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FedEx Whistleblower mechanic Gruzalski, OSHA Investigator/Whitman On Trial & Crimes

by Labor Video Project
FedEx LAX mechanics won a $8 million dollar judgement against the company for illegally retaliating against them for making health and safety complaints and criminal violations by not only FedEx but officials of OSHA and the FAA. These officials according to FedEx mechanic Brian Gruzulski colluded and conspired with the company to limit their liability. Also Federal OSHA Whistleblower Protection Program investigator and lawyer Darrell Whitman talks about the systemic corruption of government agencies that have been captured by the companies that they are supposed to regulate. He was investigating FedEx violations and was terminated by top OSHA and DOL officials including DOL secretary Tom Perez who were in collusion with FedEx executives. The trial showed evidence of these criminal violations.
FedEx OSHA Whistleblower and mechanic Brian Gruzalski, OSHA Investigator Lawyer Darrell Whitman, On The Crimes & The Trial

This program looks at the long history of criminal violations of airline safety rules by FedEx management and collusion with FAA officials and OSHA officials who have done extensive damage control for the criminal activity of this corporation. Brian Gruzalski, an LAX FedEx mechanic talks about the safety culture at Fed-Ex and how he and other mechanics sought to protect the workers and public and were physically threatened, bullied, slandered and terminated.

On October 23, 2018 a Los Angeles Federal jury ruled that the company had retaliated against the OSHA whistleblowers for reporting on serious OSHA and FAA health and safety violations. A Los Angeles Superior Court jury sent a message in support of whistleblowers by awarding over $8 million to three employees who complained about unsafe airplane repairs and suffered retaliation: an airplane mechanic (Brian Gruzalski), the mechanic's supervisor (Stanley Langevin) and their manager (Mark Collins), according to the suit. This award is very small punishment to the profit the corporation which makes $7 million dollars a day in profit in the airline division.

During the trial, the jury learned that the employer, Federal Express Corporation, decided to reduce the time spent repairing its old airplanes by about one-third to increase profits. To meet the reduced repair time, FedEx management illegally pressured the airplane mechanics to rush the repairs, the evidence showed. FedEx installed stadium-sized count-down clocks that counted down the seconds and offered management bonuses for getting the airplanes out faster. This caused the coercion of FedEx's airplane mechanics to sign off on unsafe repairs and repairs that were not done, the evidence confirmed.

Also interviewed is Federal OSHA whistleblower investigator and lawyer Darrell Whitman who investigated the illegal activity and was himself bullied and illegally terminated by top officials of OSHA and the Department of Labor including DOL secretary Tom Perez.

For more information:–2015—olivia-wilde

Production of Labor Video Project
§FedEx Uses Old Planes That Are Not Properly Maintained
by Labor Video Project
FedEx uses old planes and then cuts the time for maintenance. When mechanics refuse to sign off they bully, terrorize them and illegally terminate them.
§FedEx LA Operations Management Bullied and Terrorized Mechanics
by Labor Video Project
The criminally corrupt FedEx illegally coerced mechanics to sign off on dangerous planes for more profiteering. The trial showed that the FAA and OSHA officials were in criminal collusion with FedEx bosses to cover up the criminal activity which threatened the safety of the workers and public.
§OSHA Whistleblower Protection Program Investigator Darrell Whitman
by Labor Video Project
Federal OSHA Whistleblower Protection Program investigator and lawyer Darrell Whitman investigated the illegal retaliations against FedEx LAX mechanics and he was bullied, harassed and illegally fired by OSHA and DOL bosses including DOL Secretary of Labor Tom Perez who is now chair of the Democratic Party.
§FedEx Kills For Profits
by Labor Video Project
FedEx has a record of accidents and deaths throughout the US and around the world due to flagrantly violating health and safety regulations as well as FAA regulation but they face no criminal prosecution.
§FedEx Mechanics Face Bullying and Coercion To Illegally Sign Off Work
by Labor Video Project
FedEx management blatant violations of FAA and OSHA regulations is through the intimidation, illegal coercion and threats against mechanics to sign off work that has not been completed. Mechanics who want to do their job properly are even physically threatened by bosses who are then promoted.
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