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Bad Actor Takeout Cafe...8-14-18 Mouse Report

by DJ Mouse
we look at the issues around last week's censorship of Guns and Butter...after Vannessa Beeley on the Last American Vagabond break down our crimes in Yemen and our hypocritical alliance w/ the CIA army of medieval head choppers I don't mean the Saudi Royals...the other head choppers... (69 min.)
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With the deliberate murder of scores of children in Yemen this week, bad actor DJ Mouse jumps into the Waybackmachine for a one year return trip to Concord at the ammo dump's Port Chicago Highway rail road crossing...where the weapons come from...and after Kevin Barrett hurled the 'most Jews support the liberation of Palestine' monkey wrench into the cannon fodder for the holy land project...10 points down the dial...from 104.1 FM...Berkeley Liberation Radio...he may have gotten his host banned under the principle that no good deed goes unpunished...but the framing of 'Jewish power' should have been rejected as meaningless...a belief system to prepare for the other side is not a project of temporal power...Israeli and American racist exceptionalism is the psychological dimension of a military protocol...not a religion but the philosophy of nihilism is obvious from the existence of our 2 evil slave states blowing smoke up the corpse of the mythic demon god...Zionism is part of what I call Scionism...material bound spirits needing an heir to carry on our deal w/ fact life is trip in vessel going out to sink...distressing if you've thought about it w/o having looked down into the darkness of our open mouth... jaw dropped watching my very own UFO...looking down at the profile of my seated self in the park..and when my dentist chided me about drug tolerance after a 5th shot of painkiller I said 'how could I understand the Gospel of Judas 'you will sacrifice the man who clothes me' if I hadn't looked down at my body on Peyote? ...when I read Abe's conversation w/ his god in King James' fable I was stuck by the absence of feeling or connection to the rest of humanity...his psychology defined what a cancer is...but foisting worship of temporal power upon the writers of 'Thou shalt not covet' (never mind the property mentioned is half our species) is the patent insanity...but one I take quite personally...kind of like the 2nd amendment rubs our nose in the fact we were evil from birth..."the security of a free state" protecting slavery for centuries unending... my Iranian mechanic had baby Jesus in his garage...same baby murdered by Rome whose 'new' dispensation was Moses' Essene Gospel of Peace...children of light 'take the life of no living thing' (rings like a bell to this hippy vegetarian)...respect all love...don't covet possessions or trade soul for riches..."seeds thrown on stony ground, enduring but for a little while" ...but to keep covenant w/ life is to 'inherit the heavens and the earth'...the fifth of the original 'commandments' was to not lie about THIS law to use AGAINST another'...lies protecting gnostics and life in general are required..."from a single mother proceeds all that lives" ...But the US of A Holy Romans' empire can't censor what isn't understood...after the fratricide the ground didn't yield up it's strength to it had to Abel...and as it had for the Yahi, who had council on whether deer bows would loose blessing if pointed at our kind...since all life depends on stable molecules and all nuclear weapons and power produces unstable ones the conflict is obvious ...hence the anti-nuclear magnetic resonance tidal vector I run on...this is my kind of 'Jewish power' when the Tom Posey character in military buzz cut and camo came into our jail cell and said "Are there any Jews here?" and I put up the hand I broke against the wall when a relative spouted a line from Hitler and asked why he had to take a stand on his Spotlight 'holocaust hoax' article
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