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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Oakland: Car Caravan for Universal Basic Income Global March 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Event Type:
Basic Income Movement
Location Details:
Eastshore Park, MacArthur Blvd & Grand Ave Oakland, CA 94610

Global March for Universal Basic Income 2020: Car Caravan in Oakland

Where: Eastshore Park, MacArthur Blvd & Grand Ave Oakland, CA 94610

When: Saturday, September 19th @ 1 PM - 4 PM PT

Oakland info/RSVP:

Basic Income Movement website:

Join us in Oakland as people in cities around the world come together in the largest ever
global March for Universal Basic Income on September 19, 2020. Events are also planned in New York, Atlanta, Washington DC, Los Angeles, and worldwide, and will use mixed methods of protesting to have a high impact.

The economy is broken. Currently, many of the people who work hardest and are the backbones of our economy are those who are most vulnerable to financial hardship and insecurity. The COVID-19 economic crisis has made this abundantly clear. It is time to shift
our thinking and recognize that we can design a system that works for everyone.

Join us as we take to the streets to demand our leadership adopt and pass a Universal Basic Income as a means to a healthier, more innovative, and just society. We must create an income floor on top of which each member of our society can grow and thrive, and in turn ensure our local and national economies can thrive. We owe us!

#Vote2020 #BeAVoter

VOTE: Register or Pre-Register (16-17 yrs) here:


#2020Census #BeCounted

CENSUS: Have your household complete the census here:

SAFETY: Protocol for Risk/Harm Reduction While Protesting during COVID-19

To control the spread of the novel coronavirus while in person protesting, PLEASE:

--Wear cloth face coverings/masks; they protect other people if the wearer is infected, even if they’re not showing symptoms.
--Practice physical distancing, staying more than six feet away from people who are not a part of your household, if possible.
--Use hand sanitizer often.
--Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
--Avoid touching surfaces.
--Minimize contact by multiple people with commonly used surfaces like water bottles, bullhorns, handrails, and barricades
--Minimize yelling and singing. Make noise with drums, tambourines.
--If you use a megaphone, it should be thoroughly sanitized between different speakers

If you have the following symptoms, please DO NOT participate in person. Even if you test negative for COVID-19 but have these symptoms, please refrain from in-person actions:
--Shortness of breath
--Loss of smell or taste

CDC: Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing serious complications from COVID-19 illness.

CDC COVID-19 link:
Added to the calendar on Tue, Sep 15, 2020 1:59PM
§#UniversalBasicIncome Week
by Basic Income Movement
September 13-20 is International Basic Income Week. To celebrate the amazing progress we have made this year in the movement for Universal Basic Income (UBI), we are organizing a week of events. Go the website for the webinar events taking place this week.

--"Inherent Good" Global Premiere on September 15, 5 PM PT
--Investing in Mothers: Panel Discussion on September 16, 5 PM PT
--2020: The Year of Basic Income on September 18, 5 PM PT
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$125.00 donated
in the past month

Get Involved

If you'd like to help with maintaining or developing the website, contact us.


Publish your stories and upcoming events on Indybay.

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