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Interview with Analicia and Dexter Cube of Take Back Santa Cruz
On September 12 (on the Santa Cruz Police Department Facebook page) the co-founders of Take Back Santa Cruz (TBSC) Analicia and Dexter Cube opened up with me for a candid, "on the fly" interview. Dexter answered questions about his past and his multiple brushes with the law, including being fined tens of thousands of dollars by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and losing his licence for defrauding his financial clients. He also discussed more minor brushes with the law, including his public urination bust when he was in college. Analicia Cube, the self-described President of TBSC, questioned the "mental balance" of Measure M rent control supporters in Santa Cruz, and was defiant that the Santa Mierda hate blog was separate from TBSC, even though it has been widely reported that Steve Schlicht (the communications director of TBSC) pens the blog.
[The interview began on a Facebook thread the Santa Cruz Police Department started about political campaign signs being vandalized in the City of Santa Cruz. One citizen commented that Take Back Santa Cruz members could have been damaging the signs in order to attribute the vandalism to rent control supporters in order to damage their credibility.]
SANTA CRUZ POLICE: "Campaign Sign Vandalism" Regardless of what issue or whom you are voting for, political yard signs on other people’s property are not to be tampered with or stolen. It is hard to believe that people actually do this, but they do. What people may not realize is that taking a campaign sign, or tampering with a campaign sign, is a crime. SCPD has received several complaints of political campaign signs being vandalized. In another incident this morning, a vandal tore up a No On Measure M sign in the front yard of a home and threw it on the victims' porch. The vandal also tossed around the doormat, knocked over plants, and left a large rock on the front steps.
[NAME REDACTED]: I'd put cash money down that it's actually some Take Back Santa Cruz folks trying to sully the reputation of the pro-rent control movement. We have too many jobs to take time out of our lives for petty vandalism, but the wealthy homeowners on the other hand have nothing but spare time.
SAMANTHA OLDEN: You're an idiot.
ANALICIA CUBE: I kind of feel bullied here. Golly Gee Ms. Roscher you're not very kind. As one of the only pro M commenters on this thread, you used it as opportunity for falsely blaming a group of people numbering in the 19,000. Instead of using this space to show that M supporters can be balanced both politically and mentally.
PETER GREEN: Analicia Cube: Isn't it true that many TBSC members have a criminal past? How do you explain away what your husband did? [Link Shared: "Was Tough-on-Crime Take Back Santa Cruz Founded by a Corporate Criminal?"]
PETER GREEN: Samantha Olden: Is she? You're a TBSC member and you were helping organize this hate forum, weren't you? [Link Shared: City Council Candidates: "Boycott the Santa Mierda Hate Forum"]
ANALICIA CUBE: Peter Green actually no this isn’t true. Check your source there bud. IndyFake sweet heart. But with that, he’s cute right? Don’t you love how they say “WAS...?” because they know they can’t say IS because they know we will go liable ALL DAY!! I picked a man that will still stand up, even when bullied. Oh and the age of this IndyFake post...welcome Peter this was picked and piped a decade ago. Carry on folks. Another bully tactic, and this town knows it!!
ANALICIA CUBE: Also, TBSC has never been and will never be Santa Mierda. Totally different groups. You can’t create a post on Isn’tFake and then try and post it as fact. I’m pretty sure the community knows not to trust anonymous bloggers at this point in our society. People are smarter than that. They truly are. Unless you’re telling me “No Hate” is a first name and “Santa Cruz” a second. Or is Hate the middle name? I use my name, do you?
PETER GREEN: Analicia Cube: I guess you think you should be treated differently than the people you and TBSC put on blast?
PETER GREEN: Analicia Cube: Lie much? The link to the SEC's governmental website [], which describes your husband's punishment and the loss of his licence, is included in that Indybay article. How much was your husband fined again for breaking the law?
DEXTER CUBE: Peter is that all you got? I love it. Thanks for bringing up my 20's when I was a managing partner in NY. Yes, I got sued cause the dot com bubble crashed and clients lost money. It was a job and a learning experience. Who cares? Stay on point. Lol.
