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Indybay Feature

The Jiyan Foundation, Supporting Survivors of ISIS Terror in Iraq

by Iraq Solidarity News (Al-Thawra)
The Jiyan Foundation strives for a society where the dignity of the human person is protected, where adults and children enjoy the right to life and liberty, and where citizens are free from torture and terror.
Millions of women, men, and children in Iraq live under a reign of tyranny imposed by the so-called Islamic State, the terrorist group also known as ISIS.

Those who oppose its inhuman ideology of hate face torture and public execution.

Women and girls are abducted and raped; children are enslaved and forced to join the terrorists' assault.

In addition, Iraq witnesses the obliteration of its ancient spiritual and cultural heritage. Holy sites and temples have been reduced to ashes.

Members of religious minorities are threatened with extinction. Three million Muslims, Yazidis, Christians, and Shabak were forced to flee their homes.

Half of them found refuge in the Kurdish provinces of the country. They live in overcrowded camps or makeshift shelters and struggle to make ends meet.

Many suffer from physical and mental trauma and are haunted by the images of what they were forced to see.

The team of the Jiyan Foundation works hard to provide physical and psychological care for survivors of ISIS atrocities.

At our rehabilitation centers, 100 medical doctors, psychologists and trauma therapists offer treatment and a place to heal.

Women and girls who have escaped from ISIS captivity and sexual enslavement find a new perspective in Iraq's first and only psychosomatic trauma clinic for women.

Our mobile teams reach out to survivors in refugee camps, where medical aid is limited, and psychological trauma care almost non-existent.

In 2015, we admitted more than 700 women, children and men, displaced by ISIS, into our long-term rehabilitation program.

Besides physical and psychological care, the Jiyan Foundation provides much required emergency aid to individuals and families who lost everything.

Our staff also helps prevent future extremism by strengthening local communities through education campaigns and civil society programs.
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