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Indybay Feature

San Francisco Protest Against McConnell-led Senate w/ Bay Area Poor People's Campaign

Monday, October 05, 2020
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Event Type:
Bay Area Poor People's Campaign
Location Details:
San Francisco: Car caravan & socially distanced protest, please RSVP for meet-up location

San Francisco Protest Against McConnell-led Senate w/ Bay Area Poor People's Campaign

HOST: Bay Area Steering Committee of CA Poor People's Campaign

WHAT: Bay Area Car Caravan or On-Foot Socially Distanced Protest to Stop the Senate's Sins

WHEN: Monday, October 5th starting at 11:30 AM - 1:45 PM PT

WHERE: San Francisco (exact address to be announced--RSVP)

RSVP to join the car caravan here:


During the COVID-19 pandemic which is the greatest public health crisis in a century, the Mitch McConnell-led US Senate has refused to take up a full and comprehensive relief package to aid struggling Americans. What's more, McConnell is now hypocritically rushing through a Supreme Court nominee to fill the seat of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

We protest against the meanness, misery and mayhem of Mitch McMconnell and his Senate enablers, who have acted immorally by:

Stacking the Supreme Court, Suppressing the Vote, Sabotaging the USPS,
Stopping the Stimulus, Stealing Healthcare, Stifling Living Wages, Separating Families,
and their infection from the virus of greed, lust for power, and racism

Can you join us for a car caravan in San Francisco to demand a full and just relief package, a stop to the cynical hypocrisy of stacking the Supreme Court a few weeks from the election, and justice for Breonna Taylor?

Even if you don't have a car, you're still welcome to attend — we'll have a contingent on the ground in front of a Senate office that you can join.

This action is part of a nationwide car caravan protest. The Poor People's Campaign car caravans will be happening simultaneously in dozens of towns and cities across the country. By speaking out as one, we will send a message that our leaders cannot ignore.

Forward together — not one step back!

SAFETY: Protocol for Risk/Harm Reduction While Protesting during COVID-19

To control the spread of the novel coronavirus while in person protesting, PLEASE:

--Wear cloth face coverings/masks; they protect other people if the wearer is infected, even if they’re not showing symptoms.
--Practice physical distancing, staying more than six feet away from people who are not a part of your household, if possible.
--Use hand sanitizer often.
--Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
--Avoid touching surfaces.
--Minimize contact by multiple people with commonly used surfaces like water bottles, bullhorns, handrails, and barricades
--Minimize yelling and singing. Make noise with drums, tambourines.
--If you use a megaphone, it should be thoroughly sanitized between different speakers

If you have the following symptoms, please DO NOT participate in person. Even if you test negative for COVID-19 but have these symptoms, please refrain from in-person actions:
--Shortness of breath
--Loss of smell or taste

CDC: Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing serious complications from COVID-19 illness.

CDC COVID-19 link:
Added to the calendar on Tue, Sep 29, 2020 10:40AM
by Bay Area Poor People's Campaign
#WeMustDoMORE: Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering, Educating People for a Movement that Votes

VOTE: Register or Pre-Register (16-17 yrs) here:

You can also check your registration. Last day for online registation is Oct. 19th. After that date, you must contact your county's registrar of voters directly.

CENSUS: Have your household complete the census here:

Poor People's Campaign voting & 2020 Census #MORE page here:
San Francisco Protest Against McConnell-led Senate w/ Bay Area Poor People's Campaign


ILWN Local 34 located at 2nd and The Embarcadero
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