PETER GREEN: I was responding to your wife's assertion that TBSC is a very innocent org, when in fact many of you have committed crimes that you would never allow a discussion of on the pages of TBSC. Don't you think it is important that the Santa Cruz public knows that on April 24, 2002, the SEC instituted public administrative proceedings against you, stating you willfully violated the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and found that you defrauded your customers. Now you are claiming publicly you were managing partner, which hasn't been made public before, as far as I know. The SEC stated in its findings that you made unauthorized purchases and sales of securities in the accounts of at least two customers, and that you "churned" the account of at least one customer. You controlled the customer's account, and traded excessively in it in light of the customer's investment objectives, the SEC stated. You were also found to have made unsuitable purchases and sales of securities in the accounts of at least two customers. You were barred by the SEC from association with any broker or dealer for five years and were ordered to pay a penalty of $40,0000. This wasn't the only fraud case against you in which you were fined thousands of dollars. The other case has now disappeared from the internet. Lucky you! Now how many more of TBSC's crimes should I list off? Dylan Greiner's? Who else? I think [NAME REDACTED]'s hypothesis is spot on.
PETER GREEN: Can you explain why Analicia lied about this just now? It shines poorly on TBSC that their President is lying about her husband's bad deeds on the SCPD page.
DEXTER CUBE: Let's meet for coffee sometime?
DEXTER CUBE: Yeah it seems like a lot of money. Maybe you didn't realize that the Investment banking firm I was working for at the time.....paid for all of it! You see when you deal in world of finance in NYC where block trades are in the tens of millions of dollars, daily, that is par for the course. In life I like taking chances and putting myself in a position to either win big or lose big or both. It comes with managing risk. Indyspin, should write an article slamming Micah too. He essentially got a fine and censured too for having his illegal unit out back, but they won't. It's not big enough. I'm proud of who I am but this is really about the measure remember. Stay on point. Attempting to marginalize me isn't really helping your case.
PETER GREEN: So when dozens of TBSC members vilify someone for stealing a bike, or something of even less value, is it your belief that the victim's loss is small as well? I imagine your clients' losses were not small to them at all, and I think most people, except for your inner core of TBSC leaders, would believe that the loss counts, which was from fraud.
DEXTER CUBE: You can attempt to derail our influence with lies and false associations, but the fact you are coming after me when I am just a member of a group of 19,000 shows how cowardly and desperate you are. You are a bully and a troll just like the original poster of this comment. Again, I'm willing to meet for coffee. I'm sure you know how to find me.
PETER GREEN: How about we take this discussion to the pages of TBSC?
DEXTER CUBE: NO that's why we have reunited over 75 bikes to their original owner using our FB group wall. Even prompted the creation of the Stolen Bikes page on FB. We've reunited over 10 stolen or missing cars. Some pets, other lost items. Each person's loss is important and the admins do their best to post what comes in. I am not involved with that. So about that measure....
PETER GREEN: So you think this SCPD post is about the measure? It's about who stole a sign and possibly committed political mayhem. This is something TBSC does, and the OP pointed that out. That's what this thread is about. I don't see you prodding your wife to stay on the topic of the measure, which she did not. Anytime you want to talk on the pages of TBSC you let me know. I have one question that is off topic, however. A search for Emmanuel P. Cube yields criminal records in VA. Were you convicted of public urination? Forgive me for being so random, but this seems like something that would make the pages of TBSC as well, if it were someone else. Your fraud case is much more damaging to the community, of course, and one in which you have joked about in this thread.
PETER GREEN: And please point out any lies I made. I'm simply quoting the text of your legal case. My research shows that you possibly could have been charged criminally for what you did. I'm no lawyer, but it sounds like you lucked out and weren't fully held accountable for what you did.
