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Time For Congress To Ban Brutal Iditarod

by Sled Dog Righs
Please ask the animal protection caucus of the US Congress to ban the Iditarod.
The annual barbarism and brutality of sled dog
slavery and torture in the Iditarod race continues.
Stephen Colbert promoted the Iditarod in his
monologue Friday March 8 2019. It is a 938 mile race held in early March annually in which 16 chained sled dogs are forced to run in a team for 8 to 15 days. The trail is
from Anchorage Alaska to Nome, Alaska. . Dogs die of exhaustion, freezing, whipping, broken necks, broken legs, falling into chasms or drowning in frozen lake cracks, tangled chains which
can strangle or totally cut off circulation, sudden heart attacks, the bites of other suffering team dogs, eye injuries from branch slaps, cuts to their feet. The dogs are expendable to the profiteers and the trophy-driven humans

Please ask Rex Tillerson to use his influence
with corporate heads at Exxon Mobil
1 (800) 243-9966 Exxon Mobil to end their
sponsorship of the Iditarod
Other sponsors:

1 (888) 274-5343 CBS contact

US Senate 202 224 3121 Alaska senators Murkowski and Sullivan.

The Congressional Animal Protection Caucus

Congressional Animal Protection Caucus - Members
202 224 3121
Ask for action to ban the Iditarod

