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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Palestine: Supports 2 state solution

by Stop US Aid to Israel
All socialists support a secular state of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and ending US aid to Israel. However, Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is a member of an outfit called the Democratic Socialists of America (ignoring the fact that socialism is democratic by definition)ran for Congress on a platform that does not address the war machine and when questioned on Firing Line TV show, said on Israel, she supports the mythical 2 state solution. See
All socialists support a secular state of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. However, Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is a member of an outfit called the Democratic Socialists of America (ignoring the fact that socialism is democratic by definition)ran for Congress on a platform that does not address the war machine and when questioned on Firing Line TV show, said on Israel, she supports the mythical 2 state solution. See

Further, no where does she ever state that US aid to Israel must end, but instead states she supports Israel's right to exist.

The top priority of Congress is the budget, and the largest segment of the budget is devoted to the war machine because that is where the greatest profits are. We cannot have guns and butter. There can be no domestic advances so long as we have the war machine, which includes paying $4 billion annually to Israel to protect US oil profits in the Middle East and around the world.

She mentioned in the PBS-Frontline interview that free universal high school education did not become the norm until 1950. By 1950, we had a strong labor movement built in the 1930s and 1940s, which promoted free, universal high school education and a high corporate tax in the neighborhood of 90% to pay for education and everything else we need. The corporate tax had been slashed to 35% and now under Trump, to 21%. This is because labor is weak. The US had a far smaller war machine in 1950, so labor could win some demands. No where does she discuss the importance of a strong labor movement and a strong peace movement to end the war machine.

On immigration, she says the big contribution immigrants bring is that they are entrepreneurial (business people) and offers as proof the food stands that proliferate in her New York City, 50% immigrant congressional district, which only exist because the economy is weak. In fact, what most immigrants bring is their labor, and agriculture cannot exist without immigrant labor. If you eat, you are involved with agriculture.

This is not socialism; this is the same old Democratic Party sales pitch of sounding good at election time on domestic issues while ignoring the war machine, and when elected, they continue to ignore the war machine, which means they cannot achieve domestic economic reform. We are way past ignoring the reality of the fascist, Zionist, racist, anti-women, theocratic government of Israel and who pays for it, namely the US taxpayers, proudly supported 100% by the Democrats and Republicans at every level of office.

The war economy is more fully described at:

From the river to the sea,
Palestine will be free!
Not one nickel, not one dime,
Stop US/Israeli war crimes!
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