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CodePink Women for Peace Protest Syrian Bombings at Homes of Feinstein and Pelosi

by Against All War
On April 14th, Members of CodePink Women for Peace chalked the driveways and posted banners at politicians' homes in the Pacific Heights district of San Francisco. Their demonstration began in front of Senator Dianne Feinstein's house, then the group marched down Broadway to the home of Nancy Pelosi. Anti-war protests held over the weekend following US bombing of Syria on April 13th were held in San Francisco at Market and Powell and in Oakland at Oscar Grant Plaza.
On the afternoon April 14th, members of CodePink Women for Peace delivered crucial anti-war messages to Senator Diane Feinstein and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to protest U.S. military airstrikes against Syria. They called for the politicians to speak out against the bombing, saying that because the U.S. disrupted neighborhoods and people in Syria, their goal is to bring this struggle to the political leaders' own neighborhood.

The bombing of Syria was ordered by President Donald Trump one day before the protest, and involved more than 100 missiles.

The protesers chalked the driveways and posted banners at the politicians' homes in the Pacific Heights district of San Francisco. Their demonstration began in front of Senator Dianne Feinstein home, then the group marched down Broadway to Nancy Pelosi’s house.

Later the same afternoon the demonstrators joined other protesters at Market and Powell streets. Speakers there condemned not only the strikes on Syria, but the U.S. support for Israel, police brutality and mass deportations of undocumented immigrants. On April 15th, an anti-war rally in Oakland's Oscar Grant Plaza planned weeks earlier to end all wars at home and abroad addressed the Syria bombings as well.
§Walkway at Pelosi's Pacific Heights Home Chalked Up
by Anti-War Reporter
photos courtesy of CodePink Women for Peace
§Banner taped to Pelosi's garage
by Anti-War Reporter
photos courtesy of CodePink Women for Peace
§April 15 Rally in Oscar Grant Plaza
by Against All Wars
photos courtesy of CodePink Women for Peace
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by Unity Jack for Mother Earth
The U.S, Judge Robert H Jackson, who chaired the Nuremberg Trials (1945-46) wrote into International World Law at the summation of the Trials in Nuremberg Germany, that the Planning and Doing of aggressive war is the supreme international crime on Planet Earth.

Here is how he exactly says that....." War is essentially an Evil initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated Evil of the whole". He further says that it is the supreme international crime whether Germany does it or the U.S.A. does it.

Starting with the invasion of the DPRK---the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, after the end of the second world war, the U.S.A. did indeed plan and do aggressive war against the peoples of the newly united and independent country of Workers elected majority in Korea, thusly committing indeed the Supreme International Crime on planet Earth as described indeedy-do by the Nuremberg Trials.

The aggressive war by U.S, invading soldiers killed two million Koreans in the South, which doing so, scared up a puppet army of former Japanese collaborators, and then they proceeded to invade the Northern part of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, and murdered five million more Korean People.

This must be noted as one of the most long standing global most supreme world international crimes, and is on-going as of 1945 to the present time seventy-three years later.

That the figures of 1949-53 fake newsly called 'the Korean War', are only a cover-up for the long time aggressive war against the Korean peoples North, East, West and South.

Here is hoping that the non-elected but appointed U.S. Pres. TRUMP at meeting signs a peace agreement to match up with the numerous times the people of the Northern part of Korea have asked not only for an armistice, but for a real peace agreement to fully end the U.S. Aggression against Democratic Korea and take their 30,000 illegally occupying troops, armed with nuclear weapons, out of S. Korea and go home and free their own polluted country, and thereby ending the U.S. Aggression against Korea, and further, as Chairman Mao-tse-Tung of the Democratic Peoples Republic of China said, that the U.S.A. must further take their troops out of every country they have invaded, which now equals to over a hundred countries approx.

That fully accords with the United Nations and global peace with all nations, that ends war as the purpose of the U.N. Charter says---this Charter forms the United Nations to make war just a long distant memory for the coming generations.

You yet have a world to win!! Voila! Egalite' pour la femme dans la revolution! Elect and pay Women equally. Workers of the world Unite!!
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