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Amount of Intense Earthquakes Increases in the USGS Full Data 1983 – 2016

by Zbigniew Charnas (zbychar2 [at]
In the last 33 years of full data of the USGS quantity of intense and catastrophic earthquakes increases in its current. This process accelerates more and more – faster i high magnitudes and slower in in low magnitudes, higher than 5M of the Richter scale. Everyone can be convinced of it using the USGS search-engine Search Earthquake Catalog for custom brackets of magnitude and of time of seismic events for all the world. As I did it in the end of the year 2016 [Google: USGS – Earthquakes – Search Earthquake Catalog – Custom – Search].
In the last 33 years of full data of the USGS quantity of intense and catastrophic earthquakes increases in its current. This process accelerates more and more – faster i high magnitudes and slower in in low magnitudes, higher than 5M of the Richter scale. Everyone can be convinced of it using the USGS search-engine Search Earthquake Catalog for custom brackets of magnitude and of time of seismic events for all the world. As I did it in the end of the year 2016 [Google: USGS – Earthquakes – Search Earthquake Catalog – Custom – Search].

Bracket 6M – 7M

Amount of earthquakes in 5-year periodes (end-to-end of years):
2011 – 2016 = 652 ; 2006 – 2011 = 847 ; 2001 – 2006 = 699
1996 – 2001 = 636 ; 1991 – 1996 = 794 ; 1986 – 1991 = 714

Amount of earthquakes, last 15 years to first 15 years (1986 – 2016):
2198 / 2117 = 1.0383 ; + 3.8 %

Bracket 7M – 8M

Amount of earthquakes in 5-year periodes (end-to-end of years):
2011 – 2016 = 77 ; 2006 – 2011 = 85 ; 2001 – 2006 = 61
1996 – 2001 = 75 ; 1991 – 1996 = 71 ; 1986 – 1991 = 67

Amount of earthquakes, last 15 years to first 15 years (1986 – 2016):
223 / 213 = 1.0469 ; + 4.7 %

Bracket 8+M

Amount of earthquakes in 5-year periodes (end-to-end of years):
2011 – 2016 = 6 ; 2006 – 2011 = 7 ; 2001 – 2006 = 6
1996 – 2001 = 3 ; 1991 – 1996 = 5 ; 1986 – 1991 = 1

Amount of earthquakes, last 15 years to first 15 years (1986 – 2016):
19 / 9 = 2.1111 ; + 111.1 %

Some 5 % in the 15/15 comparison gives about 10 % in trend on diagram and then 33 % in extrapolation for only one century. It is giant change. I think that there increase temperature and preasure inside the Earth, surface tectonic processes accelerate and in some places the crust expands.

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Conduct Postulate of Difference Geodetic Measurement of Planetary Ground Expansion and of Drill Works and Temperature Readings in the Earth’s Crust in Order to Research of Nowadays Hothouse Changes

Dogmatic thesis of modern world geophisic science says that quantity of earthquakes has its fluctuations but in general it does not change in a long time. As you see this thesis is able to be tragically wrong. This problem needs new approach and modern research. Other dogmatic thesis of nowadays science says that ground is stable because GPS is silent about it and that temperature of deep lithosphere does not change, only atmosphere is warming. They are next myths or even official dogmatic lies. Indeed ones against civilisation and humankind.

As I know, geometric and astrophysical effects deceive scientists and the crust is not precisely researched. Satellites deviate from their orbits up together with the globe surface with effect of planetary micro gravity assist (so-called). I expect that in the last 30 years temperature of all deep lithosphere increased about 0.1 – 0.2 K (the same in degrees Centigrade).

Now I postulate to conduct difference geodetic measurement of planetary ground expansion and to conduct drill works and temperature readings in the globe crust in order to research of anthropogenic global warming.

Let us also end now our seismic calculations:

Bracket 7M – 7.5M

Amount of earthquakes in 5-year periodes (end-to-end of years) of 1951 – 2016:
1951 – 1956 = 34 ; 1956 – 1961 = 45 ; 1961 –1966 = 45
1966 – 1971 = 70 ; 1971 – 1976 = 49 ; 1976 – 1981 = 36
1981 – 1986 = 54 ; 1986 – 1991 = 55 ; 1991 – 1996 = 54
1996 – 2001 = 58 ; 2001 – 2006 = 45 ; 2006 – 2011 = 67
2011 – 2016 = 55

Amount of earthquakes in 15-year periodes of 1956 – 2016:
1956 –1971 = 160 ; 1971 – 1986 = 139 ; 1986 – 2001 = 167 ; 2001 – 2016 = 167

After equal dividing (/10) numbers are like that for diagram (about):
1956 –1971 = 16 ; 1971 – 1986 = 14 ; 1986 – 2001 = 16.7 ; 2001 – 2016 = 16.7
It means, watch over "+ 0.7" and "+ 2.7":
1956 –1971 = 16 ; 1971 – 1986 = 14 ; 1986 – 2001 = 16 + 0.7 ; 2001 – 2016 = 14 + 2.7

Fluctuations in constant horizontal trend can look here like this:
Earlier = 14 ; 1956 –1971 = 16 ; 1971 – 1986 = 14 ; 1986 – 2001 = 16 ; 2001 – 2016 = 14
And next = 16
Increasing new trend is here in this case: 1986 – 2001 = 0.7 ; 2001 – 2016 = 2.7
Similar to: 1986 – 2001 = 1 ; 2001 – 2016 = 2.5 (see above)

In short: The same time of start appearance and the same or similar algorithm (with only diffrent proportion parameter) of increase for mentioned here quantitative seismic phenomenon in the world and ground expansionic phenomenon in Warsaw (Philadelphia?, etc.). Correlation of trends seen after common placement on diagram.

