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SF Rally-No Border Walls-Cancel NAFTA- For Unity Between US & Mexican Workers

Friday, February 17, 2017
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Event Type:
United Public Workers For Action
Location Details:
San Francisco US Federal Building
90 7th St. Near Mission St.
San Francisco, California

2/17 SF Rally-No Border Walls-Cancel NAFTA- For Unity Between US & Mexican Workers Against The Multi-Nationals, Racists And Union Busters
February 17, 2017 12:00 Noon
San Francisco US Federal Building
90 7th St. Near Mission St.
San Francisco, California
The racist attack by Trump on the Mexican people, all immigrants and Mexican-Americans is escalating. The NAFTA agreement is part and parcel on the attack not only on Mexican working people and farmers but on US workers. It was pushed by the US multi-nationals, the Democrats and Republicans and has harmed workers on both sides of the border. The 3,000 maquiladoras that were set up have been kept non-union by the Mexican government which uses the police and state power to prevent unionization for the US and multi-national companies who really run Mexico.
US workers have been told that if they do not take wage and benefit concessions, their companies will move to Mexico and they have again used NAFTA to impose these wage cuts and destroy decent union jobs here in the US.
The wealth of Mexico has also been sold off to billionaires like Carlos Slim, a pal of Bill Clinton and US and multi-nationals from around the world. Telecom, railroads, water, mines, transit and the lands of Mexico have been privatized and they are trying to destroy public education with charters and other privatization schemes.
At the same time there is a militarization of the border with Plan Merida, Mexico has been given billions for weapons which are being used for massive repression and murders of teachers, students and journalists in Mexico. 43 students were murdered by government forces and the government is covering up the police who were involved in this government organized massacre.
Workers and people on both sides of the border are demanding NO Border Walls, NO NAFTA and UNITY between US and Mexican workers against the real crooks and criminals running these corporations like Driscolls. This California based company owned by the Reider family has fought unionization of the 80,000 farm workers in slave like conditions in San Quintin and Baja, California. These indigenous people were forced off their ejidos lands and they are paid $12 dollars a day which cannot feed, cloth and care for their themselves and their families.
There is an international boycott against all Driscoll products and there will be a US-Mexican Border solidarity action on March 5, 2017 for workers on both sides of the border.
It is time to cancel NAFTA, Fight anymore walls and unify workers and the people on both sides of the border.
Endorsed by
Labor Council For Latin American Advancement Sacramento Chapter
United Public Workers For Action
Transport Workers Solidarity Committee TWSC
2/18 Special Meeting
War, Labor, Trump, NAFTA and The Border Walls
February 18, 2017 2:00 PM
518 Valencia St.
San Francisco, California
For more information
For additional media:…/statement-US-Mexico-spanish.htm

5 de marzo de 2017 Acción Unida Laboral Estadounidense-Mexicana Sobre Frontera-March 5, 2017 US-Mexican Labor Unity Action On Border
March 5, 2017 US-Mexican Labor Unity Action On Border

We call on all Activist & Autonomous Community grassroots Organizations Students,Labor Unions & Boycott Driscoll's Supporters In an International call Day of Action at the U.S. México Border on March 5,2017 at Both Border Entry ways " The Village clown & Idiot" Wants to Build the Wall of Hate & Racism we will Help Bringing It Down We invite all to Join in this Day of Action !
Llamamos Todas y Todos están Invitados al Tumbar
El Muro del Odió y Racismo el día 5 de Marzo,2017 tanto de EUA Como de el Lado de México nos Veremos Ese Día para asegurar Nuestra Solidaridad con los Mexicanos y Mexicanas como seres Humanos de Ambos lados Uñidos!"
Allí nos Veremos y ya no Andar a la Defensa más la Ofensiva y Que No Hay otra Parlante !"
"If he a young man in a "Direct Action" crosses the Border & plants his Fathers "Driscoll's Strike Flag !
What would you Do ?.
"Si el el Hijo de un Jornalero Agrícola se da de el Cruzar entre la Varías de la Frontera de plantar las Banderas de la Huelga de la Driscoll de "Aquí les recuerdo luchamos por nuestra Dignidad y la Justicia Social !," Ahora que hicieras tu persona ?.
We call on all Activist & Autonomous Community grassroots Organizations Students,Labor Unions & Boycott Driscoll's Supporters In an International call Day of Action at the U.S México Border on March 5,2017 at Both Border Entry ways " The Village clown & Idiot" Wants to Build the Wall of Hate & Racism we will Help Bringing It Down We invite all to Join in this Day of Action !
"Si Se Va Poder !"
"Yes, it will Happen !"
"FALTAN "43" !

Before Trump, the Border Wall Was a Bipartisan Project
FEBRUARY 3, 2017
Before Trump, the Border Wall Was a Bipartisan Project

Photo by Nicolas Raymond | CC BY 2.0

Rightwing fantasies of a southern border wall are not new. Nor are they limited to Republicans or Trump supporters.

When President Trump signed an executive order last week to complete a wall along the 2,000 mile border with Mexico, he was building on decades of bipartisan consensus among lawmakers.

