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Revised: HUD Tenant Leaders Demand Congress Reject Trump’s “Death Budget”
“Trump’s budget will push millions of people from their homes; starve seniors, children and families;
and deny health care to 24 million people,” said Ed Lucas, of Chicago, President of the National Alliance of
HUD Tenants (NAHT). “People will die if these proposals see the light of day. Congress should declare
Trump’s “Death Budget” dead on arrival!”
and deny health care to 24 million people,” said Ed Lucas, of Chicago, President of the National Alliance of
HUD Tenants (NAHT). “People will die if these proposals see the light of day. Congress should declare
Trump’s “Death Budget” dead on arrival!”
HUD Tenant Leaders Demand Congress Reject Trump’s “Death Budget”
For release: March 17, 2017
Contact: Ed Lucas 312-285-6520 coyoteed2003 [at]
Michael Kane, 617-233-1885 naht [at]
Elected leaders of the national US tenants union today demanded immediate rejection by Congress
of President Donald Trump’s 2018 partial budget, released on March 16.
“Trump’s budget will push millions of people from their homes; starve seniors, children and families;
and deny health care to 24 million people,” said Ed Lucas, of Chicago, President of the National Alliance of
HUD Tenants (NAHT). “People will die if these proposals see the light of day. Congress should declare
Trump’s “Death Budget” dead on arrival.”
Trump’s budget proposes cuts of 200,000 Section 8 Vouchers next year--10% of the total--and 13%
to Public Housing operating budgets, already underfunded at 85% of needs. The cuts are in line with right
wing Heritage Foundation proposals, supported by Trump’s extremist Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, to
phase out federal rental assistance for 12 million low income people over the next 10 years. In remarks to
the press on March 16, Mulvaney referred to HUD as “programs that simply cannot justify their existence,”
and claimed it was “compassionate” to end Meals on Wheels for starving seniors.
Lucas, 58, Marine Corps vet and director of a neighborhood job training center in Chicago, added,
“Trump’s termination of community development grants and cuts to job training will lay waste to entire cities
and rural areas, too. This is no way to “Make America Great Again’.” Trump’s budget proposes complete
elimination of Community Development, HOME and Choice Neighborhood grants to cities; Neighborworks,
Community Action and Americorps programs that aid low income communities; and Legal Services for the
poor, as well as deep cuts to job training, public education, work-study, and rural assistance programs.
Adds Charlotte Delgado, 81, a retired, disabled restaurant manager in Sacramento, California,
“Three of my sons died fighting for this country. They did not die to take housing, Meals on Wheels and
healthcare away from the American people to hand over $54 billion to military contractors for a plane that
doesn’t fly.” Trump’s budget proposes to transfer $54 billion in non-defense programs aiding the poor, the
environment and diplomacy, to Pentagon military contractors like Lockheed-Martin. The budget proposes
to speed up purchases of Lockheed’s controversial F-35 fighter, which has been plagued by failed flight
safety tests and cost overruns for many years.
Trump’s budget also proposes deep cuts to Public Housing while transferring funds to privatized
prisons, militarized policy, “border security” and the Wall. “In Chicago, we’ve seen the devastation and
violence that results from destroying Public Housing and divesting from our communities, and not providing
decent housing and jobs for our youth,” comments H. Demetrius Bonner,NAHT VP/North, a 58 year old
retired railroad worker. “Children are dying in the streets, from criminal gangs and out of control police.
Trump’s proposals will increase violence and make our communities less, not more, secure.”
Adds Rachel Williams, 62, an Army widow, minister and long time community activist in Beaumont,
Texas and NAHT Board VP/South: “Adding millions to the ranks of destitute and homeless people is
deeply cruel and un-American. Homeland security begins with a home!”
Comments Eleanor Walden, 86, a long time civil rights and social justice activist, “Trump’s budget
and other actions criminalize immigrants, Moslems and people of color while subsidizing division and hate
among the American people. The Republican “Death Budget” is a recipe for austerity, war, inequality,
racism, and fear.
“Congress should instead pass the Peoples Budget to embrace prosperity, peace, unity and hope
for our future.” The Congressional Progressive Caucus is expected to release its FY 2018 Peoples Budget
alternative on March 27.
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