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Indybay Feature
Wed Nov 28 2018 (Updated 12/11/18)
Protesters Call for U.S. to Grant Asylum to Caravan Refugees
Mexican Government Demands Investigation After U.S. Fires Tear Gas At Asylum Seekers
The Mexican government is demanding an investigation after U.S. border authorities fired tear gas into a group of asylum seekers on November 25. After weeks of travel and ten days living in squalid conditions in a stadium in Tijuana, several hundred unarmed migrants marched towards the border in an attempt to reach the United States. They were first violently confronted by Mexican police and then fired upon with tear gas canisters by US forces.

Mothers with toddlers were amongst those who ran and screamed as tear gas spread. The migrants, most of whom are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, are fleeing violence and desperate poverty in their homelands. While the Border Patrol’s attack on asylum seekers is being condemned worldwide, Trump is urging Mexico to deport the thousands of migrants as they approach the US border.

Over 200 people attended a rally and march in San Ysidro on the morning of the attack. Members of Refuse Fascism LA who were at the protest report that they heard the tear gas, saw the armored vehicles, and witnessed the US military with machine guns. They said that low flying US Marine helicopters circled the area the entire morning and were directly overhead the protest. Along with dozens of human rights organizations they are calling for an end to the US war on immigrants.

In Northern California, protests were held on November 25 in San Francisco, and on November 26 in Palo Alto. On December 1, in solidarity with a nationwide "Stop the Tears Day of Action," protesters gathered in Oakland, El Cerrito, San Francisco, and Santa Cruz, and on December 2, in San José. A regular peace and justice protest is held at noon on Fridays in Palo Alto at a major intersection near the entrance to Stanford University.

Read More: photo Demonstrators in San Jose Call for Justice and Compassion at the Border | photo Protesting for Migrant Rights in El Cerrito | photo No Más Lágrimas-Día De Acción....Stop the Tears - Day of Action | photo Rally in San Francisco Responds to U.S. Border Agency's Teargassing Immigrants | photo "Stop the Tears" Rally in Palo Alto | photo Showing Up for Racial Justice in Oakland | Mexican Government Demands Investigation After U.S. Fires Tear Gas At Asylum Seekers | photo Members of Refuse Fascism LA Witness War on Immigrants | photo Protest on the Peninsula: Condemning Violence Against Asylum Seekers | calendar Event Announcement for Palo Alto | US Condemned for Violence Against Asylum Seekers | calendar Eyewitness Mexico: Report & Video from The Refugee Caravan (San José, 11/28) | calendar Planning for the Caminata - Donation Drop Off (Santa Cruz, 11/18) | calendar Eyewitness Mexico: Report & Video from Refugee Caravan (San Francisco, 11/16) | photo Refugee Caravan Carries On to Defend the Right to Seek Asylum | photo Pueblo Sin Fronteras Stands In Solidarity with the Refugee Caravan | calendar Pueblo Sin Fronteras & the Latin American Refugee Movement (Berkeley, 3/28)

Upcoming Events: calendar Next Steps for Caravan Support Gathering (Santa Cruz, 12/2)
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