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J20 General Strike Santa Cruz

Friday, January 20, 2017
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
Santa Cruz General Strike Organizing Committe
Location Details:
11:00 am: March from UCSC (and various schools) to downtown
Noon-1:30 pm: Gather at Santa Cruz Clock Tower

Strike Hate Out! On Inauguration Day we say that we will not idly sit by and allow hate to rule. We say no more business as usual and announce our inauguration of a new era of resistance to hate subjugation and inequality.

Schedule for the day:

9:00 - 10:30 am: People’s Inauguration at UCSC Campus
Kresge College Crier's Tower

11:00 am: UCSC Campus Walkout

Rally at Quarry Plaza and march to Downtown
12:00 – 1:30 pm: General Strike Rally at the Clock Tower
1:30 – 3:45 pm: Workshops, Teach-ins, and Art Projects

1:00 - 3:00 pm: Rising Waves Art Project (Pacific & Soquel)

3:30 pm: Peace Mob, gathering at Mission Plaza Park

1:30 – 2:15 pm: Session #1
Santa Cruz Public Library: Reproductive Justice
SubRosa: Spiritual Activism
Felix Kulpa Gallery: The Singing Scientist

2:15 – 3:00 pm: Session #2
Veterans Memorial Building: Sanctuary City Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Public Library: Political Change and Emerging Technologies
SubRosa: Post-Snowden Privacy
Felix Kulpa Gallery: Santa Cruz Tenants Organizing Committee

3:00 – 3:45 pm: Session #3
Veterans Memorial Building: Sanctuary City Santa Cruz (continued)
Santa Cruz Public Library: Unions, Revolutions, and other Social Change
SubRosa: Yes on Ranked Choice
Felix Kulpa Gallery: Why Anti-Capitalism Now
4:00 – 4:30 pm: Knock down effigy of Trump’s proposed border wall (Pacific Ave. & Mission St.)
5:00 pm onward: General Assembly at Clock Tower to discuss future plans, organizing actions, and resources for resisting a Trump administration

Why General Strike? (A Primer)

We must fight systems of oppression together in our society.

On the Day of Trump's Election, spontaneous protests broke out across the United States. People saw the danger represented in Trump's politics and refused to comply with business as usual. Out of those protests, a nationwide call has gone out for a General Strike on the day of the Presidential Inauguration, January 20th.

What is a General Strike? Why a General Strike?

A General Strike is a political action in which the general population refuses to engage in work, they close the doors to their workplaces and their schools. Born out of early 20th century labor movements, we can thank General Strikes for the 8 hour workday, minimum wage, and the weekend, among other accomplishments.

The General Strike is one of the strongest political tools that the people have at our disposal. General Strikes have the power to force governments to their knees. Just in these past few months: a General Strike forced the South Korean President to resign, a General Strike forced the Polish government to roll back restrictive anti-choice legislation.

Our political system only offers limited input for ordinary people in the form of voting and lobbying our "elected representatives." When it fails the people, we have little recourse to act within the system. A General Strike has the power to bring the system to a halt, to force those in power to hear the people.

In addition to the disruptive power of the General Strike, it is also a demonstration of solidarity. Trump won an election based on hate and fear. We seek to overcome that hate and fear with mutual respect and love. With Solidarity. By joining together in the General Strike we show that we are able to overcome a politics based on individualistic difference. We will stand together and defend each other in the face of misogynistic and racist attacks, cuts to social services, environmental catastrophe, and impoverishment.

Instead of being forced to rely on a broken system that only offers false choices between hatred and corruption, by striking we show that we are ready and able to build a new order. One that is not based on hate, fear, and profit, one that is built on solidarity, mutual-aid, and respect. When we do not work, when we do not go to school, when we do not allow business as usual, we show that we will not allow politics as usual to rule us. We will not allow a racist, misogynistic billionaire to rule us.

It is important to not normalize Donald Trump’s governance. A first step to building a meaningful opposition to his rule is to make sure the day is not a normal work day. We have no illusions that not going to work on January 20th is going to bring down the Trump administration and systems of oppression in a single day. But striking together is the first step towards building the meaningful solidarities and organization that will allow us to actually oppose and survive his administration.

Santa Cruz General Strike Organizing Committee
Added to the calendar on Mon, Jan 9, 2017 1:31AM
§The election is over, but the resistance begins now.
by Santa Cruz General Strike
On January 20, join people in Santa Cruz and at least 30 other cities across the US who will walk out of schools, step off the job, and come out of their homes in a Nationwide General Strike. Come together to say

* NO to racist violence
* NO to bigotry
* NO to misogyny
* NO to religious intolerance
* NO to Trump
* YES to a safe and inclusive community
* YES to climate action
* YES to collective organizing.

Students will be marching from UCSC and other schools, arriving at the Clock Tower around noon. This will be followed by an afternoon of workshops, teach-ins, art in action, music, and a final General Assembly at 5pm at the Clock Tower to discuss and plan for the future.

The Santa Cruz General Strike is a call for solidarity, for caring, for community defense, for organizing kid-friendly action! Everyone is welcome!