In fact, Congress had already approved a border wall not too long ago. In 2006, legislators—including many Democrats—passed the Secure Fence Act, which called for 700 miles of double-fence construction along certain stretches of the border. Trump cited the Bush-era law in the first paragraph of the executive order he signed Wednesday as rationale for his executive authority to order a wall be built.

Many of the same democratic leaders now bemoaning Trump’s wallvoted for one at the time— Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein.

Then-Senator Barack Obama, who as President would later deport a record-high 3 million people during his two terms, lauded the bill on the Senate floor, saying it would “help stem some of the tide of illegal immigration in this country.”

The most pivotal moments in the militarization of the border arguably took place during the time of Obama’s Democratic predecessor, Bill Clinton. “Operation Gatekeeper,” passed in 1994, poured billions of dollars into border security. High-intensity stadium lights, motion detectors, and remote video surveillance were installed along key points of the U.S-Mexico divide, and the amount of border patrol agents was increased by roughly a third. With resources deployed to patrol densely populated sectors, undocumented immigrants were often forced to trek barren desert and mountains. Thousands died in their quest for a better life.

“We will not surrender our borders to those who wish to exploit our history of compassion and justice,” President Clinton said at the time.

It’s no coincidence that Operation Gatekeeper followed another landmark in US-Mexico relations that same year: the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Under NAFTA, Big Ag flooded the Mexican market with heavily-subsidized corn and other staples, displacing small farmers in Mexico in one of the greatest neoliberal coups in history. The result was a flood of immigrants heading northbound in search of opportunities, accelerating one of the largest mass movements of people in history.

In short, the U.S. government, acting in the service of corporate profits, caused the very mass migration it has spent the last 25 years trying to keep out and criminalize.

Current debate about the border wall often lacks geopolitical context. It’s worth remembering that the border lies on land taken from Mexico; virtually all of the American Southwest and parts of other regions once belonged to our southern neighbors — California, Texas, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah. These lands were taken as spoils of war following the U.S-Mexican War, which was started by the U.S., of course. And Mexican and Mexican-Americans have lived in the region for time immemorial, thriving in a rich trans-border culture.

Some on the left have taken the border with Mexico as a given. Rather than focusing on whether it should be a wall or a fence, its length or thickness, a more useful exercise would be to reframe the parameters of debate by asking whether there should be a border at all.

Professor Jacqueline Stevens, a Political Science professor who heads the Deportation Research Clinic at Northwestern University, makesthe case in her book States Without Nations: Citizenship for Mortalsthat abolishing birthright citizenship would help end inequality among countries by allowing people greater mobility across borders to seek opportunities.

Looking at the U.S, free movement across state lines “does not diminish the authority of states in our federal system, or the right to participate politically as a citizen of one state and not another,” she wrote in an op-ed in The New York Times. She also points to the European Union’s liberalized border policies.

Of course, such arguments are lost on the ascendant white supremacists that propelled Trump into the Oval Office. Improving on his predecessors, Trump says the entire border will be covered. Better yet, he’ll make Mexico pay for it.

The support among Republican voters for the wall shouldn’t be ignored: 65 percent of Republicans favored the project in a CBS polltaken the week before the announcement.

Psychologically, the Trump’s wall fulfills the tribalistic need of a White America oppressed by the neoliberal ruling class to have an ethnic Other to demonize and feel superior to, much as Jim Crow did in the agricultural south. In the minds of those afflicted by White backlash, the wall is key to “Make American Great Again.” Unsurprisingly, no great nativist anxiety exists about securing the northern border with Canada, though there, too, drugs and illegal immigrants seep through.

“What a wall satisfies is not so much a material need as a mental one,” writes philosopher Costica Bradatan. “ Walls protect people not from barbarians, but from anxieties and fears.”

The southern border is as artificial and arbitrary as they come. That Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thought it fit to voicesupport of Trump’s wall recently is hardly surprising. Consider it a nod from the leader of one colonial-settler society to another.

Oliver “Oscar” Ortega is a freelance journalist based in Madison, Wisconsin. Back in his mainstream media days, his work appeared in the Boston Globe and other regional newspapers. He can be reached at: [at]
Added to the calendar on Mon, Feb 6, 2017 1:04PM
§Mexican San Quintin Farmworkers Fighting For Justice
by United Public Workers For Action
Eighty thousand Mexican indigenous farmworkers are battling the California Driscoll Berry company owned by the Reider billionaire family. They have brought in the police and army to attack strikers and their families. The corrupt and criminal Mexican government which supported NAFTA and is controlled by Driscoll and other multi-nationals and prevents unionization of the 3,000 maquiladoras for cheap slave labor on the border.
§Stop The War On Teachers
by United Public Workers For Action
US and Mexican teachers both are fighting privatization and union busting pushed by the Democrats and Republicans and Mexico capitalist government. In Mexico teachers and students have been terrorized, murdered and in the US, Obama, Arnie Duncan and Rahm Emanuel along with the Gates Foundation, Broad Foundation, Reed Hastings, Zuckerberg Facebook, The Kipp Foundation run by the SF Fisher family and the Walmart family which runs the Walton Foundation want to destroy all public education and set up privatized schools. Education workers on both sides of the border are facing the same bosses, union busters and billionaires.
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