Republican Central Committee Member Paige Concannon Claims She Started the Recall Campaign

Paige Concannon's City Council candidacy in 2018 was supported and endorsed by two right-leaning local hate bloggers: Joe Netro of the Santa Cruz CA: Keepin' It Real hate blog and Take Back Santa Cruz member Steve Schlicht of the Santa Mierda hate blog. Schlicht and Netro actively promote the recall campaign through their hate blogs, and Concannon has been posting recall updates directly to Santa Mierda. Joe Netro has also perpetuated the myth that Councilmember Glover was a plaintiff in the lawsuit against the City.
During one social media exchange from earlier this year, Concannon and Netro mused that Councilmember Glover should be prevented from sitting in on any closed sessions of the Santa Cruz City Council having to do with the Ross Camp or homelessness in general. Concannon stated that City Attorney Anthony Condotti should "remove" Glover (see photo).
Following these posts from Concannon, the Santa Cruz County Republican Party posted on its Facebook page on July 25 a solicitation for recall petition signatures, along with the completely false information that Councilmember Glover "sued" the City of Santa Cruz earlier this year. In the comments section of that post, Republicans later admitted the information about Glover suing the City was incorrect, but when Glover asked why the post itself was not corrected, he received no answer from the page. As of the publication date of this article, the uncorrected post containing falso information about Councilmember Glover is still visible on the Republican's page. In addition to supporting the local recall campaign, Santa Cruz Republicans are also working to recall California's Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom.
Concannon is married to Damon Bruder, who is also active with the recall campaign and is himself very conservative politically (see photo). As a result, Damon Bruder Construction has been identified as a business to boycott.
In 2016, Concannon and Bruder unsuccessfully attempted to help establish a chapter of the Guardian Angels in Santa Cruz.
Concannon's claim that she started the recall with "friends" was quickly disputed by recall organizer Carol Polhamus, who has previously put forth her own ideas concerning the origin of the campaign.
A list of donors to the recall campaign can be found: here.
A list of businesses to boycott whose owners are supporting the recall effort can be found: here.

State Controller: Republican Konstantinos Roditis
State Treasurer: Republican Greg Conlon
Attorney General: Republican Steven C. Bailey
State Assembly: Republican Vicki Nohrden (lost to Mark Stone)
Santa Cruz City Council: Republican Ashley Scontriano (lost to Councilmember Glover)
Santa Cruz City Council: Republican Paige Concannon (lost to Councilmember Glover)
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