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Tribunal Exposing the Witchhunt Against Anti-Fascists in Sacramento

Thursday, April 19, 2018
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Event Type:
BAMN and Brown Berets de SacrAztlan
Location Details:
Southside Park CoHousing Common House
434 T Street
Sacramento, CA 95811

Public Community Tribunal: Stop the Political Witchhunt and Selective Prosecution Against Felarca, Williams, and Paz -- Drop the Charges!

End the Police and Sacramento DA Anne Marie Schubert’s
Cover‐Up and Collusion with Neo‐Nazis

Thurs. April 19, 6-8pm
Southside Park CoHousing COMMON HOUSE
(Common House located in the middle of the facility)
434 T-St., Sacramento, CA

On June 26, 2016 white supremacist supporters of Donald Trump came to the state capital in Sacramento armed with knives, homemade spears, and clubs. These fascists were affiliated with the violent neo-Nazi organizations Traditionalist Workers Party and Golden State Skinheads. They stabbed and attempted to murder unarmed black, Latina/o, Asian, Arab, and white anti-racist and anti-fascist counter-protesters. The 133 police (CHP, SPD, and sheriffs) who were present on the ground stood by and did nothing protect the counter-protesters or to stop the Nazi assault. At least 7 anti-racists were hospitalized for stab wounds, head injuries, and fractured bones, with some requiring invasive surgery as a result of the Nazi attack. Thanks to the courage and determination of counter-protesters, violent white supremacists were not able to roam the streets of Sacramento attacking unsuspecting families or pedestrians, and their attack was shut down. But instead of arresting the racists, the police and District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert have scapegoated and 3 anti-racist and anti-fascists fighters with fabricated felony and misdemeanor charges: Yvette Felarca, Mike Williams, and Porfirio Paz. It is vital that the movement mobilize to drop their charges now.

Right after the fascist assault, the police witchhunt against anti-fascists began immediately, with California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers interrogating and harassing injured protesters in their hospital beds without pursuing charges against the Nazi stabbers. The police released unsubstantiated public statements blaming anti-fascist protesters within 24 hours, actively covering for the Nazi’s. Months later, after the election of Donald Trump, the police collusion with the fascists went into high gear. Over a year after the protest, in the summer of 2017 and only weeks before the murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, DA Schubert officially joined the police collusion with the Nazi’s and charged Felarca, Williams, and Paz. Yvette Felarca is a prominent civil rights and immigrant rights leader with BAMN. Mike Williams and Porfirio Paz are active and recognized community organizers. To date, only one white supremacist has been charged.
The police and DA’s policy of allowing Nazi’s to get away with attempted murder in Sacramento and pursuing charges against the anti-racists who stood up to them set the stage for the lynch-mobs and murder in Charlottesville a year later. The blood of Heather Heyer is on the hands of the California Highway Patrol, the Sacramento Police, and DA Schubert.

The defendants have ample evidence of the police collusion with the Nazi’s. Despite the fact that the police have the names and pictures of every white nationalist with their knife out on the capital grounds on the day of the protest, they’ve arrested none of them. In the mountain of paperwork they submit as “evidence” against the anti-racist defendants, there were no police reports or police video footage written or filmed on the day. The police dossiers written after-the-fact were authored by a single CHP officer who wasn’t even on the ground at the protest. They reveal open political targeting of the anti-fascist counter protesters who were present. Stab victims were visited in their hospital beds by police who harassed them about those who opposed the white supremacists. The police showed no interest in pursuing an investigation of the fascists. Taped phone interviews conducted by the police reveal their willingness to cover for the Nazi’s and to pursue a witchhunt, especially targeting outspoken BAMN leader Yvette Felarca. Hear the full presentation of defendants’ evidence against the police, DA, and Nazi collusion, picket and pack the courtroom to hear the oral arguments on the defense’s motion to dismiss the charges Fri. April 20 at 8:30 am.

It is apparent to millions of people in the US and across the globe that Donald Trump is capable of creating a tyrannical authoritarian regime. Everyday brings a new example of Trump’s assault on democracy: arresting and terrorizing immigrants and Muslims to enact a racial purge, empowering police to target and brutalize black and Latina/o communities, encouraging the rape and sexual assault of women and active discrimination of LGBT people, and obstructing justice, to name a few. In this situation, the groups that call themselves Nazi, KKK, neo-Confederates are the equivalent to the fascists who followed Musollini in Italy and Hitler in Germany. Their Alt-Right counterparts share their same politics without the identifiable costumes. Thanks to Trump, white supremacists and fascists have been on the rise, becoming bolder and more dangerous. They back Trump because of, not in spite of, his racist and misogynistic attacks.

We are living in a period of the biggest threat to democracy that many people can remember. Stopping the growth of fascism is essential to protect our communities and defeating Trump. In Sacramento and the Bay Area, fascist and alt-right thugs have been shut down and defeated time and again through mobilizing mass militant direct action. The resistance movement to Trump is capable of forcing Trump to resign or be removed, as long as we maintain political independence from both the Democrats and Republicans and mobilizing in the streets. Defending our boldest fighters and leaders is essential to our victory.

Defend Immigrant, Latina/o, Black, and Muslim Communities From Trump and His KKK/Nazi Supporters
Trump Must Resign or Be Removed

Sponsored by:

Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)

Brown Berets de SacrAztlan
Contact: 510-817-2617 california [at]
Added to the calendar on Sat, Apr 14, 2018 10:13AM
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