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Steve Schlicht and Take Back Santa Cruz are Linked to Hate Sites

by Santa Cruz News Network
Web designer Steve Schlicht, of the group Take Back Santa Cruz (TBSC), is the anonymous blogger behind the Santa Mierda website, according to information circulated by former Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors Candidate Bob Lamonica and posted to his website. It is the first concrete evidence linking Steve Schlicht to the production of, which has been called a "rabid anti-homeless website" by one homeless advocate in Santa Cruz, and a hate site by others. Besides being a member of Take Back Santa Cruz, Steve Schlicht is also one of the group's web designers.

Schlicht and Take Back Santa Cruz have also been associated with two other hate websites that were created anonymously to wage defamatory personal attacks against local homeless advocates: and The websites,, and are all hosted on the web through a company called DreamHost. Also hosted on DreamHost are Steve Schlicht's personal business websites ( and and the Take Back Santa Cruz website (

That these websites were all hosted on DreamHost didn't go un-noticed by the public. Last year the watchdog group Take Back Santa Cruz from TBSC posted about it on their Facebook page. Some have also noticed the similarity between the wording, and content, of the posts on Steve Schlicht's social media accounts to those on the Santa Mierda blog.

The Santa Mierda blog is published anonymously by an author named "Ben Dover" who posts a weekly column called a "Weekly Dump" and uses a photo of child actor Macaulay Culkin. Mierda is Spanish for "shit" and the blog takes the view that daily life is shitty in Santa Cruz in large part due to homeless people.

The Santa Mierda blog has published direct personal attacks on local homeless residents. The blog also targets, with repeated personal attacks and defamatory statements, many of the local advocates who work to help the homeless. The blogger uses the word "bum" almost constantly throughout the website to refer to homeless people, and once referred to a person going through a crisis as a "homeless kook".

Sometimes the anonymous blogger verges on racism, and uses discriminatory language towards other groups of people, such as the disabled. Here is an excerpt from the Santa Mierda blog from February 17: "So of course the “underground” Hispanic community freaked out, and the local progressive fear mongers like Krohn and that disabled woman in the wheelchair (who seems to be at the center of every local progressive protest lately)".

Besides being a member of Take Back Santa Cruz, Steve Schlicht is also one of the group's web designers, and in the past has called himself the "Director of Information Technology and Marketing Technology" for TBSC. Schlicht served for a short period of time on the Santa Cruz Public Safety Task Force, which was a public commission in the City of Santa Cruz. Schlicht is probably best known locally for the statement he made during his time on the task force that he was "fine with junkies dying", which became a public scandal reported on by Indybay and the Santa Cruz Weekly. The scandal angered Santa Cruz city council members at the time. Schlicht also produces and publicly promotes another website called Clean Up Santa Cruz (, which is also hosted on DreamHost. The Clean Up Santa Cruz Facebook page has been promoting the Santa Mierda website since the blog's inception.

BioMarcommunications is the name of one of Steve Schlicht's web design companies. In the past he used the business name "Easy on the Eye" design. Santa Cruz City Council member Cynthia Matthews has hired Steve Schlicht, and her comments about his work were included under the testimonials link on the Easy on the Eye web page. Easy on the Eye Design also managed media for the Santa Cruz Clean Team, whose members in 2013 were caught on video harassing a homeless man at his camp site. KSBW reported on the video going viral.

The "Fuck You Denise Elerick" website has been taken down and is no longer accessible. Denise Elerick is a local activist involved with Democratic politics in Santa Cruz, among other issues, and she has been a vocal critic of Take Back Santa Cruz. As a result she has also been frequently attacked personally by members of Take Back Santa Cruz in a variety of online forums, in addition to the hate website created in her name.

The website is still active. It is anonymously published to attack Dr. John Colby and his sister Pat Colby, who both work extensively to advocate for the homeless population in Santa Cruz. Both have been vocal critics of Take Back Santa Cruz.

The website goes to extreme lengths to attack them personally. It states that the Colbys are homeless, and the website instructs people to search for their vehicle. The post at the the top of the home page of the website includes a picture of the Colby's car. It is titled "Are they camping on your street?" along with the statement: "Call it in if you see this vehicle. No camping on city streets!" Headers on every page of the website read: "John Cohen Colby is a Kook" and "Homeless, Jobless, Clueless, and Certifiable".

