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US-Mexico Workers Solidarity March & Action On 3/5/17 For Driscoll's Agricultural Work

by Labor Video Project
Mexican and US trade unionists, youth and human rights advocates rallied on both sides of the border in San Ysidro and Tijuana in opposition to union busting, NAFTA and the racist wall and ICE attacks on Latinos and immigrant workers.
US-Mexico Border Workers Solidarity March & Action On 3/5/17For Driscoll Agricultural Workers And Workers Unity
Protesting the wall, racist ICE attacks, NAFTA and union busting, workers and youth on both sides of the US and Mexican border joined together on March 5, 2017 in San Ysidro and Tijuana.
They demanded an end to the escalation of racist terror tactics of the ICE, the Trump administration, the former Obama administration and union busting on both sides of the border as well as the use of NAFTA to attack workers and unions on both sides of the border with privatization and deregulation.
Speakers talked about the role of tearing apart families with the use of immigration laws which benefit the bosses while destroying lives.
Farmworkers from San Quintin who are members of the Alliance of State National Organizations and Municipal social justice (AONEMJS) and the National Independent Democratic Union of Agricultural Workers (SINDJA) marched in Tijuana and were joined on the US side of the border by LCLAA Sacramento, the Brown Berets, Fight For $15 in San Diego, United Taxi Workers San Diego, PSL, UPWA and other organizations.
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§Protesting Child Labor In San Quintin
by Labor Video Project
Participants proteste the use of child labor in San Quintin, Baja for Driscoll's berry company.
§Fight For $15 Activists Support Border Action
by Labor Video Project
Fight for $15 activists joined the protest at the border against slave wages in Mexico and the US.
§Family Protesting Driscolls
by Labor Video Project
A family joined the solidarity rally in support Driscoll's worker.
§Legalization of All Workers
by Labor Video Project
LCLAA banner called for a halt of deportations and for legal rights for all in the US.
§ICE Border Agents Unleashed Attacking Immigrants
by Labor Video Project
The racist upsurge in attacks on immigrant workers is angering families and people.
§Leaving US No US Return
by Labor Video Project
A sign for entrance to the border road made clear there was no going back.
No Walls, No Racist Attacks And No Union Busting On Both Sides of The Border
United Workers, Community and Activist Defending Working People Including Immigrants & Youth On Both Sides Of The US-Mexican Border

Trade unionists, workers, youth and community activists on March 5, 2017 will join together on both sides of the US and Mexican border to oppose any border walls, the massive racist attacks on immigrants and all minorities and the union busting on both sides of the border. US trade unionists, community activists and civil rights organizations will join with Mexican unionists, community people and human rights activists in Mexico.

The Trump administration has attacked Mexican and Mexican Americans of being rapists and robbers even before the election. Now he is giving the ICE a free hand to violate democrat and human rights targeting all people. The same politicians that have militarized the border with tens of billions have allowed US corporations and bosses to violate labor laws and use NAFTA to threaten US workers and intimidate all union working people from joining unions.
At the same time the Mexican government under NAFTA has privatized telecom, mines, railroads, land and public education for US and other multi-national companies that have profited from Mexico. The Pineto government and previous governments have been no more than operatives for US corporations and multi-nationals around the world which set up 3,000 maquiladora factories in Mexico all without any unions. They have prevented workers including the 80,000 San Quintin Baja farm workers working for US based Driscoll from California from striking with police attacks and even preventing union registration which was required under a side agreement of NAFTA. NAFTA has been used by the US and multi-nationals to bust unions on both sides of the border and the Trump administration blames the Mexican people for causing the economic decline of US industries and for loss of wages.
The border international solidarity rally will have people on both sides of the border who will testify on these issues and the pressing need to unify workers, people and youth on both sides of the border. Our enemies are not Mexican people or US people but Trump and the multi-nationals and billionaires like Carlos Slim, the Reider family who have benefited from slave labor conditions with wages of $6 a day and a "union free" environment for workers on both sides of the border.

Statement For Unity Of Workers/Unions Of Mexico, the US and Canada And The Cancellation of NAFTA
The need to oppose the growing attacks on working people, privatization and union busting in Mexico and the United Sates is critical. Both the Democrats which helped push NAFT through in the US and the Mexican government which supported NAFTA are responsible for the growing poverty, attacks on social conditions, wage cuts and attacks on union on both sides of the border.

