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DeJoy Resign! SF Postal Workers/Supporters Of USPO Protest Privatization & Attacks

by Labor Video Project
Postal workers from APWU SF and the Mail Handlers as well as supporters of the US Post office rallied in San Francisco against the shutdown of postal sorting machines and the continued privatization of the public services that also threatens a democratic election.
The rally took place on August 25, 2020 as part of a national day of action to protect the post office.
On a national day of action to protect the US Post Office on August 25, 2020 postal workers from the APWU and Mail Handlers and supporters of the post office protested in San Francisco.

They also demanding the resignation of Trump's appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.

Over 40,000 postal workers have also been contaminated or quarantined and DeJoy has cutback on funding to allow overtime to deliver the mail.

Workers discussed privatization, the shutdown of postal sorting machines and the dangers of fascism. Some workers also discussed the role of not only the Republicans but Democrats in the privatization of the post office.

Additional media:
Post Office Under Attack & Privatization With APWU SF Local 2 President Cynthia Datangel

US Mail Is Not For Sale! Stop Post Office Privatization Rally In Oakland, CA

APWU At Staples Protests Privatization of Post Office In SF

Privatization, Corruption,The Post Office & The Politicians With Author Peter Byrn

The husband of US Senator Dianne Feinstein has been selling post offices to his friends, cheap.

Production of Labor Video Project
§SF Nurse Supported Protest
by Labor Video Project
A San Francisco nurse sign said 40% of the people get their drugs from the US Post Office. Nurses supported the action
by Labor Video Project
Retired APWU SF member Alice Lindstrom had her sign from the 1970 wildcat postal strike. She said the same issues are still being struggled with today.
§Van With Slogans Against Pelosi
by Labor Video Project
A postal van had slogans on the side.
§US Post Office Not For Sale
by Labor Video Project
Participants protested the sell off of the US Post Office.
§The Daughter of APWU President With Banner
by Labor Video Project
The daughter of the APWU SF president held the union banner.
§Trump Was Able To Get The Washington DC Post Office With Obama's Support
by Labor Video Project
Trump was able to get a special deal to get the Washinton DC main Post Office building which he turned into a hotel. This privatization was supported by former President Obama who also supported privatization. Senator Feinstein's husband Richard Blum had his company do sales of Post Offices with special deals for their cronies.
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by Concerned
The author states: They [APWU and mail handlers] are also demanding the resignation of Trump's appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.

People who signed up online to attend the rallies of August 25 were told specifically that APWU is NOT calling for DeJoy's
resignation at this time. I could not find anywhere online that the Mail Handlers union is making that demand.

We can fight the privatization of the USPS by rallying and giving media coverage to those protests, but we need to get the facts correct when we act in solidarity with unions.
by Labor Video Project
Get your facts straight. Did you watch the video? Workers at the rally called for the removal of DeJoy. Why aren't the APWU and NALC national leaders calling for the removal of DeJoy?

Have they taken a poll of their members? Do they want him to continue to be the Postmaster General? In fact the NALC 214 SF leadership boycotted this labor community action in San Francisco.

There are more than 600,000 postal workers in the US and the failure to mobilize the membership in mass is part of the reason DeJoy, the privatizers and union busters are getting away with these attacks.

This is part of business unionism which dominates the labor movement. They are waiting for the Democrats and politicians to save them and the post office. In fact, most of these national union officials spend millions of dollars on corporate controlled politicians but next to zero on educating the public against privatization of the post office.

As speakers at the rally said both the Democrats and Republicans have allowed the privatization of the post office. It was under Obama that the Washington DC historic post office building was given to Trump in a sweet heart deal.