DEXTER CUBE: The fines were civil and administrative penalties, they were NOT criminal. I felt justified in doing my job correctly enough that the firm I was working for paid all legal fees and compensation to the clients. I learned from it. If you are looking for Jesus, you are looking up the wrong path. I moved on, again I learned a lot. Since though I sell for Sage Software. Here I am. Let me know if you or anyone you know want to sign up for my services. It's not investment banking but it is a job I enjoy far more. [Link Redacted]
PETER GREEN: If I had money I would not send it your way. There are more than a few red flags I see with you, including a complete lack of remorse for the damage you did when you defrauded your financial clients. No answer to the public urination question? Don't you see how that would be a great story for the pages of TBSC, one from the perspective of a reformed public urinator? Those criminal charges must be for some other Emmanuel P. Cube, not you, right?
DEXTER CUBE: It's okay Peter, I have over 1000+ clients and they trust me. You see you are giving me a platform to talk through how an anonymous FBer can help alleviate some of the myths that exist about me. Thank you!!! Yes I did relieve myself when I was in college close to 30 years ago and was given a ticket.
PETER GREEN: Thanks for the info about the public urination, the very definition of a TBSC "nuisance" crime, except you probably weren't homeless when you were busted for that, and we know that is what really makes it to the pages of TBSC, stories of the homeless committing minor crimes. People can look Dexter up under Emmanuel P. Cube to view more of his criminal record, and then judge for themselves if he and Analicia and TBSC are "crime" hypocrites.
DEXTER CUBE: Yeah sometimes being Filipino you are called by many names by many different people. Aunties and uncles etc. It's a cultural thing, you wouldn't understand. Dexter just stuck. Thanks for allowing for me to explain that one too.
PETER GREEN: I understand a lot of things, as you can see from our conversation, and it may surprise you, but I have culture too! I was even born with a family, so yes I have relatives also. I'm not sure why TBSC members always pull this superiority/moral high ground thing on people, but it's a terrible habit most of you have of judging.
DEXTER CUBE: Yeah I'm not perfect. Sorry to disappoint those who think I am. Yes, I do go to the bathroom, a few times a day actually. I actually voted for more bathroom access and improvements to facilities to the Soquel/Front and Locust Street garages. I think most people will realize I am just another concerned community member that wants SC to be more safe and clean. Don't forget to look me up to see what I have been doing recently. [Link Redacted]
DEXTER CUBE: I really can't explain the behavior of others. I am sorry if they don't know how to communicate well. For me, I am a family man now too. I am married, have 2 kids and enjoy being a dad to them. Let's have a coffee sometime. Peace.
[With that, I let Dexter Cube have the last word. One citizen's name, Analica Cube's emoji's, and links to Dexter Cube's LinkedIn page were redacted from the transcript of the interview. The full context of the interview is on the SCPD Facebook page @]
SANTA CRUZ POLICE: "Campaign Sign Vandalism" Regardless of what issue or whom you are voting for, political yard signs on other people’s property are not to be tampered with or stolen. It is hard to believe that people actually do this, but they do. What people may not realize is that taking a campaign sign, or tampering with a campaign sign, is a crime. SCPD has received several complaints of political campaign signs being vandalized. In another incident this morning, a vandal tore up a No On Measure M sign in the front yard of a home and threw it on the victims' porch. The vandal also tossed around the doormat, knocked over plants, and left a large rock on the front steps.
[NAME REDACTED]: I'd put cash money down that it's actually some Take Back Santa Cruz folks trying to sully the reputation of the pro-rent control movement. We have too many jobs to take time out of our lives for petty vandalism, but the wealthy homeowners on the other hand have nothing but spare time.
SAMANTHA OLDEN: You're an idiot.
ANALICIA CUBE: I kind of feel bullied here. Golly Gee Ms. Roscher you're not very kind. As one of the only pro M commenters on this thread, you used it as opportunity for falsely blaming a group of people numbering in the 19,000. Instead of using this space to show that M supporters can be balanced both politically and mentally.
PETER GREEN: Analicia Cube: Isn't it true that many TBSC members have a criminal past? How do you explain away what your husband did? [Link Shared: "Was Tough-on-Crime Take Back Santa Cruz Founded by a Corporate Criminal?"]
