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People's Climate Movement 2018: San Francisco, CA, USA, & Worldwide

Saturday, September 08, 2018
1:00 AM - 5:00 AM
Event Type:
People's Climate Movement
Location Details:
San Francisco, State of California, USA, & Worldwide

Worldwide Day of Action for Climate, Jobs, & Justice

Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice on September 8th and pledge to vote in November 2018

Day of Action: Sept. 8, 2018

Where: San Francisco, California, USA, & Worldwide

On SEPTEMBER 8TH, after months of organizing and movement-building, the Peoples Climate Movement will bring tens of thousands of people across the country into the streets, town halls, and community forums. Joined by partners around the world, we will demand bold action on climate, jobs, and justice. Those demands will determine the future of our movement - and our world - for years to come.

The international Global Climate Action Summit (hosted/org. by CA Gov. Jerry Brown) is being held in September 2018 in San Francisco, California. Using the Summit as both an organizing and mobilizing motivator, state and local-level efforts will capitalize on its momentum and energy to deepen their meaningful engagement with local climate action.

People Climate Movement’s participation in and around the Global Climate Action Summit will communicate to global leaders and the rest of the world that there is a strong climate movement in this country; lift up PCM’s message in the national dialogue; and help to center our State Collaboration Work.


People's Climate Movement envisions a world where our private and public leaders prioritize the protection of our planet; where solutions to remedy climate change are equitable, lift up those that are most impacted, and are rooted in racial and economic justice; and where facts win out over fiction and there is universal agreement about the impacts of climate change on the earth and all of its inhabitants.

We envision a world where a just transition to a clean and renewable energy economy creates millions of new, good jobs that can be unionized, provide family-sustaining wages, and foster professional and personal satisfaction; where returns on new energy investments go to those who have for decades been hardest hit and/or left behind; and where race, gender, income, and sexual identity don’t impact access to clean air and water.

We envision a world where job creation benefits everyone – especially displaced and workers of color; where people of all economic backgrounds can live in communities free from degradation; and where respect for the earth is mirrored in the respect we have for each other.


The Peoples Climate Movement is calling for a transition to a New Energy and Economic Future. We are a national network of environmental, labor, economic justice, climate justice, faith, youth, and community organizations working together to build a larger, stronger, and more powerful social movement that can address not just climate change, but racial, environmental, and economic inequity. The Peoples Climate Movement brings together people and organizations to support and build a powerful grassroots movement rooted in racial and economic justice that can catalyze a New Energy and Economic Future.

Every day, increasingly frequent crises and natural disasters illustrate a catastrophic global environmental imbalance. Hurricanes, wildfires, and mudslides echo an ongoing political shift away from an empowered populace and toward a power-grabbing corporate oligarchy.

We believe that a just transition to a New Energy and Economic Future must, and will, rebuild, renew, and restore the balance between people, the environment, and our economy. That balance will only be achieved when we prioritize the well-being of people over profit, protect and strengthen front-line communities, mandate racial and cultural equity for those too often left out or left behind, and invest in institutions that strengthen and enhance the common good of all people while combating the crisis of climate change.

To achieve a just transition to a New Energy and Economic Future, the Peoples Climate Movement is calling on our existing partners as well as other progressive, democratic organizations and leaders in government, the private sector, civil society, and academia to pursue the following strategies:

100% Clean and Renewable Future

We must drastically and rapidly cut emissions that cause the climate crisis by investing in a 100% clean energy economy that will create millions of new jobs to rebuild and transform energy infrastructure, strengthen and expand mass transit systems, bolster manufacturing, improve energy efficiency in building stock, and transition to electric vehicles.

Economic Opportunity for Everyone

Climate action must lift up people of color, workers, and poor communities. Everyone, particularly those communities hardest hit by natural and economic disasters, should have the opportunity to benefit from the billions of public and private investments being made, not just the 1%. Everyone should have equal access, opportunity, and support to get a good job.

Prioritizing a Just Resilience, Relief and Recovery

Responding to climate crises and natural disasters requires thoughtful and compassionate planning well before an event occurs. We believe in a community-centered, just approach to resilience that prioritizes connecting relief and recovery – like access to healthcare, community investments, housing, and job training and placement – to the most vulnerable and often hardest hit, including people of color, low-income people, and frontline communities.

Union Wages that Support a Family

Every new job created to address the climate crisis must be unionized or have the right to unionize without interference and pay a family-sustaining wage. Jobs created should be targeted to low-income and unemployed people, displaced workers, and people of color.

Pollution-Free Communities and Workplaces

The causes of climate change not only warm our planet but harm communities across the country. As we transition, we must fight to make sure that every person has clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and can live in a community and workplace free from environmental degradation.

Protection of Workers

A just transition must ensure that workers, families, and their communities, which have been the backbone of the US economy for more than a century, are protected and cared for if job losses occurs. This involves full support for wages and benefits for each worker, as well as significant investment for communities that rely on facilities for a tax base.

FIND AN EVENT: Use the link below to find an event in your area
Added to the calendar on Sun, Jul 1, 2018 10:07AM

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ARTICLE from Common Dreams: "As Climate Impacts Worsen, Broad Coalition Prepares for 'Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice' Mobilization on September 8th"

"A broad coalition including Peoples Climate Movement,, Sierra Club, SEIU, California Environmental Justice Alliance, Organizing for Action, and dozens more, are mobilizing tens of thousands of people for Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice September 8th, a national and international mobilization for climate action"

The mobilization is set for the weekend before CA Gov. Jerry Brown hosts the international Global Action Climate Summit in San Francisco, which is bringing leaders and people together from around the world to discuss ways to address the worsening crisis of climate change and meeting goals set by the Paris Agreement.

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