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Indybay Feature

May Day: March & Rally in Oakland

Wednesday, May 01, 2019
3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Event Type:
Oakland Sin Fronteras & Others
Location Details:
Oakland May Day: March starts at Oscar Grant Plaza, 14th St and Broadway (1 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612)

Closing Rally & Resource Fair at Lake Merritt Amphitheater, Between 12th Street and 1st Ave., Lake Merritt Blvd, Oakland, CA 94612 (ASL & Spanish translations)


Gathering at 3pm at Oscar Grant Plaza, 14th St and Broadway
Rally starts at 3:30pm
March starts at 4pm
Closing Rally and Resource Fair at Lake Merritt Amphitheater

Reunión a las 3pm en la plaza de Oscar Grant
Rally comienza a las 3:30 pm
Marcha comienza a las 4 pm
Rally de clausura en el anfiteatro del lago Merritt

Oakland Sin Fronteras invites you to join us on May Day for an International Workers’ Day march and general strike. This is a family and community oriented march to build power and fight back against the attacks on our communities. We uplift the people’s call for a general national strike on May Day to show our power on this economic system. Get ready with your signs, organize your family, friends and neighbors and join our May Day March!

Accommodations: There will be a designated section at the front of the March for youth and people with disabilities who wish to lead the March. Several accessibility cars will follow the March for folks who cannot or would prefer not to walk (contact Jenny to reserve a seat Jenny.tighe [at]

Please show up to the event scent-free. We will have community security, medics, food and water distribution throughout the full program and public restrooms at the end of the March.

We will have Spanish translation and ASL interpretation for the program. Please contact Jenny (Jenny.tighe [at] with any accessibility questions or concerns.

En español:

Oakland Sin Fronteras lo invita a unirse a nosotrxs el 1 de mayo para una marcha del Día Internacional de los Trabajadores y una huelga general. Reúnase el miércoles 1 de mayo a las 3 pm en Oscar Grant Plaza, 14th St & Broadway, Oakland. Rally a las 3:30 pm, Marcha a las 4 pm al Anfiteatro del Lago Merritt para el programa de cierre de las 5:30 pm. Esta es una marcha orientada a la familia y la comunidad para desarrollar el poder y luchar contra los ataques a nuestras comunidades. Alcemos el llamado de la gente a una huelga nacional general el Primero de Mayo para demostrar nuestro poder en este sistema económico. ¡Prepárate con tus letreros, organiza a tu familia, amigxs y vecinxs y únete a nuestra Marcha del Primero de Mayo!.

Habrá una sección designada al frente de la Marcha para jóvenes y personas con discapacidades que deseen dirigir la Marcha. Habrá varios autos de accesibilidad después de la Marcha para las personas que no pueden o prefieren no caminar (contacte a Jenny para reservar un asiento, Jenny.tighe [at]

Por favor, presentarse al evento sin auromas. Tendremos seguridad comunitaria, medicamentos, alimentos y distribución de agua en todo el programa y baños públicos al fin de la marcha.

Tendremos traducción a español e interpretación de ASL para el programa. Comuníquese con Jenny (Jenny.tighe [at] si tiene preguntas o inquietudes sobre accesibilidad.

HOST: Oakland Sin Fronteras

Co-Organizers include: Mujeres Unidas y Activas (MUA), Xicana Moratorium Coalition, Boomshake Music, Communist Workers League, GABRIELA Oakland, CRC-Liberation Logistics, ILWU local 10, Task Force on the Americas, Resource Generation, Anakbayan East Bay, Critical Resistance Oakland

Co-sponsors include: Restore Oakland
Endorsers include: Anti Police-Terror Project, Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Jewish Voice for Peace, Marcha Patriótica Colombia, Oakland Education Association, ASATA - Alliance of South Asians Taking Action, Catalyst Project, Interfaith for Black Lives, Code Pink, Asians4BlackLives, Causa Justa Just Cause, Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), Third World Resistance

This is a peaceful event. Families welcome.
Added to the calendar on Sat, Apr 20, 2019 4:38PM
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$125.00 donated
in the past month

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