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Indybay Feature
Mon Mar 16 2020 (Updated 03/17/20)
Chelsea Manning Is Free, Again
Supporters of Chelsea Manning Effectively Fined $256,000 for Her Principled Stand
After spending seven years in prison under draconian conditions for exposing US war crimes, Chelsea Manning was re-imprisoned one year ago in an attempt to coerce her to testify in a grand jury related to WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange. When Chelsea continued to refuse to testify on a principled stand of opposition to the unjust and corrupt practice of secret grand juries, she was also slammed with fines of $1,000 per day in an attempt by judge Anthony Trenga to pressure her into testifying.

The fines accumulated to $256,000 by the time Trenga ordered her release, stating that “the business of Grand Jury 19-3 had concluded” and “the Court finds that Ms Manning’s appearance before the Grand Jury is no longer needed.” The fines are effectively on Manning’s supporters, who weren't going to let the heroic whistleblower be saddled with crushing debt for the rest of her life. Within days, funds were raised to fully cover Chelsea's court fines.

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