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Libertarian Activist Organizes "Re-Open" Santa Cruz March, Calls Pandemic a Hoax

by Santa Cruz News
Libertarian activist Sean Cutler is organizing a march to Santa Cruz City Hall on April 24 in support of re-opening the "local economy". An event listing posted to social media by Cutler promises "speeches" at City Hall, however it is unclear if the event is real or a stunt, as only one person is listed as attending. The event post for the march demands "an end to the tyrannical quarantine" and encourages participants to "bring flags, banners, posters, and the loving spirit of freedom". On March 16, Cutler posted on social media that the COVID-19 pandemic was, "overblown, childish, and insane". The pandemic is "something elderly people ought to worry about, not me," Cutler stated. On April 1, Cutler posted for clarification that he still stood by his statements of March 16, adding that the pandemic "was a hoax then and it is a hoax now". (Photo: "Re-Open Santa Cruz March" event listing created by Sean Cutler on social media.)
Sean Cutler is a Student Life and University Guide with the Admissions Office at UC Santa Cruz, where he attends school as a Computer Science and Economics major. Cutler is involved with the Libertarian Party of Santa Cruz County, in addition to formerly serving as President of the UCSC Chapter of Young Americans for Liberty, a libertarian student activism organization. In 2019, he co-founded Decriminalize Santa Cruz, one of the groups that worked to legalize psychedelic fungi and other entheogenic plants in the City of Santa Cruz.

"If you are elderly and the coronavirus is a threat," Cutler wrote on March 16, "it is your damn job to take care of yourself, not mine."

"Stay indoors, have your groceries delivered to you, drink water, wear a facemask, cancel your social activities. I should not have to cancel my life just because I might happen upon an elderly person/infant," he added.

On March 18, Cutler posted a longer statement to social media on the pandemic, including this passage:

"All yall public health wonks who truly believe you are helping out society by forcing us to stay inside, yall are dangerous and wrong. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and it is well-intentioned tyrants who are most dangerous. Y'all have no idea what I or anybody else in society wants, so who the hell are you to tell us what to do? Stop assuming that you know what is best for other people. You don't. Leave people alone and let them make their own healthcare decisions."

"Death to tyrants," Cutler added at the end of the March 18 statement.

On March 13, Cutler posted to social media a copy of a message he sent to the UC Santa Cruz administration, which included a threat to sue the University for its response to the pandemic:

"This is such a childish over reaction. I will crawl into your overly-administered asshole and sue you. I am not going into debt for online classes. I will rip you apart like a mohel rips apart a Jewish baby boy's foreskin."

Cutler is also an anti-circumcision activist, posting future plans on social media for a "genital autonomy" march to oppose what he refers to as "unconsensual genital/bodily mutilation". Much of the political rhetoric Cutler uses focuses on Jewish people and the Jewish Religion, and their use of circumcision.

On social media, Cutler has singled out Jewish people in calls to end the practice, stating:

"We must protect jewish boys from genital torture by banning circumcision asap. #equalrightsforjewishboys. To delay granting legal protections to children is to encourage the anti-semitic practice of brit milah. Circumcision is a hate crime against jewish boys and they deserve better. A society must protect the weakest, most vulnerable members of its population from dehumanization and abuse. Lets end antisemitism for good and grant legal protections to jewish boys to protect them from genital torture. #BanTheBris".

In an earlier post on social media, Cutler elaborated that he in not anti-Jewish and that he is pro-Israel:

"Y'all, I am as pro-Israel/Pro-jewish people as it gets. I love jewish achievements, jewish culture, jewish languages, the fact that, person for person, jewish people have contributed more to human society than any other ethnic/religious group. However, my one criticism of jewish culture is their barbaric practice of mutilating the genitals of their baby boys via brit milah (circumcision). Muslims and jews need to cut that shit out, that is nasty, irrevocable, and heinous. That is a sex crime and aggravated battery on an infant. But besides circumcision, jewish people are the best people in the world and I hope Israel becomes larger:)"
§March 16 Statement
by Santa Cruz News
;March 16 statement from Sean Cutler:

This entire COVID19 fiasco is overblown, childish, and insane.

People should be allowed to undertake however much risk they choose to. Who the hell is the government to forbid me from engaging in potentially risky activites? You have every right to stay home. But it is unethical and ridiculous for the government to coerce free people from going outside and engaging in activities. I will NOT forego an entire quarter of college credits just to protect a few elderly people. So what if the tall, first infection curve results in elderly people receiving inadequate care? That is something elderly people ought to worry about, not me. And I assure you that the overwhelming majority of Americans would keep living life as usual, regardless of their possibly infecting an elderly person, if the government were not quarantining them.

Should we block out the sun to accommodate people with sunlight allergies?

Should we eradicate all pollen producing plants to protect those with allergies?