The privatization of Mexico's railways, telecom, land, oil, public services including education has led to deprivation and the theft of the people's property which has now ended up in the hands of Slim and other billionaires and multi-nationals on both sides of the border.

The US driven wars in Central America and the militarization of Mexico and the border with the US has harmed working people in the US and Mexico. The loss of decent jobs and the decline of wage for workers in the US and Mexico has brought suffering and pain to workers and their families.

The need to workers in Mexico and US to join together to fight the same anti-labor forces and multi-nationals is critical. We cannot allow working people in Mexico and the US to be pitted against each other for the benefit of the people who our countries.

WE call for a united fight to cancel NAFT and for the complete expropriation and re-nationalization of all properties and businesses stolen by NAFTA. We call for full labor rights and criminal prosecution of capitalists on both sides of the border who threaten who threaten workers with losing their jobs when they fight for wage increases and safe and healthy working conditions.

WE call for nationalization of the banks of both the US and Mexico who have benefited from destruction of jobs and lives on both sides of the border. These banks like Wells Fargo and JP Morgan are criminal syndicates who have benefited from illegal house seizures foreclosures and the massive drug trade which they benefit from.

We call for joint actions of US and Mexico workers simultaneously on both sides of the borders against our common enemies.
The border has been used by the capitalist governments on both sides for further exploitation and slave like conditions for agricultural workers like in San Quintin and the reactionary "guest worker" program which allows indentured servitude harming workers on both sides of the border.

We oppose unions operating as "labor brokers" to bring workers from Mexico into the United States where they are 2nd class workers without the same legal, labor and human rights.

We oppose the militarization of the border and more walls pushed by both the Democrats and Republicans. Instead of providing funds for education, housing and healthcare billions of dollars are now being wasted on border militarization.

Our enemies are not other workers but governments who are owned by the billionaires and multi-nationals on both sides of the boarder. We will unite to defend all workers interests and workers power on both sides of the border.
We call for an tri-national action conference of workers from Mexico, the US and Canada to establish a fighting unity and united front against all our bosses in every country.

Initial Endorsers:
Labor Council For Latin American Advancement AFL-CIO Sacramento Chapter
Al Rojas Co-founder UFWA
Lisa Milos, UPTE UCSF activist
Vernell Hawkins APWU SF 2, SFLC delegate and Executive Council*
Brenda Barros, SEIU 1021 SF General Hospital Chapter Chair, SF 1021 COPE Co-Chair*
Bradley Wiedmaier, SEIU 2015 rank and file member
Tom Lacey, OPEIU 29, Delegate to SFLC*
Carol Lang, Member Professional Staff Congress (PSC), NYC AFT Local 2334*
Roger Scott, AFT 2121 Executive Board and SFLC Delegate*
United Public Workers For Action UPWA
David Welsh, NALC 214, Delegate SF Labor Council*
Craig Gordon, OEA Representative Rep Council*
Jack Gerson, OEA retired*
Frank Hammer, UAW Local 909 Retired President and Shop Chair
Paul Bissember University UC University Council Field Representative*
Labor Rising
Ed Rosario, NYC Labor Council For Latin American Advancement
David Johnson, Host Illinois World Labor Hour Radio 90.1 FM/IWW and delegate to Central Labor Council of the Champaign County AFL-CIO

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Declaración de Unidad de Trabajadores y sus Uniones entre México, EEUU y Canada y la anulación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norteamerica (NAFTA)
Para defenderse de los ataques contra los las uniones y trabajadores de Mexico y los EEUU, es crucial presentar una oposición firme y categorica. Tanto los demócratas en los EEUU quienes ayudaron a imponer el Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norteamerica (NAFTA en Inglés) y el gobierno de Mexico que apoyó el Tratado son responsables de la creciente pobreza, condiciones sociales apremiantes, los recortes salariales y los ataques en contra de las uniones en ambos lados de la frontera.

La privatizacion de los ferrocarriles de Mexico, la industria de telecomunicaciones, las tierras, el petroleo y servicios publicos incluyendo la educación ha culminado en el empobrecimiento y el robo del pueblo y sus propiedades, la que ha terminado en manos de Slim y otros multi-milionarios y las multinacionales en ambos lados de la frontera.

