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IAM 1584 Henkel Bay Point Strike For Health And Safety Wins Battle With Union Busters

by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
WorkWeek radio looks at the health and safety strike by IAM 1584 workers at Henkel Aerospace Bay Point. The workers went on strike for safe working conditions after the murder of a temporary worker on the job and continued bullying and harassment by management. The company spent millions of dollars bringing in a professional strike breaking company called Strom Engineering
WW12-19-17 IAM 1584 Henkel Bay Point Strike For Health And Safety Wins Battle With Union Busters
WorkWeek Radio interviews a IAM 1584 operator Chris Fajardo at Henkel Engineering who is on strike for proper health and safety conditions and human rights on the job. Also interviewed is Andrea Gorman, Secretary-Treasurer of IAM local 1584. The workers were forced out on strike in Bay Point California on October 16, 2017 after demanding real health and safety protections on the job.
After the death of a temporary worker 26-year-old David Eleidjian who was a former marine, the company which is owned by a German based multi-national was fined $200,00 by Cal-OSHA for the death but the serious health and safety conditions continued unabated. These workers make adhesives for plane companies like Boeing. The company was trying to break their strike by spending millions of dollars bringing in a company called Strom Engineering. This professional strike breaking company specialty is breaking strikes by bringing in scabs or replacement workers. They were involved in replacing 7500 mechanics when Northwest Airlines mechanics went on strike. That strike was broken by these tactics. The CEO of Henkel, Hans Van Bylen made $6,030,273.25 and the company is unionized throughout Europe. Unions in Europe including Henkel units urged the company to end it's strike breaking and protect the health and safety of the US workers at Bay Point.
On December 19, 2017 the same day as this program the IAM 1584 workers voted to accept a new contract that provided real health and safety protections and increased benefits and conditions for the workers.
Additional media:
Murder & Strikebreaking At Bay Point Henkel Aerospace: CEO Hans Van Bylen's War On Workers
For more info:
local1584 [at]
Production of WorkWeek Radio
workweek [at]
§IAM 1584 Strikers On Picket Line
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
IAM 1584 workers at Henkel Aerospace in Bay Point picketed the plant for months to win a contract.
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
Henkel Aerospace whose headquarters is in Germany spent millions of dollars to bust the strike by brining in the professional strike breaking company Strom Engineering. This company helped break the strike of Northwest Mechanics by bringing in 7500 scab mechanics.
§Standing Strong
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
Nearly all the workers at Henkel Aerospace stood strong against the efforts to bust the strike and the union.
§IAM 1584 Striker Sign UP List
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
Strikers signed into the list that they were on the picket line. Most of the strikers had never been in a union before and been on strike.
§IAM 1584 Secretary Treasurer Andrea Gorman
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
IAM 1584 Secretary Treasurer Andrea Gorman talked about the strength of the rank and file union members and the bonding that took place during the strike. The strike strengthened the rank and file workers who saw that they needed a strong unity to be successful.
§Strom Engineering Armed Scab Guard Driving Out Of The Plant
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
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IAM 1584 faced armed and dangerous scab guards brought in by Strom Engineering to intimidate and break the strike and union at the plant. The Henkel company spent millions of dollars in a 6 month contract with this union busting company.
§Henkel CEO Hans Van Bylen Made
by KPFA WorkWeek Radio
Henkel Chair and CEO Hans Van Bylen made $6,030,273.25 in 2016 part of these profits were from attacking the health and safety conditions at Henkel Aerospace Bay Point plant
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