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Indybay Feature

the "Divest from the Pipeline Creditors" walking tour

Saturday, April 22, 2017
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Event Type:
David Giesen
Location Details:
American Youth Hostel
312 Mason Street
San Francisco

It's Earth Day, isn't it, but who collects the rent for your using the Earth?

Come along on a FREE walking tour surveying San Francisco social movement history and exploring the proposition that nearly all systemic oppression can be traced back to the privatization of access to land. The Black Panthers; the Sixties hippies; the anti-war movement against Viet Nam under Thieu, Johnson, and Nixon; the LGBT+ community; women . . . each of these demographics preponderantly renters of the earth, renting from The Man. The tour includes an introduction to San Francisco's hard-edged public policy proposal to resolve "the land question." Hint: tax land values. Taxation of land values in full achieves full divestiture from all pecuniary interest in owning Mother Earth. Put that in your pipe, XL, Exxon, Chevron, Mobil, BP, Pemex, Gazprom, etc.

After attending a Standing Rock witness and testimonial gathering on Tuesday the 18th at the Eric Quesada Center, The Commons SF pledges to the Standing Rock Legal Defense Fund $15 per person attending the walking tour and mentioning Standing Rock.
Added to the calendar on Tue, Apr 18, 2017 10:42PM
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