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"Fed Up" The SF POA Contract, Mayor Breed, Unions, The SFLC & Cops with John Crew

by Labor Video Project
Retired attorney John Crew who was ACLU Director of Police Practices talks about the effort by the Mayor of San Francisco London Breed with the leadership of the San Francisco Labor Council leadership to push through a City contract with the San Francisco Police Officers Association SF POA. He discusses the history of the SF POA including his arrest by a past president and the secret negotiations Mayor Breed and DHR Carol Eise has done with SF POA that that they are now trying to release
The Mayor of San Francisco with the support of the San Francisco Labor Council leadership are pushing to support a contract between the City and the San Francisco Police Office"s Association.

The proposed contract includes a 3% pay increase and a budget of more than $700 million.

John Crew, a retired attorney formerly ACLU Director of Police Practices talks about the role of the San Francisco Police Officers Association and their bullying tactics, defense of police murders and secret negotiations with the City to cover-up their political agenda.

He also discusses the role of the San Francisco Labor Council's Executive Director Rudy Gonzalez and the leadership call for the SF Board of Supervisors to approve the 3% contract increase and the $700 million dollar budget of the police department.

This interview was done on 11/16/20 by WorkWeek host Steve Zeltzer

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Production of Labor Video Project

12/27 SF Protest SFPOA Stop Bullying SF City Workers-SFPOA Is Bullying SF City Workers To Seize SFERS Pension Plan For Speculators
No More Pension Money In Hedge Funds
Tuesday December 27, 2016 4:00 PM
POA Headquarters
800 Bryant St.
San Francisco, California

The racist San Francisco Police Officers Association SFPOA has a history of bullying the members of the Board of Supervisors, the San Francisco Labor Council, African American trade unionists in the ILWU and other unions. Now they are bullying San Francisco City Employees and retirees to remove the only non-police fire member on the pension board. Herb Meiberger is the only representative of the of the vast majority of SF City workers. Now the POA along with Bob Muscat of IFPTE Local 21 and the MEA which represents city bosses wants to pack the SFERS board with police and firemen who want more hedge fund purchases. Even Warren Buffet warned Meiberger that this was problematic for a public pension fund but the fix is in for these corrupt officials. They are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to get Herb off the board and have pushing retired cop Al Casciato who wants more 25% of our money in hedge funds. He also is the post boy for the twisted public pension scams going on among top officials of city government. He retired from the city with $208,937 and is doing outside consulting to pad his pension. What Caciato doesn't want you to know is that on his last year on the payroll the was paid $118,000 in base pay and $203,000 in other pay. Over $1.3 million was paid out in the last 4 and half years to Caciato and now he wants to push speculative hedge funds at the SFERS.
This is part of the problem of our pension system. While low paid workers are getting pay cuts from so called "pension reform" pushed by the Casciato, Driscoll, the POA, IFPTE Local 21 Bob Muscat and the MEA along with some unions that have been hoodwinked by this crew.
The other cop on the SFERS is racist Bryan Stansbury who has targeted African Americans and actually arrested public defender Jami Tillotson for telling Stansbury he could not interrogate her young African American client at the Hall of Justice while they were attending a hearing. The former police Chief Greg Suhr later gave Stansbury a promotion for his good work. Also Stansbury made the arrest when he should have been at an SFERS meeting instead of engaging in racist harassment and arrest of a San Francisco City Public Defender.
It is time to say enough is enough!. Speak out and let all city workers that we will not be bullied and harrassed by the SFPOA who want to completely capture the pension board to push more hedge funds with kickbacks to hedge fund operators. One of the hedge fund operators sitting on the board appointed by Lee is Wendy Paskin-Jordan who has kept secret, the benefits she receives from hedge funds that the city is investing hedge funds. She has even had to recuse herself on hedge fund votes and the Mayor wants her to push pension money to his funders as kickbacks for his city work for them.
We need to stop the corruption and take back the pension fund from these hustlers and management operatives on the pension board.

