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Indybay Feature

Caravan Seeks Safety from Murder and Poverty

by Maria Benitez
The caravan is being harassed with tear gas.
They are desperate! Leaving the country they love is what thousands of migrants are doing, to seek asylum. It isn’t safe for Honduran citizens to live in their own country anymore. Everyday there's more violence and it’s become too dangerous to live in peace.

Drugs and gang violence has turned many southern countries into a war zone, and they’ve had enough. They want a better life, for themselves and their children. A life where violence, gangs, and poverty isn’t the only thing that surrounds them. Many have joined the caravan from young to elderly, women and their children, disabled to people in the LGBT community. They’ve walked nearly 3,000 miles in hopes to make it to the U.S.

They are looking for asylum in the U.S. but have found it difficult by the laws that have been created. The caravan has brought anxiety to the U.S. border. In response the U.S. has sent troops initiating chaos. Separating families, putting them into camps, and throwing tear gas at them is not the answer. They want peace and safety just like you and me. It’s time to find a solution to this poor immigration system.
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