PETER GREEN: Samantha Olden: Is she? You're a TBSC member and you were helping organize this hate forum, weren't you? [Link Shared: City Council Candidates: "Boycott the Santa Mierda Hate Forum"]
ANALICIA CUBE: Peter Green actually no this isn’t true. Check your source there bud. IndyFake sweet heart. But with that, he’s cute right? Don’t you love how they say “WAS...?” because they know they can’t say IS because they know we will go liable ALL DAY!! I picked a man that will still stand up, even when bullied. Oh and the age of this IndyFake post...welcome Peter this was picked and piped a decade ago. Carry on folks. Another bully tactic, and this town knows it!!
ANALICIA CUBE: Also, TBSC has never been and will never be Santa Mierda. Totally different groups. You can’t create a post on Isn’tFake and then try and post it as fact. I’m pretty sure the community knows not to trust anonymous bloggers at this point in our society. People are smarter than that. They truly are. Unless you’re telling me “No Hate” is a first name and “Santa Cruz” a second. Or is Hate the middle name? I use my name, do you?
PETER GREEN: Analicia Cube: I guess you think you should be treated differently than the people you and TBSC put on blast?
PETER GREEN: Analicia Cube: Lie much? The link to the SEC's governmental website [], which describes your husband's punishment and the loss of his licence, is included in that Indybay article. How much was your husband fined again for breaking the law?
DEXTER CUBE: Peter is that all you got? I love it. Thanks for bringing up my 20's when I was a managing partner in NY. Yes, I got sued cause the dot com bubble crashed and clients lost money. It was a job and a learning experience. Who cares? Stay on point. Lol.
PETER GREEN: I was responding to your wife's assertion that TBSC is a very innocent org, when in fact many of you have committed crimes that you would never allow a discussion of on the pages of TBSC. Don't you think it is important that the Santa Cruz public knows that on April 24, 2002, the SEC instituted public administrative proceedings against you, stating you willfully violated the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and found that you defrauded your customers. Now you are claiming publicly you were managing partner, which hasn't been made public before, as far as I know. The SEC stated in its findings that you made unauthorized purchases and sales of securities in the accounts of at least two customers, and that you "churned" the account of at least one customer. You controlled the customer's account, and traded excessively in it in light of the customer's investment objectives, the SEC stated. You were also found to have made unsuitable purchases and sales of securities in the accounts of at least two customers. You were barred by the SEC from association with any broker or dealer for five years and were ordered to pay a penalty of $40,0000. This wasn't the only fraud case against you in which you were fined thousands of dollars. The other case has now disappeared from the internet. Lucky you! Now how many more of TBSC's crimes should I list off? Dylan Greiner's? Who else? I think [NAME REDACTED]'s hypothesis is spot on.
PETER GREEN: Can you explain why Analicia lied about this just now? It shines poorly on TBSC that their President is lying about her husband's bad deeds on the SCPD page.
DEXTER CUBE: Let's meet for coffee sometime?
DEXTER CUBE: Yeah it seems like a lot of money. Maybe you didn't realize that the Investment banking firm I was working for at the time.....paid for all of it! You see when you deal in world of finance in NYC where block trades are in the tens of millions of dollars, daily, that is par for the course. In life I like taking chances and putting myself in a position to either win big or lose big or both. It comes with managing risk. Indyspin, should write an article slamming Micah too. He essentially got a fine and censured too for having his illegal unit out back, but they won't. It's not big enough. I'm proud of who I am but this is really about the measure remember. Stay on point. Attempting to marginalize me isn't really helping your case.
PETER GREEN: So when dozens of TBSC members vilify someone for stealing a bike, or something of even less value, is it your belief that the victim's loss is small as well? I imagine your clients' losses were not small to them at all, and I think most people, except for your inner core of TBSC leaders, would believe that the loss counts, which was from fraud.
DEXTER CUBE: You can attempt to derail our influence with lies and false associations, but the fact you are coming after me when I am just a member of a group of 19,000 shows how cowardly and desperate you are. You are a bully and a troll just like the original poster of this comment. Again, I'm willing to meet for coffee. I'm sure you know how to find me.