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"Truth And Fiction" SFERS Board Member Herb Meiberger Exposes IFPTE 21Muscat Hit Video On His Record
The IFPTE Local 21 run by executive director Bob Muscat has produced a hit video attacking Herb Meiberger who is a board member of the San Francisco Employees Retirement System SFERS. Meiberger has opposed more of the city employee pension funds being invested in speculative hedge funds. Meiberger explains what is really going on with the "charges" against him by Bob Muscat. Both The IFPTE Local 21 leadership, the Police Officers Association POA and the Management Employees Association MEA have pushed for more hedge fund investments and now want to remove the only non-fire and police representative on the pension board representing all San Francisco city employees. They and the POA also tried to bully Meiberger to drop out of the race. Muscat, the MEA and the SFPOA also supported taking away the COLA that city workers have won for their pensions in a so called "reform pension" initiative that particularly hurt low paid CCSF workers which actually cut their pay by cost shifting the costs of the pension and healthcare on their backs. The same crew supports Wells Fargo bank which stole homes from SF City workers and has a racist discrimination record. These same unions heads are now spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to remove Meiberger from the board and this could include money from hedge fund operators who would benefit from kicking Meiberger off the board. This presentation was made to City and County workers on December 16, 2016.
For more information on Herb Meiberger go to
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Production of Labor Video Project

SF Police watchdog: SFPOA officer And SFERS Board Member wrongly arrested deputy public defender in courthouse
Deputy Public Defender Jami Tillotson, right, was arrested by Sgt. Brian Stansbury in the Hall of Justice in January 2015. (Courtesy photo)
By Jonah Owen Lamb on March 11, 2016 11:08 am

A deputy public defender was wrongly arrested by a San Francisco police officer when she tried to stop the officer from talking to her client in the Hall of Justice last year, the Police Department’s watchdog agency has determined.

But Deputy Public Defender Jami Tillotson is discouraged by the conclusion of the investigation into her arrest. She said that while the video clearly shows the officer was in the wrong when he handcuffed her, the findings seem to indicate there will be little to no accountability.

“If you give a citizen of San Francisco a black eye, you should be held accountable for that,” she said. “I’d like to see [the officer] at a desk job. I don’t think he has a good idea of the boundaries of his authority.”

The finding comes from the Office of Citizen Complaints, which investigated the January 2015 incident and issued their findings in December. The incident was caught on video.

Those case details were made public Friday by the complainant, and include findings that the officer made an arrest without cause, and that his detaining of a person without justification for a prolonged period was unwarranted.

Other allegations in the complaint were not sustained, but the OCC recommended that the department change its policies regarding interfering with a lawyer’s right to counsel their client and making inappropriate comments to the media.

The department could not say whether Chief Greg Suhr has made a ruling on the case. In sustained cases, the chief has the discretion to punish any officer for up to a 10-day suspension. Any punishment above that must go before the Police Commission.

Tillotson used to tell her clients that they should all file complaints with the OCC, despite many saying it was pointless. Now she agrees.

“I had more confidence in [the OCC] despite the fact that my clients were telling me it was a waste of time,” she said.

Tillotson was arrested Jan. 27, 2015, and booked on a misdemeanor resisting arrest charge for refusing to let a client of hers be questioned by a police investigator who was also trying to take pictures of the client.

The arresting officer, Sgt. Brian Stansbury, was questioning the man in connection with a separate criminal investigation.

Tillotson’s client was in court that day while she was in another courtroom for a case, when she heard that an officer was questioning her client in the hallway.

She walked into the hall and told her client he did not have to answer Stansbury’s questions, and tried to stop the officer from taking photographs. Stansbury objected and ultimately arrested her for resisting arrest and obstructing his investigation.

Since her arrest, the charges have been dropped and Suhr apologized for any distress the incident caused her, but has also insisted Stansbury had a reasonable suspicion to take the photos.

“I think this incident raises questions. Do the police have a practice of photographing people in courtrooms?” Alan Schlosser, the ACLU’s legal director for Northern California, previously said about the arrest of Tillotson.
§Former ACLU Director Of Police Practices John Crew
by Labor Video Project
Attorney and former ACLU Director of Police Practices John Crew talks about the history of the SF Police and their union SF Police Officers Association.
§Former SF POA President Gary Delagnes
by Labor Video Project
Former SF POA president Gary Delagnes according to ACLU attorney John Crew flagrantly violated civil rights and even arrested him while he was recording the illegal arrests of homeless people in San Francisco.
§Mayor London Breed Supported Billionaire Michael Bloomberg
by Labor Video Project
Mayor London Breed who supported billionaire Michael Bloomberg is now supporting a 3% increase for the police and also a $700 million dollar budget.
§Thin Blue Line For The SF POA
by Labor Video Project
The San Francisco POA has defended police murders, racist texts against Black members of the same department and systemic racist practices. They have also sought to bully and intimidate the San Francisco Labor Council when it supported prosecution of police murders.
§Rally At SF POA To Defund The Police
by Labor Video Project
A labor rally was held on 7/27/20 to defund the police at the SF POA offices.
§SF POA Being Protected By Police
by Labor Video Project
SF POA Being Protected By Police
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