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Trump signs an executive order to protect hate speech

by Lynda Carson
Under the guise of promoting free speech, earlier today President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order to protect hate speech at our Universities and Colleges being promoted by right-wing pigs who want to make it unlawful for students to fight back against neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, white supremacists, and the hate speech movement being promoted on campuses across the nation!
Trump signs an executive order to protect hate speech

By Lynda Carson - March 21, 2019

The right-wing pigs at Turning Point USA and Charlie Kirk are front and center with the so-called Patriot Front in the push to promote their fascist ideology on college campuses. With the support of President Donald J. Trump and an executive order that threatens to take away federal research dollars from Universities and Colleges if the fascists are not free to promote their right-wing ideology and propaganda, hate speech is being legally protected.

Under the guise of promoting free speech, earlier today President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order to protect hate speech at our Universities and Colleges being promoted by right-wing pigs who want to make it unlawful for students to fight back against neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, white supremacists, and the hate speech movement being promoted on campuses across the nation. It’s all about power, and the right-wing trying to change the liberal culture on our campuses by recruiting students for extremist Republican right-wing causes that are antithetical to a free society.

The liar at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue who is constantly attacking and condemning the free press including CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post for reporting on his unethical and alleged illegal activities is promoting hate speech with his executive order under the guise of calling it free speech. In the effort to unleash the right-wing extremists, neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, white supremacists and the Maga red hat supporters of Trump, the president is threatening campuses if the right-wing scum are not allowed to promote their fascist activities on our college campuses across the nation.

It’s not enough for Trump to have Fox News and the likes of Tucker Carlson mimicking Joseph Goebels and the Third Reich with their right-wing fascist propaganda machine that’s masquerading as a news corporation. With todays executive order, under the threat of taking federal research dollars away from Universities and Colleges, Trump wants to reinvent our college campuses into recruiting centers for his fascist henchmen. The effort is underway on campuses to promote extremist right-wing ideology and propaganda, in the name of supporting white supremacy and a ruthless dictatorship controlled by Trump, and his cohorts.

These Dangerous Times We Live In:

These are dangerous times and President Trump is clearly delusional regarding his threats of violence. reportedly Trump has repeatedly claimed, “I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters.” Trump’s claim is false, delusional and is merely more of his blatant unscrupulous propaganda meant to prop up his despicable personality.

Further evidence of Trump’s delusions and his clownish propaganda to incite or inspire violence against the Democrats or Trump’s opposition, recently it was reported that Trump said, “I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

Additional evidence of Trump’s violent rhetoric in public can be listened to and watched on video, as he said that violence would deter protesters.

Trump’s ongoing threats to unleash violence upon us mirrors the past activities of Hitler’s brown shirts, and Mussolini’s black shirts before those ruthless dictatorships were finally brought to a violent end.

It would be considered to be free speech for the American public to give President Donald J. Trump the finger for his ruthless fascist activities. And the next time you see President Trump on TV, I would not be surprised to hear that you gave him the finger in response to his despicable actions.

If Trump is really a supporter of free speech, then he should not mind that I am sticking up my middle finger at him every time I see his dumb ass on TV.

Lynda Carson may be reached at tenantsrule [at]

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