Of course not! As a free, grown ass human being, it is the responsibility of each person to keep themself safe, and it is wrong for a tiny minority to quarantine the majority in order to protect the minority. If it is sunny and you are allergic to sunlight, it is your job to adapt. wear sunglasses, sunscreen, and long sleeves. If it is spring and you are allergic to pollen, again, it is YOUR job to take care of yourself. Buy some Zirtec, stay indoors, run at the gym instead of outside, drink hot tea etc. If you are elderly and the coronavirus is a threat, again, it is YOUR DAMN JOB to take care of yourself, not mine. Stay indoors, have your groceries delivered to you, drink water, wear a facemask, cancel your social activities. I should not have to cancel my life just because I might happen upon an elderly person/infant. If an elderly person chooses to go out in public, they assume the risk of breathing in the common air everyone is breathing.
§Comment Left on March 16 Statement
by Santa Cruz News
§March 18 Statement
by Santa Cruz News
March 18 statement from Sean Cutler:

Freedom works, yall. Shutting down schools, gyms, bars, places of worship is such a bad idea, made worse by prohibiting people from going outside to the sunlight and fresh air. It is in times like this where people seek out friendship and places of solace to spiritually/emotionally heal. A strong spirit is almost as important as a healthy physical body when dealing with any ailment/disease/affliction. I would be healthier had I been able to go to the gym this week, but since I couldn't I haven't been able to do my workouts which keep up my fitness level, ironically making me MORE succeptible to this trivial disease. Also, social isolation compounds suffering, it does not alleviate it. People need to meet friends at bars or pray at a temple in order to summon the spiritual/emotional resilience needed to persevere. By closing down the locations in which people revitalize themselves through prayer, socializing, exercise etc, we are actually weakening the spirits of the population. This is why the government is full of tyrannical, well-intentioned turd bags. Each person should be free to choose how to respond to the virus. I value keeping physically fit more than I value avoiding a mild virus. Thus, I would choose to go to the gym, which is the best action for ME. Some people might value being infection-free more than exercise, so those people would then choose to skip their gym workout. That would be their choice, and that would be best for their personal values. In a free society I would do what is best for me by working out, and the other more germaphobic person would do what is best for them by skipping the workout. Each person has a unique value system and makes unique cost-benefit analyses for each choice. For me, the benefit of going to the gym outweights the risk of coronavirus. For the germaphobic person, the risk of coronavirus outweighs the benefits of going to the gym. In a free society we both get what we want. But when the bitch ass government imposes a one size fits all solution on the population, far fewer people get to optimize their time. This cost/benefit example applies to every life decision, especially in the economic realm, which is why governments should never intervene in society even if they believe they are helping people out because it is impossible for the government to know the value system of each individual. Thus, it is much better to allow each person to CHOOSE their own course of action based upon their values, rather than imposing a course of action on everyone. And now that we are hibernating inside, our immune systems are getting worse bc we are not breathingin fresh air or receiving vitamin D.

All yall public health wonks who truly believe you are helping out society by forcing us to stay inside, yall are dangerous and wrong. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and it is well-intentioned tyrants who are most dangerous. Y'all have no idea what I or anybody else in society wants, so who the hell are you to tell us what to do? Stop assuming that you know what is best for other people. You don't. Leave people alone and let them make their own healthcare decisions.

Death to tyrants.
§Sean Cutler Sends Message to UCSC Admin
by Santa Cruz News
§Sean Cutler Sends Message to UCSC Admin
by Santa Cruz News
§Sean Cutler on Circumcision
by Santa Cruz News
§Sean Cutler on Circumcision
by Santa Cruz News
§Sean Cutler on Circumcision
by Santa Cruz News
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by Jostin Crammings
Sounds good Sean!!! That's awesome, my family and I will be proud to attend!!
by Robert the Libertarian
Cutler's heart is in the right place but he is out of step with world libertarians and should remain courteous and not mix his preferences or conservative ideas with libertarian focus on due process.

The Libertarian International has been telling libertarian fans to take precautions and stay prepped and at home until the COVID data is clear since January 1st when Chinese libertarians raised the alarm on the virus and conflicting data. At the same time its fans are organizing protests worldwide for correct COVID data and to show they are monitoring officials on over-reaching with un-needed rules and harsh fines. Many libertarians are reporting the emergency is over in their local areas based on statements of local doctors, so officials are lagging in some places.
by John Adkison
I prefer "Genital Autonomy Advocate" to "Anti-Circumcision." "Anti-Circumcision" is viewed in some people's minds as a negative-positive. "Genital Autonomy Advocate" is positive-positive. Everyone has the right to the genitalia they were born with.
by Julian Hodge
I know from personal experience that Sean is a jackass that finds the most chaotic and ineffective ways possible to support these causes, half of which are fucking terrible. And this article has him all riled up, so he's going to get even crazier now. Prepare yourselves.
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