PS. I have just in this week watched film on TV about frequent repairing in wet metro railway tunnels in Philadelphia in USA. I think this city has maybe analogic problems like Warsaw. Now ground expansion indicator in Warsaw is about 0.25 mm / 10 m / year (1 inch / 100 yards / decade). If some house has its wall long for 100 m and only one crevice in this wall this crevice is able to be wide for somewhat more than 2 mm after only one year.

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Increase of Strong Earthquake Amount and Acceleration of Planetary Ground Expansion Observed in Last Three Decades to 2017

This is important complement to higher main article "Amount of Intense Earthquakes Increases...".

Natural processes on the Earth are not exactly even. Global warming started on the Northern Hemisphere first in the twenties of years of the XX century and after plateau next again in the eighties. Answer of the globe system of atmosphere and deep nuclear georeactor in the core comes to the surface for many years.

Now this phenomenon destroys buildings, tunnels and bridges in Warsaw in Europe – the 2-mln city placed on thick sediment geological layers. In February of 2015 there burned Lazienkowski Bridge inthis capital city of Poland – the bridge having some splited gas pipes inside. Gauge of planetary ground expansion (regionally intensified global process) in Warsaw is 0.75 cm / 100 m / decade (0.75 cm / km / yr) for about 1995 and 2 cm / 100 m / decade for 2010 (now about: 1 inch / 100 yards / decade). It is for viaduct pillars (my guerilla city research known in Warsaw). Such pillars are anchored technically in the ground – walks with it.

This process inches on by leaps from time to time slowly in geometric progress, once here and once over there. Earlier any authorities did not do with this deceptive scientific surprise anything. Now we have new democratic powers in our country and some new chance... as usual. Meanwhile, many objects in Warsaw (hundreds) have crevices and cracks from 0.5 to 5.0 milimetres and their underground floors stands with spilled slippery water of dirty gutter leaks after every rain or wet snow. What terrible else comes for there in Warsaw and on the world?!

Bracket 6M – 7M

Amount of earthquakes in 5-year periodes (end-to-end of years)
of 1951 – 2016 [USGS full data start from 1950]:
1951 – 1956 = 674 ; 1956 – 1961 = 665 ; 1961 –1966 = 611
1966 – 1971 = 672 ; 1971 – 1976 = 509 ; 1976 – 1981 = 423
1981 – 1986 = 632 ; 1986 – 1991 = 686 ; 1991 – 1996 = 796
1996 – 2001 = 634 ; 2001 – 2006 = 700 ; 2006 – 2011 = 846
2011 – 2016 = 653

Amount of earthquakes in 15-year periodes of 1956 – 2016:
1956 –1971 = 1948 ; 1971 – 1986 = 1564 ; 1986 – 2001 = 2116 ; 2001 – 2016 = 2199

After equal dividing (/100) numbers are like that for diagram (about):
1956 –1971 = 19.5 ; 1971 – 1986 = 15.5 ; 1986 – 2001 = 21 ; 2001 – 2016 = 22
It means, watch "+ 1" and "+ 2.5":
1956 –1971 = 19.5 ; 1971 – 1986 = 15.5 ; 1986 – 2001 = 20 + 1 ; 2001 – 2016 = 19.5 + 2.5

Bracket 7.5M – 9.5M

Amount of earthquakes in 5-year periodes (end-to-end of years) of 1951 – 2016:
1951 – 1956 = 10 ; 1956 – 1961 = 19 ; 1961 –1966 = 24
1966 – 1971 = 17 ; 1971 – 1976 = 21 ; 1976 – 1981 = 16
1981 – 1986 = 9 ; 1986 – 1991 = 15 ; 1991 – 1996 = 22
1996 – 2001 = 26 ; 2001 – 2006 = 24 ; 2006 – 2011 = 30
2011 – 2016 = 32

Amount of earthquakes in 15-year periodes of 1956 – 2016:
1956 –1971 = 60 ; 1971 – 1986 = 46 ; 1986 – 2001 = 63 ; 2001 – 2016 = 86

After equal dividing (/10) numbers are like that for diagram (about):
1956 –1971 = 6 ; 1971 – 1986 = 4.5 ; 1986 – 2001 = 6 ; 2001 – 2016 = 8.5
It means, watch "+ 1" and "+ 2.5":
1956 –1971 = 6 ; 1971 – 1986 = 4.5 ; 1986 – 2001 = 5 + 1 ; 2001 – 2016 = 6 + 2.5

I speculate that mentioned above increase of quantity of strong earthquake in the world is just sum total of usual "horizontal" fluctuations and the part rising up adequately to Warsaw's expansion indicators 0.75 for 1995 and 2.0 for 2010 – what means higher about 1 for 1986 – 2001 and 2.5 for 2001 – 2016. It is plain if to calculate after searching with USGS Earthquake Catalog like I did it above. Such result effect can mean that both of phenomena – more earthquakes and more expansion – have now their common profound reason placed in the core georeactor of the Earth!

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