One page on the website is titled "John Cohen Colby’s Creepy Relationship With His Sister". The page asserts a sexual nature to their relationship and published the defamatory statement: "Sister? Lover? Both?" The website ponders if they are both brother and sister and "husband and wife", which mirrors a statement also published in the Santa Mierda blog attacking the Colbys and questioning if they were married. The Colbys have stated for some time that Steve Schlicht is the author of the Santa Mierda blog, and that he is the creator of the website that is attacking them. John and Pat Colby have also made many public statements asserting they are being stalked physically, and online, by members of Take Back Santa Cruz.

Take Back Santa Cruz has been accused of being a hate group, and some anecdotal personal accounts detail how members have gone beyond anti-homeless politics and have taken to intimidation tactics. Take Back Santa Cruz members have a long history of photographing and harassing low income individuals and homeless people. The group also attempts to maintain respectability as they lobby politicians to support public policy that targets homeless people with discriminatory legislation and increased criminalization.

A Santa Cruz Sentinel article in 2010 describes Take Back Santa Cruz members as surveiling the areas around Pogonip, Harvey West Park, and River Street to take video footage of suspected drug dealers. A Santa Cruz Sentinel article from July of 2010 describes how a Take Back Santa Cruz camera crew visited Lighthouse Field with park rangers during a park cleanup to "document" the homeless problems there. In 2011, TBSC co-founder Analicia Cube described in an interview how Take Back Santa Cruz was, "hiding in bushes and calling cops".

A Santa Cruz Sentinel article in 2012 told the story of a woman who said Take Back Santa Cruz posted photos of her vehicle on their Facebook page and made derogatory comments in emails and group newsletters about her. She fought them in court.

A Good Times article in 2013 told the story of Frank Smith. Smith says he was stalked and photographed repeatedly by TBSC members and he claims that TBSC members have photographed and posted photos of the RV in which he lives onto the TBSC webpage. Smith said after this happened a man and a woman accosted him in his vehicle and screamed profanities at him, and told him he had to leave town because they paid a lot of money for their house.

§Home Page of Attacks Homeless Residents
by Santa Cruz News Network
The photo identifies John Colby's automobile and states "Call it in if you see this vehicle. No camping on city streets!" Headers on every page of the website read: "John Cohen Colby is a Kook" and "Homeless, Jobless, Clueless, and Certifiable".
§The "Incest" Page on
by Santa Cruz News Network
This page asserts a sexual nature to the brother sister relationship of the Colbys and published the defamatory statement: "Sister? Lover? Both?"
§Steve Schlicht Website Highlights His Work with Take Back Santa Cruz
by Santa Cruz News Network
§Steve Schlicht Website
by Santa Cruz News Network
§BioMarcommications Website
by Santa Cruz News Network
§TBSC Members Call the Weekly Dump "News"
by Santa Cruz News Network
Here is a post on Facebook from Samantha Olden, who is one of the leaders of Take Back Santa Cruz.
§Steve Schlicht outs himself yet again
by Peter Green
Steve Schlicht is listed as TBSC's "Director of Information Technology and Marketing Communications" on July 31, 2015.
§Steve Schlicht
by More Info
Steve Schlicht in 2017.
Post from May 2019
§Homeless Profiling
by Peter Green
Post from April 2019
§Homeless Profiling
by Peter Green
Post from April 2019
§Posting privileges
by Peter Green
"I'm the only one who can actually post stuff"

Post from 2019
§'Ben Dover' Offers an Op-ed to Ken 'Skindog" Collins
by Peter Green
'Ben Dover' offers a Santa Mierda/Weekly Dump op-ed opportunity to Ken 'Skindog" Collins, who was the Santa Cruz Clean Team member who was caught on camera assaulting a homeless man with a metal trash grabber during one of the group's cleaning events. Comment from May 2019.
Comment from May 2019.
"Someone needs to set this guy straight and teach him a lesson."

Post from June 2019

The Sentinel article referenced stated the man was homeless.

