From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature
No DAPL Protest in SF
Saturday, January 28, 2017
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
Event Type:
Fuck Trump SF
Location Details:
Meeting at 555 California St. (the Bank of America building that Trump owns 30% of) to rally and then we'll march! Exact route TBD, but we have someone who will be updating the Facebook event with our current whereabouts and route plans.
The White House has officially confirmed that they plan to move forward with the Dakota Access and Keystone Pipelines. We must continue to rise up and disrupt business as usual so that our voices will be heard. Please join us in the streets to make it known that we will not accept this! Our environment is too important to us.
Trump wasted no time making decisions that will negatively affect our families, our land, our water, and humanity at large.
We will waste no time gathering to build community, disrupt business as usual, and having our voices heard.
This is an unapologetically critically intersectional event: We will be chanting about racism, misogyny, trans & queer acceptance, indigenous sovereignty, environmental racism, #NoDAPL, Black Lives Matter, police brutality, etc. We hope that your signs, chants, and behavior will reflect these beliefs.
***Due to some critical conversation and critique, we've made a couple of changes to the event:***
Hi all — We are so excited that there are so many of you who are ready, willing, and able to get out into the streets this weekend to continue to share our dissent with the current administration and decisions that are being made. It is always our intent to be critically and unapologetically intersectional activists and allies. So we have made two decisions:
1. The #NoDAPL movement (and other movements to save water and land) has been led for generations by indigenous people and we in no way want to co opt or taint that movement and its overarching values. We are deeply invested in unapologetically supporting indigenous sovereignty and opposing environmental racism whenever possible. During this protest, we are going to maintain a focus on the recent decisions to move forward with the Dakota Access and Keystone XL Pipelines, but we are going to rename the event as to respect the indigenous leadership of the #NoDAPL movement.
2. We will not be changing the name of the group Fuck Trump SF. We understand that this may turn people away from our events. However, we consider anger to be a valid emotion. We will not compromise the stance that everyone has the right to experience oppression and state sanctioned violence (i.e., police brutality, lack of access to healthcare, prison, etc.) and express that in whatever way makes the most sense to them. If this means you do not want to march with us the Saturday or ever, we invite you to consider why you are more upset about a curse word than you are about systemic oppression.
Any further questions or comments are always welcome — it is (and has always been) our intention to build a community of activists to plan, organize, protest, and challenge each other and the system at large.
Wishing everyone sunshine & social transformation,
Fuck Trump SF
***We're going to start at the Bank of America building at 555 California and try to hit multiple banks that are actively participating in the DAPL construction and take to the streets.***
Please also consider going to this!
*More details to follow.
Trump wasted no time making decisions that will negatively affect our families, our land, our water, and humanity at large.
We will waste no time gathering to build community, disrupt business as usual, and having our voices heard.
This is an unapologetically critically intersectional event: We will be chanting about racism, misogyny, trans & queer acceptance, indigenous sovereignty, environmental racism, #NoDAPL, Black Lives Matter, police brutality, etc. We hope that your signs, chants, and behavior will reflect these beliefs.
***Due to some critical conversation and critique, we've made a couple of changes to the event:***
Hi all — We are so excited that there are so many of you who are ready, willing, and able to get out into the streets this weekend to continue to share our dissent with the current administration and decisions that are being made. It is always our intent to be critically and unapologetically intersectional activists and allies. So we have made two decisions:
1. The #NoDAPL movement (and other movements to save water and land) has been led for generations by indigenous people and we in no way want to co opt or taint that movement and its overarching values. We are deeply invested in unapologetically supporting indigenous sovereignty and opposing environmental racism whenever possible. During this protest, we are going to maintain a focus on the recent decisions to move forward with the Dakota Access and Keystone XL Pipelines, but we are going to rename the event as to respect the indigenous leadership of the #NoDAPL movement.
2. We will not be changing the name of the group Fuck Trump SF. We understand that this may turn people away from our events. However, we consider anger to be a valid emotion. We will not compromise the stance that everyone has the right to experience oppression and state sanctioned violence (i.e., police brutality, lack of access to healthcare, prison, etc.) and express that in whatever way makes the most sense to them. If this means you do not want to march with us the Saturday or ever, we invite you to consider why you are more upset about a curse word than you are about systemic oppression.
Any further questions or comments are always welcome — it is (and has always been) our intention to build a community of activists to plan, organize, protest, and challenge each other and the system at large.
Wishing everyone sunshine & social transformation,
Fuck Trump SF
***We're going to start at the Bank of America building at 555 California and try to hit multiple banks that are actively participating in the DAPL construction and take to the streets.***
Please also consider going to this!
*More details to follow.
For more information:
Added to the calendar on Tue, Jan 24, 2017 10:13AM
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As I was walking down California, I passed a building full of cops with riot gear, and the amount of paddy wagons was intimidating. Now there is talk of prison senteces for anyone involved with civil disobedience! I am happy that people turned out. Remember, even one person can make a difference. Crazy horse, Mario Savio, Ghandiji, Sitting Bull, Wovoka, M.L.K. Malcom X, John Trudell, Jun San, Jackrabbit, Harriet Tubman, the list goes on. Do NOT give up hope. Be careful brothers and sisters; there is a bad storm brewing. The Lakota have a name for these greedy bastards... wasichu, which roughly translates as, "he who takes the fat". Equal rise and prosperity for ALL living beings; without exception. with Love and solidarity, Goat
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