The election is over, but the resistance begins now.

Trump ran a campaign based on racism and misogyny, and now his dangerous words are becoming actions. He promised change but has filled his administration with the usual suspects: Wall Street billionaires, corrupt politicians, and even white supremacists like Steve Bannon and Senator Jeff Sessions. This is not the change we need, and we must not normalize his actions.

Trump has called for mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, for attacking unions and workers’ rights, for taking away the right to choose, and even for cutting climate-change research after 2016 will be the hottest year on record.

Nobody can afford to “give Trump a chance.” This is why on Inauguration Day, January 20th, 2017, millions around the country are planning to launch a general strike: a full day of no work, no school, and no business-as-usual.

We are not just anti-Trump, but against our violent economy. We aren’t campaigning for a new president, but no more presidents. We want dignity. Our demand is everything. We will not stop until equality is achieved, and a general strike is just the first step. Organize with us, join us.

We are a loose collation of people from many different walks of life, including UC students and professors, but also local employees and surfers. Local activists and parents. Radicals and moderates. Tech workers and teachers. Join with us in striking hate out. Help Santa Cruz Resist!
§Updated Event Information
by Santa Cruz General Strike Organizing Committe
Strike Hate Out! On Inauguration Day we say that we will not idly sit by and allow hate to rule. We say no more business as usual and announce our inauguration of a new era of resistance to hate subjugation and inequality.

Schedule for the day:

9:00 - 10:30 am: People’s Inauguration at UCSC Campus
Kresge College Crier's Tower

11:00 am: UCSC Campus Walkout

Rally at Quarry Plaza and march to Downtown
12:00 – 1:30 pm: General Strike Rally at the Clock Tower
1:30 – 3:45 pm: Workshops, Teach-ins, and Art Projects

1:00 - 3:00 pm: Rising Waves Art Project (Pacific & Soquel)

3:30 pm: Peace Mob, gathering at Mission Plaza Park

1:30 – 2:15 pm: Session #1
Santa Cruz Public Library: Reproductive Justice
SubRosa: Spiritual Activism
Felix Kulpa Gallery: The Singing Scientist

2:15 – 3:00 pm: Session #2
Veterans Memorial Building: Sanctuary City Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Public Library: Political Change and Emerging Technologies
SubRosa: Post-Snowden Privacy
Felix Kulpa Gallery: Santa Cruz Tenants Organizing Committee

3:00 – 3:45 pm: Session #3
Veterans Memorial Building: Sanctuary City Santa Cruz (continued)
Santa Cruz Public Library: Unions, Revolutions, and other Social Change
SubRosa: Yes on Ranked Choice
Felix Kulpa Gallery: Why Anti-Capitalism Now
4:00 – 4:30 pm: Knock down effigy of Trump’s proposed border wall (Pacific Ave. & Mission St.)
5:00 pm onward: General Assembly at Clock Tower to discuss future plans, organizing actions, and resources for resisting a Trump administration

Why General Strike? (A Primer)

We must fight systems of oppression together in our society.

On the Day of Trump's Election, spontaneous protests broke out across the United States. People saw the danger represented in Trump's politics and refused to comply with business as usual. Out of those protests, a nationwide call has gone out for a General Strike on the day of the Presidential Inauguration, January 20th.

What is a General Strike? Why a General Strike?

A General Strike is a political action in which the general population refuses to engage in work, they close the doors to their workplaces and their schools. Born out of early 20th century labor movements, we can thank General Strikes for the 8 hour workday, minimum wage, and the weekend, among other accomplishments.

The General Strike is one of the strongest political tools that the people have at our disposal. General Strikes have the power to force governments to their knees. Just in these past few months: a General Strike forced the South Korean President to resign, a General Strike forced the Polish government to roll back restrictive anti-choice legislation.

Our political system only offers limited input for ordinary people in the form of voting and lobbying our "elected representatives." When it fails the people, we have little recourse to act within the system. A General Strike has the power to bring the system to a halt, to force those in power to hear the people.

In addition to the disruptive power of the General Strike, it is also a demonstration of solidarity. Trump won an election based on hate and fear. We seek to overcome that hate and fear with mutual respect and love. With Solidarity. By joining together in the General Strike we show that we are able to overcome a politics based on individualistic difference. We will stand together and defend each other in the face of misogynistic and racist attacks, cuts to social services, environmental catastrophe, and impoverishment.

Instead of being forced to rely on a broken system that only offers false choices between hatred and corruption, by striking we show that we are ready and able to build a new order. One that is not based on hate, fear, and profit, one that is built on solidarity, mutual-aid, and respect. When we do not work, when we do not go to school, when we do not allow business as usual, we show that we will not allow politics as usual to rule us. We will not allow a racist, misogynistic billionaire to rule us.

It is important to not normalize Donald Trump’s governance. A first step to building a meaningful opposition to his rule is to make sure the day is not a normal work day. We have no illusions that not going to work on January 20th is going to bring down the Trump administration and systems of oppression in a single day. But striking together is the first step towards building the meaningful solidarities and organization that will allow us to actually oppose and survive his administration.
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