Las guerras en Centro America motivados y financiados por los EEUU y la militarización de Mexico y su frontera con los EEUU ha sido devastador para el pueblo trabajador de los EEUU y de Mexico. La perdida del buen empleo y la reducción de salarios para los trabajadores en los EEUU y en Mexico ha causado sufrimiento y dolor a los trabajadores y a sus familias.

Es crucial que los trabajadores en Mexico y los EEUU unan sus fuerzas para luchar contra las mismas fuerzas y corporaciones multi-nacionales que se oponen a los derechos del trabajador. Está en el interés de los pueblos de ambos países no dejarse engañar y unirnos en vez de permitir que traten de convertirnos en enemigos entre nosotros mismos, lo que termina por beneficiar a los dueños de nuestros paises.

Hacemos un llamado para luchar en conjunto para anular el Tratado y para la expropiacion total y la renacionalizacion de todas la propiedades y negocios que el Tratado saqueó. Hacemos un llamado para la recuperación completa de los derechos laborales y a someter a juicio a los capitalistas de ambos lados de la frontera quienes amenazan a los trabajadores con perder sus trabajos si ellos luchan por aumentos salariales y condiciones laborales sanos y seguros.

Hacemos un llamado para que se nacionalizen los bancos en EEUU y en Mexico quienes se han beneficiado de la destrucción de trabajos y de vidas en ambos lados de la frontera. Estos bancos como Wells Fargo y JP Morgan son entidades criminales quienes se han lucrado de prácticas ilegales como de la toma de posesión de casas mediante juicios hipotecarios y del mercado masivo de drogras.

Hacemos un llamado a que se realicen acciones y actividades conjuntas y simultaneas en ambos lados de la frontera para luchar contra el enemigo común de los trabajadores de Mexico y de los EEUU.

Los gobiernos capitalistas de ambos lados han usado la frontera para seguir explotando a los trabajadores e imponer condiciones laborales que se asemejan a la esclavitud como las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores agrícolas en San Quintin. El programa reaccionario “bracero” permite la servidumbre por contrato y daña a los trabajadores de ambos lados de la frontera.

Nos oponemos a que las uniones cumplan un rol de contratistas, trayendo trabajadores desde México a los EEUU, donde se les trata como trabajadores de segunda categoría y no se les otorga los mismos derechos legales, laborales y humanos que los demás trabajadores.

Nos oponemos a la militarización de la frontera y de la construcción de más paredes, políticas que son promovidas tanto por los demócratas como republicanos. Los miles de millones de dólares que ahora se están malgastando en la militarización de la frontera podría ser mejor utilizado en la vivienda y en la salud y la educación.

Nuestros enemigos no son los demás trabajadores sino los gobiernos que estan manejados por los multimillonarios y las multinaciones de ambos lados de la frontera. Nos unimos para defender los intereses de todos los trabajadores y crear una fuerza laboral poderosa en ambos lados de la frontera.

Hacemos un llamado para organizar una conferencia tri-nacional con trabajadores de Mexico, EEUU, y Canada para establecer una fuerte unidad y un frente unido contra la gerencia que forman parte de la clase dominante de cada pais.

Initial Endorsers:
Labor Council For Latin American Advancement AFL-CIO Sacramento Chapter
Al Rojas Co-founder UFWA
Lisa Milos, UPTE UCSF activist
Vernell Hawkins APWU SF 2, SFLC delegate and Executive Council*
Brenda Barros, SEIU 1021 SF General Hospital Chapter Chair, SF 1021 COPE Co-Chair*
Bradley Wiedmaier, SEIU 2015 rank and file member
Tom Lacey, OPEIU 29, Delegate to SFLC*
Carol Lang, Member Professional Staff Congress (PSC), NYC AFT Local 2334*
Roger Scott, AFT 2121 Executive Board and SFLC Delegate*
United Public Workers For Action UPWA
David Welsh, NALC 214, Delegate SF Labor Council*
Craig Gordon, OEA Representative Rep Council*
Jack Gerson, OEA retired*
Frank Hammer, UAW Local 909 Retired President and Shop Chair
Paul Bissember University UC University Council Field Representative*
Labor Rising
Ed Rosario, NYC Labor Council For Latin American Advancement
David Johnson, Host Illinois World Labor Hour Radio 90.1 FM/IWW and delegate to Central Labor Council of the Champaign County AFL-CIO
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