The lack of mass mobilization of their membership shows exactly why Trump and company have gotten away with as much as they have.
A majority of American voters—including a sizable share of Republicans—believe Postmaster General Louis DeJoy should resign or be removed from his role at the U.S. Postal Service, according to new polling, as scrutiny has intensified on DeJoy and his history as a businessman in the wake of controversial changes he’s imposed at the agency.
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testifies during a hearing before the House Oversight and Reform ... [+] GETTY IMAGES
The Data for Progress and the Justice Collaborative Institute poll found 56% of respondents, including 77% of Democrats, 49% of Independents and 39% of Republicans, strongly or somewhat support DeJoy being removed from office.
The poll, which surveyed 1,135 likely voters on August 21, also found a bipartisan majority of 65% respondents—including 55% of Republicans—support recently-passed House legislation that would reverse DeJoy’s changes restore the USPS to its pre-2020 standards of service, and 70% (including 57% of Republicans) want the agency to receive the $25 billion in government funding being pushed by Democrats.
DeJoy, a prolific GOP fundraiser and Trump donor, has come under fire for USPS changes that have resulted in nationwide mail delays, as well as his alleged financial conflicts of interest, including reported stock options in Amazon and a $30 million stake in former company XPO Logistics, a USPS contractor.
The New York Times reports the USPS has paid XPO Logistics approximately $286 million over the past seven years, including approximately $14 million since DeJoy took office in June, as compared with $3.4 million paid over the same timeframe in 2019; XPO attributes the increase to an expanded USPS contract finalized before DeJoy was appointed, and an XPO spokesman told Forbes $10.4 million of those funds were for work performed before DeJoy took office.
XPO and New Breed Logistics—which DeJoy led as CEO until it was sold to XPO—have both come under scrutiny amid the USPS controversy for a history of mistreating workers, sexual harassment and anti-union animus, with workers describing “sweatshop-like conditions” to NBC News.
Court documents from 2000 reported by the Guardian also allege that DeJoy pushed his brother Dominick out from his co-leadership role at New Breed—allowing Louis to become the company’s controlling shareholder—in part through allegedly forging Dominick’s signature to set up financial accounts and then taking steps to conceal evidence of the accounts from his brother.
53%. That’s the percentage of poll respondents who said the mail has gotten “much” or “a bit” worse over the past month, as DeJoy’s changes have resulted in mail delays.
DeJoy has repeatedly defended his changes to the agency and denied having any financial conflicts of interest. XPO Logistics said in a statement in August that the company is “committed to continuous improvement” in how it treats employees, and has implemented new policies after an independent review of its workplace practices. (The harassment claims reported did not directly involve DeJoy.) About the allegations regarding his brother’s ouster, a representative for DeJoy’s family foundation told the Guardian, “The DeJoy brothers amicably settled these issues and all civil actions were dismissed by agreement of all the brothers.”
The American voters calling for DeJoy’s resignation echo a number of Democratic lawmakers who have already called for DeJoy’s ouster amid his controversial changes at the agency, which have spurred fears about the November election in addition to outrage over the ongoing delays. Democrats have pointed to DeJoy’s financial ties and support for Trump to justify his resignation from the agency, as well as his apparent inability to actually get the mail delivered on time. “I think it’s time for you to resign, not because necessarily there is this grand political conspiracy, but just the incompetence that we’ve seen when it comes to the Postal Service,” Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.) pointed out at a House Oversight Committee hearing with DeJoy, while committee chair Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) noted, “If any other CEO had this kind of plummeting record in his first two months on the job, I can’t imagine he would be kept on.”
Members of the USPS Board of Governors, which was responsible for appointing DeJoy and is made up solely of Trump appointees (two are Democrats), have also faced scrutiny amid the USPS controversy. Board chair Robert Duncan has been criticized for his ongoing leadership role in multiple GOP super PACs—including American Crossroads, which is supporting President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign—and the Huffington Post reports that in his former role at the Republican National Committee, Duncan took part in a number of voter suppression efforts. The Daily Beast has also reported on board member John Barger’s history of pushing conspiracy theories about Black Lives Matter, and board member Bill Zollars’ former company YRC Worldwide Inc. has been sued by the U.S. government for allegedly defrauding the Pentagon when Zollars was leading the company.
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