PETER GREEN: How about we take this discussion to the pages of TBSC?
DEXTER CUBE: NO that's why we have reunited over 75 bikes to their original owner using our FB group wall. Even prompted the creation of the Stolen Bikes page on FB. We've reunited over 10 stolen or missing cars. Some pets, other lost items. Each person's loss is important and the admins do their best to post what comes in. I am not involved with that. So about that measure....
PETER GREEN: So you think this SCPD post is about the measure? It's about who stole a sign and possibly committed political mayhem. This is something TBSC does, and the OP pointed that out. That's what this thread is about. I don't see you prodding your wife to stay on the topic of the measure, which she did not. Anytime you want to talk on the pages of TBSC you let me know. I have one question that is off topic, however. A search for Emmanuel P. Cube yields criminal records in VA. Were you convicted of public urination? Forgive me for being so random, but this seems like something that would make the pages of TBSC as well, if it were someone else. Your fraud case is much more damaging to the community, of course, and one in which you have joked about in this thread.
PETER GREEN: And please point out any lies I made. I'm simply quoting the text of your legal case. My research shows that you possibly could have been charged criminally for what you did. I'm no lawyer, but it sounds like you lucked out and weren't fully held accountable for what you did.
DEXTER CUBE: The fines were civil and administrative penalties, they were NOT criminal. I felt justified in doing my job correctly enough that the firm I was working for paid all legal fees and compensation to the clients. I learned from it. If you are looking for Jesus, you are looking up the wrong path. I moved on, again I learned a lot. Since though I sell for Sage Software. Here I am. Let me know if you or anyone you know want to sign up for my services. It's not investment banking but it is a job I enjoy far more. [Link Redacted]
PETER GREEN: If I had money I would not send it your way. There are more than a few red flags I see with you, including a complete lack of remorse for the damage you did when you defrauded your financial clients. No answer to the public urination question? Don't you see how that would be a great story for the pages of TBSC, one from the perspective of a reformed public urinator? Those criminal charges must be for some other Emmanuel P. Cube, not you, right?
DEXTER CUBE: It's okay Peter, I have over 1000+ clients and they trust me. You see you are giving me a platform to talk through how an anonymous FBer can help alleviate some of the myths that exist about me. Thank you!!! Yes I did relieve myself when I was in college close to 30 years ago and was given a ticket.
PETER GREEN: Thanks for the info about the public urination, the very definition of a TBSC "nuisance" crime, except you probably weren't homeless when you were busted for that, and we know that is what really makes it to the pages of TBSC, stories of the homeless committing minor crimes. People can look Dexter up under Emmanuel P. Cube to view more of his criminal record, and then judge for themselves if he and Analicia and TBSC are "crime" hypocrites.
DEXTER CUBE: Yeah sometimes being Filipino you are called by many names by many different people. Aunties and uncles etc. It's a cultural thing, you wouldn't understand. Dexter just stuck. Thanks for allowing for me to explain that one too.
PETER GREEN: I understand a lot of things, as you can see from our conversation, and it may surprise you, but I have culture too! I was even born with a family, so yes I have relatives also. I'm not sure why TBSC members always pull this superiority/moral high ground thing on people, but it's a terrible habit most of you have of judging.
DEXTER CUBE: Yeah I'm not perfect. Sorry to disappoint those who think I am. Yes, I do go to the bathroom, a few times a day actually. I actually voted for more bathroom access and improvements to facilities to the Soquel/Front and Locust Street garages. I think most people will realize I am just another concerned community member that wants SC to be more safe and clean. Don't forget to look me up to see what I have been doing recently. [Link Redacted]
DEXTER CUBE: I really can't explain the behavior of others. I am sorry if they don't know how to communicate well. For me, I am a family man now too. I am married, have 2 kids and enjoy being a dad to them. Let's have a coffee sometime. Peace.
[With that, I let Dexter Cube have the last word. One citizen's name, Analica Cube's emoji's, and links to Dexter Cube's LinkedIn page were redacted from the transcript of the interview. The full context of the interview is on the SCPD Facebook page @]

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