committee on Assassinations.
Related Stories (Frontline)
• Oswald: Myth, Mystery and Meaning November 19, 2013
• Conspiracy: Cases For and Against November 19, 2013
• Oswald, the CIA, and Mexico City November 19, 2013
• Glimpses of a Life November 19, 2013
Jean Hill
(Jean Hill testified that she heard 4 to 5 shots when JFK was being assassinated)
Norma Jean Lollis Hill (February 11, 1931 – November 7, 2000) was an eyewitness to the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.[1][2] Hill was known as the "Lady in Red" because of the long red raincoat she wore that day, as seen in Abraham Zapruder's film of the assassination.[1][2] A teacher by profession, she was a consultant for Oliver Stone's 1991 film JFK and co-wrote JFK: The Last Dissenting Witness with Bill Sloan.
Click below...
Jim Garrison
(Jim Garrison Investigation into assassination of JFK - Trial of Clay Shaw - Secret Government went after Jim Garrison for bringing Clay Shaw to trial for the assassination of JFK)
Papers of Jim Garrison
Earling Carothers "Jim" Garrison was the District Attorney for the City of New Orleans, Louisiana from 1961 until 1973. He investigated and prosecuted Clay Shaw for conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy and he was portrayed in Oliver Stone's film, JFK. The JFK Collection contains three series of records relating primarily to Garrison.
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Perry Raymond Russo
(Perry Russo was allegedly with Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, and Clay Shaw during several discussions on how JKF could be assassinated, shortly before JFK’s assassination.)
David Ferrie
Clay Shaw
Jack Ruby, the assassin who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald
Marina Oswald (Widow of Lee Harvey Oswald)
Marina Oswald Porter
Buell Frazier
(Buell Frazier drove Oswald to work the day JFK was assassinated)
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(Mary Ferrell Foundation)
JFK Assassination
Best site to research JFK assassination material…
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JFK Assassination Records - National Archives
Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA)
AARC Public Library - Table of Contents
JFK Assassination Records & Reports & the Church Committee Records
JFK Assassination Reports and Records
JFK Autopsy Report
Naval Medical School Autopsy Report A63-272 (destroyed by James J. Humes on November 24, 1963)
Garrison Investigation
Orleans Parish Grand Jury Transcripts
The Orleans Parish Grand Jury transcripts consist of testimony taken during 1967, 1968, and early 1969, as part of the Garrison investigation into the murder of President John F. Kennedy. These transcripts were ordered destroyed in the early 1970s by Garrison's successor as District Attorney, Harry Connick.
But the man who was supposed to destroy them, Gary Raymond, instead hid them in a garage for over two decades. Then in 1995, Raymond arranged for journalist Richard Angelico to pass these grand jury transcripts on to the Assassination Records Review Board. Connick, still the DA, convicted both men of contempt of court, and demanded that the ARRB return the transcripts.
The ARRB, meanwhile, was still seeking records (5 drawers of files) of Garrison investigation files held by Connick. The ARRB won its battle with Connick, and both the grand jury transcripts presented here and the investigation files are now part of the JFK Collection at the National Archives. The AARC is also in possession of a good deal of this material.
Zapruder Film A Fraud?
JFK Archives
CIA blocks JFK document releases
JFK Assassination Records - National Archives
History Matters Archive
JFK Assassination Information
Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board
AARB Staff Memos
AARB Medical Testing
Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations of the US House of Reps
(Jim Garrison Trial Of Clay Shaw Regarding JFK Assassination)
Trial of Clay Shaw
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