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Indybay Feature

Fragile No More!

by David Michael (AlaskanWarrior [at]
Learn about what factors and triggers that lead to White Fragility, and how our language sugar-coats the system of racial oppression. Through pairing up in a sharing/listening exercise, small group discussions, and role play we will practice facilitating a Fragility Intervention and how we can help dismantle privilege that acknowledges that whites hold social and institutional power over people of color.
“White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation.” ~ Robin DiAngelo ~

Sweetwater Nannauck (Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian) Director of Idle No More Washington

Sweetwater is an Idle No More activist that advocates for the protection of the fragile environment of the Northwest Coast, for tribal sovereignty rights, and the traditional way of life of Native people. She conducts Idle No More 'Decolonizing Our Activism' workshops in a respectful way that is both healing and empowering.

November 10, 2017 is the 5th anniversary of Idle No More. Since then Idle No More Washington has had over 90 events, workshops and nonviolent direct actions that address local and global issues. She went to Washington, DC to lobby to protect the Arctic, she was involved in the 'Shell No' actions in Seattle and Anchorage when President Obama was there. She helped organize ‘The Paddle to Standing Rock’ in September 2016, and was featured in the annual Seattle Weekly ‘Best of Seattle’ (2015) ‘Best Activism Idea’.
Sweetwater is an Idle No More activist that advocates for the protection of the fragile environment of the Northwest Coast, for tribal sovereignty rights, and the traditional way of life of Native people. She conducts Idle No More 'Decolonizing Our Activism' workshops in a respectful way that is both healing and empowering.

November 10, 2017 is the 5th anniversary of Idle No More. Since then Idle No More Washington has had over 90 events, workshops and nonviolent direct actions that address local and global issues. She went to Washington, DC to lobby to protect the Arctic, she was involved in the 'Shell No' actions in Seattle and Anchorage when President Obama was there. She helped organize ‘The Paddle to Standing Rock’ in September 2016, and was featured in the annual Seattle Weekly ‘Best of Seattle’ (2015) ‘Best Activism Idea’.

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