Adams, Alma (D-NC)
Barletta, Lou (R-PA)
Barragan, Nanette (D-CA)
Bass, Karen (D-CA)
Beatty, Joyce (D-OH)
Bera, Ami (D-CA)
Beyer, Donald (D-VA)
Bishop, Mike (R-MI)
Blumenauer, Earl (D-OR) Co-Chair
Blunt Rochester, Lisa (D-DE)
Bonamici, Suzanne (D-OR)
Bordallo, Madeleine (D-GU)
Boyle, Brendan (D-PA)
Brady, Robert (D-PA)
Brat, Dave (R-VA)
Brownley, Julia (D-CA)
Buchanan, Vern (R-FL) Co-Chair
Bustos, Cheri (D-IL)
Calvert, Ken (R-CA)
Capuano, Michael (D-MA)
Cardenas, Tony (D-CA)
Carbajal, Salud (D-CA)
Carson, Andre (D-IN)
Cartwright, Matt (D-PA)
Castor, Kathy (D-FL)
Cicilline, David (D-RI)
Clark, Katherine (D-MA)
Clarke, Yvette (D-NY)
Coffman, Mike (R-CO)
Cohen, Steve (D-TN)
Collins, Chris (R-NY)
Comstock, Barbara (R-VA)
Connolly, Gerrald (D-VA)
Conyers, John (D-MI)
Correa, J. Luis (D-CA)
Costello, Ryan (R-PA)
Courtney, Joe (D-CT)
Crist, Charlie (D-FL)
Cummings, Elijah (D-MD)
Curbelo, Carlos (R-FL)
Davis, Susan (D-CA)
DeFazio, Peter (D-OR)
Delaney, John (D-MD)
DeLauro, Rosa (D-CT)
DelBene, Suzan (D-WA)
Denham, Jeff (R-CA)
Dent, Charles (R-PA)
DeSaulnier, Mark (D-CA)
Deutch, Theodore (D-FL)
Dingell, Debbie (D-MI)
Doggett, Lloyd (D-TX)
Donovan, Dan (R-NY)
Doyle, Mike (D-PA)
Ellison, Keith (D-MN)
Engel, Elliott (D-NY)
Eshoo, Anna (D-CA)
Esty, Elizabeth (D-CT)
Farenthold, Blake (R-TX)
Faso, John (R-NY)
Fitzpatrick, Brian (R-PA)
Frankel, Lois (D-FL)
Gaetz, Matt (R-FL)
Gomez, Jimmy (D-CA)
Gottheimer, Josh (D-NJ)
Grijalva, Raul (D-AZ)
Hastings, Alcee (D-FL)
Heck, Denny (D-WA)
Himes, James (D-CT)
Huffman, Jared (D-CA)
Issa, Darell, (R-CA)
Jackson Lee, Sheila (D-TX)
Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D-TX)
Johnson, Hank (D-GA)
Jones, Walter (R-NC)
Joyce, David, (R-OH)
Kaptur, Marcy (D-OH)
Keating, William (D-MA)
Kennedy, Joe (D-MA)
Khanna, Ro (D-CA)
Kihuen, Ruben (D-NV)
Kilmer, Derek (D-WA)
King, Peter (R-NY)
Krishnamoorthi, Raja (D-IL)
Kuster, Ann (D-NH)
Lance, Leonard (R-NJ)
Langevin, James (D-RI)
Lee, Barbara (D-CA)
Levin, Sander (D-MI)
Lieu, Ted (D-CA)
Lipinski, Daniel (D-IL)
LoBiondo, Frank (R-NJ)
Lofgren, Zoe (D-CA)
Lowey, Nita (D-NY)
Luján, Ben Ray (D-NM)
Lujan-Grisham, Michelle (D-NM)
Lynch, Stephen (D-MA)
MacArthur, Tom (R-NJ)
Maloney, Carolyn (D-NY)
Maloney, Sean Patrick (D-NY)
Marino, Tom (R-PA)
Matsui-Doris (D-CA)
McCollum, Betty (D-MN)
McGovern, James (D-MA)
McEachin, A. Donald (D-VA)
McNerney, Jerry (D-CA)
McSally, Martha (R-AZ)
Moulton, Seth (D-MA)
Nadler, Jerrold (D-NY)
Napolitano, Grace (D-CA)
Nolan, Rick (D-MN)
Norton, Eleanor Holmes (D-DC)
O'Halleran, Tom (D-AZ)
O’Rourke, Beto (D-TX)
Pallone Jr., Frank (D-NJ)
Pascrell, Bill (D-NJ)
Payne, Donald (D-NJ)
Perlmutter, Ed (D-CO)
Peters, Scott (D–CA)
Pocan, Mark (D-WI)
Polis, Jared (D-CO)
Posey, Bill (R-FL)
Price, David (D-NC)
Quigley, Mike (D-IL)
Raskin, Jamie (D-MD)
Reichart, David (R-WA)
Rice, Kathleen (D-NY)
Rosen, Jacky (D-NV)
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL)
Roybald-Allard, Lucille (D-CA)
Royce, Ed (R-CA)
Ruiz, Raul (D-CA)
Ruppersberger, C.A. (D-MD)
Sanchez, Linda (D-CA)
Sarbanes, John (D-MD)
Schakowsky, Janice (D-IL)
Schiff, Adam (D-CA)
Schneider, Brad (D-IL)
Schrader, Kurt (D-OR)
Schweikert, David (R-AZ)
Serrano, Jose (D-NY)
Shea Porter, Carol (D-NH)
Sherman, Brad (D-CA)
Sinema, Krysten (D-AZ)
Sires, Albio (D-NJ)
Slaughter, Louise (D-NY)
Smith, Chris (R-NJ)
Smith, Adam (D-WA)
Soto, Darren (D-FL)
Speier, Jackie (D-CA)
Stefanik, Elise (R-NY)
Suozzi, Tom (D-NY)
Swalwell, Eric (D-CA)
Takano, Mark (D-CA)
Tenney, Claudia (R-NY)
Titus, Dina (D-NV)
Trott, Dave (R-MI)
Torres, Norma J. (CA-35)
Upton, Fred (R-MI)
Vargas, Juan (D-CA)
Wasserman Schultz, Debbie (D-FL)
Watson Coleman, Bonnie (D-NJ)
Welch, Peter (D-VT)
Wilson, Frederica (D-FL)
Yarmuth, John (D-KY)
Yoder, Kevin (R-KS)
Zeldin, Lee (R-NY)

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