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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Black Lives Matter Corner Stand in Capitola

Saturday, February 18, 2017
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
The four corners of Capitola Rd & 41st Ave
Capitola, CA 95062

The women's march was a great success, AND many black women and activists issued poignant critiques about why it didn't work for them (;

One of the primary critiques expressed by many was that white women are only now showing up because THEIR rights are being threatened. Where was the "unity" when Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Yvette Smith, Rekia Boyd or numerous other black folks were wrongfully killed or injured by police?

So how can white people be in better integrity around this idea of unity? One easy step is to answer the call and put our bodies out there in a visible way for Black Lives Matter. This event is open to all but we want to especially encourage white allies to SHOW UP.

We will gather with our BLM signs at the corners of 41st and Capitola. This is a nonviolent, peaceful, family-friendly event. (Though please keep in mind that if you are bringing little kids, it is a busy intersection. We suggest bringing a stroller and activities for them.) We have every legal right to stand on a public sidewalk. We can't block it, but we can stand.

We aren't pretending this is going to magically 'fix racism' but it does:
1. Help to increase cultural pressure on white folks to stand up for black lives.
2. Show the local black community that they have our support.
3. Send a message to the police that we are watching them and will hold them accountable for racial discrimination.
4. Increase your integrity as a white activist.
5. Teach your kids to stand up for what is right.

Push through any fear and discomfort you may have and join us!

Let's get visible and more inclusive!
Added to the calendar on Sun, Feb 12, 2017 9:23AM

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by Robert Norse
You might also be interested in the latest celebration of the Santa Cruz Police Department at today's City Council meeting (Item #3 on the agenda, honoring Chief Kevin Vogel). Vogel is still withholding the video of the Sean Arlt killing from last year as well as the name of the officer who shot Arlt dead.

Further concerns about the SCPD: .
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