The Facebook link directs to another local hate group with a post about the homeless man that also contains vigilante statements and threats of violence.
§Advocating for Vigilante Action
by Peter Green
Calling for "owning your block", and inspiring anti-homeless vigilante comments as a result.

The post references a video from 2019 in which Santa Cruz resident Jeremy Hoekstra filmed himself assaulting a homeless person, and then posted the video to the hate group "Santa Cruz Looks Like Shit!".
§Namecalling/Character Assassination/Hypocrisy
by Peter Green
Post from 2019 in which Santa Mierda is called out for character assassination and namecalling.
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
Steve Schlicht introducing himself at the first City of Santa Cruz Public Safety Task Force meeting on May 17, 2013.

Agendas and audios of the meetings were posted on the City's website here:
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by molly cruz
With a name like Schlicht, he has to be an ass.
by A person
So glad to see the tolerant left are so discriminatory based on a name.
A rose by any other name is still a rose.
by Steve Shit
But maybe he is obsessed with shit because of his last name?

Now go and put that in your weekly dump!

Teasing a bigot about their last name seems appropriate.
by Observer
It appears "Ben Dover" doesn't want to address this story on the Weekly Dump site. A reader pointed out Santa Cruz News Network's story to Ben and his response was to delete the reader's initial and followup comments.
TBSC's stalking has made Santa Cruz a hostile environment for my brother and I. We have repeatedly appealed to the Santa Cruz city council, Santa Cruz Police and County Sheriffs to do their jobs and prosecute the criminal TBSC cyber-stalkers and in person stalkers: they swarm our van nightly stalking our sleeping location late into the night, they have made numerous death threats against our lives and that of our cats, sent false claims to the government to try to get our disability benefits falsely taken away, made false claims to get our Sec 8 apartments taken away from us, made false claims that we are stalking them under numerous alts, yelled threatening remarks at us when we cross paths on the streets, defamed us to different local businesses so we can't even walk into a cafe without fear that they have been poisoned against us. The Santa Cruz area has been made a hostile environment which makes it nearly impossible to find housing with our Sec 8 vouchers because through word of mouth and dragging our names through the mud on the internet—no landlord will rent to us or worse we can end with a poisoned TBSC landlord.

It is time that local law enforcement did their job and gave us the law enforcement letters we rightfully earned by being witnesses to a WS surf gang murder and surf gang criminal activities such as drug dealing, gun running, shootings and break-ins. SCPD gratefully took and acted on our tips while throwing us under the bus leaving us vulnerable and unprotected. Time to give us those letters so the federal government can do what it has wanted to do by relocating us before we are harmed or killed for being good citizens.
by Who is Guy
Steve Schlicht is the author of Santa Mierda and Clean Up Santa Cruz, but is he the author of the other hate sites? He could be, or he could be doing it all alone, or he could be working with Tom Cunniff and or other members of Take Back.

The site that attacks John Colby shows pages authored by a user named "Guy". They read like they were authored by Tom Cunniff, who is married to SC County Probabtion Officer Julia Feldman, and is a troll that has made very similar posts in the Topix forum.
by FYI
Photographic evidence 1
Facebook friends.
by FYI
Photo evidence 2
The topix forum photo.
I he got past his SC sheriff wife to post. I guess he doesn't care if she loses her job?
by FYI
Drive by Fruiting assault threat against Camping Ban Protestors. Why doesn't Sheriff Hart nor SCPD ever arrest these gangs stalkers? Could it be true that they all friends with officers of both, so laws don't apply to certain community members that apply to the rest of us?
by FYI
Tom C. shows his sexually perverse and sexual predator mind set on Topix with disgusting deviant sex porn posts. Thought he was finally stopped from doing these type of TBSC gang stalking post on TOPIX Santa Cruz but he is back.

Tom Cunniff lives in Aptos, so he is in Sheriff Hart's territory, but why won't Sheriff Hart do anything? Are they friends or neighbors of his like Santa Cruz police officers?
by Peter Green
Schlicht posted a letter on Santa Mierda written by Vogel against the establishment of a transitional homeless camp in Santa Cruz. Here is Vogel thanking him. Vogel calls attempts made to increase services for the homeless at the city council meeting a "shit show".
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