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Abolish Death Penalty (Yes on 62 & No on 66); Legalize Marijuana (Yes Prop 64)

by Get Out The Vote
The Peace & Freedom & Green Party Freedom Train has pulled into the station to vote Peace & Freedom LaRiva or Green Stein for president and on all the propositions, especially Yes on 62 and No on 66, Yes on 64, and Yes on all rent control ordinances, this Get Out the Vote (GOTV) weekend, November 5-6-7, on vote by mail ballots or on a regular ballot on Election Day, November 8, 2016.
BY FAR, the most important statewide issue is to ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY and it is NOT ENOUGH to just vote YES ON 62; YOU MUST ALSO VOTE NO ON 66, because the proposition with the most votes for it wins. Prop 66 is currently likely to pass in the polls because people believe the false sales pitch that it is a reform when it is a regression to the HORRIFYING SLAUGHTERHOUSE days of the active death penalty, much as we see in backward states like Texas and in backward countries. Prop 62 is BARELY PASSING and that is outrageous. Most of the countries of the world, not just all of Europe, but also countries like Mexico, South Africa and Ivory Coast have abolished the death penalty. EVERY SINGLE VOTE WILL COUNT IN VOTING YES ON 62 AND NO ON 66.
Prop 62: Yes on 62, No on 66 ABOLISH DEATH PENALTY
Prop 66: Yes on 62, No on 66 ABOLISH DEATH PENALTY

The second most important issue is Prop 64, legalizing marijuana, ending the prison pipeline. California is a bellwether state because it has the largest population so finally abolishing the death penalty and legalizing marijuana will be milestone advances for the workingclass in the entire country.

The third most important issues are all the rent control ordinances on the ballot which should be supported.

The least important is the presidential race because in California, with its high Democratic Party registration, California’s 55 electoral college votes easily go to the Democratic presidential candidate in the winner-take-all system. If you want to protest the undemocratic electoral college, and for many other reasons, vote Peace & Freedom Gloria La Riva or Green Jill Stein for president.

In San Francisco, you can vote at City Hall, Registrar’s office in the basement, entering on Grove Street at Van Ness, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, November 5-6 or on Monday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tuesday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Registrar’s office, entering City Hall on the Van Ness side. You can also deliver your vote-by-mail ballot to the Registrar or to any polling place. If you mail your ballot, your vote by mail ballot must be postmarked NO LATER THAN ELECTION DAY, November 8, 2106 AND RECEIVED by the Elections Department NO LATER THAN MONDAY, November 14, 2016. Sooner is clearly better when it comes to mailing your vote-by-mail ballot. The safest at this point is to deliver it to the Registrar’s office or a polling place.

For information on the Peace & Freedom Party and Green Party presidential campaigns, see: (Gloria LaRiva interviewed by Abby Martin)

For information on the propositions, see:
For the proposition list, see Voter Guide at
and more details, including pro and con arguments, and funding for each side at
California Propositions:
Yes: 52,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,67
No: 51,53, 65,66

Prop 51: Includes funding for charter schools, always anti-union and anti-education
Prop 52:
Prop 53:
Prop 54:
Prop 55:
Prop 56:
Prop 57:
Prop 58:
Prop 59:
Prop 60:
Prop 61:
Prop 62: Yes on 62, No on 66 ABOLISH DEATH PENALTY
Prop 63:
Prop 65: No on 65, Yes on 67,_Dedication_of_Revenue_from_Disposable_Bag_Sales_to_Wildlife_Conservation_Fund_(2016)
Prop 66: Yes on 62, No on 66 ABOLISH DEATH PENALTY
Prop 67:

San Francisco:
For the proposition list, see: Voter Handbook Online at:,_California_ballot_measures#2016
San Francisco Propositions:
Yes: B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J, L, M,S,T,W,X,RR
No: A,K,O,P,Q,R,U,V

Supervisor, District 11:
Berta Hernandez:

Francisco Herrera

San Francisco Prop V:

Oakland: Prop HH:

Albany: No on Measure 01, a grocery, slush fund tax. See

In San Francisco and Oakland, the primary issue is to house the homeless. The elected politicians were not elected to promote slush fund “soda” taxes but to house the homeless who are now everywhere, making these cities look like the poorest countries in the world. The fact that the viciously anti-workingclass San Francisco Mayor Lee and Oakland Mayor Schaaf, both Democrats, are now promoting the slush fund “soda” taxes is fair warning that their concern is not our health but their patronage system which will benefit from this slush fund. IT IS A SIGN OF THE TIMES THAT THESE WORTHLESS PARASITES ARE OPENLY PROMOTING CRIMINAL SLUSH FUNDS. The money goes directly into the general fund to be distributed according to the wishes of the local politicians. As in Berkeley where this grocery tax passed, the grocers and restaurant owners, the distributors who are taxed for the soda they distribute, can and do pass the tax onto anything, and it is always on food, not on soda, since soda is the cheap item that brings people to the store and the cheap beverage that goes with the more expensive meal. The primary financier of the grocery tax slush fund campaigns is billionaire former mayor of the most expensive city in the US, New York City, sometimes Republican, sometimes Democrat, Michael Bloomberg, whose regressive soda tax was rejected by New Yorkers as being the anti-workingclass regressive tax that it is. Enron billionaire John Arnold and his wife, Laura Arnold, a former oil company executive, through their tax write-off, Action Now Initiative, is also a major contributor to this grocery tax promotion.

In 1964, Malcolm X had this to say about the traditional bogeyman in the presidential race:

“It isn’t a president who can help or hurt; it is the system. And this system is not only ruling us in America, it is ruling the world. Nowadays, when a man is running for president of the United States, he is not running for president of the United States alone; he has to be acceptable to other areas of the world where American influence rules.”

“If Johnson had been running all by himself, he would not have been acceptable to anyone. The only thing that made him acceptable to the world was that the shrewd capitalists, the shrewd imperialists, knew that the only way people would run toward the fox would be if you showed them a wolf. So they created a ghastly alternative. And it had the whole world — including people who call themselves Marxists — hoping that Johnson would beat Goldwater.
I have to say this: Those who claim to be enemies of the system were on their hands and knees waiting for Johnson to get elected — because he is supposed to be a man of peace. And at that moment he had troops invading the Congo and South Vietnam! He even has troops in areas where other imperialists have already withdrawn. Peace Corps to Nigeria, mercenaries to the Congo!”
(This quote is as it appears in Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements, edited by George Breitman.)

By 1968, Johnson was a one-term president and Peace & Freedom Party was on the California ballot, becoming socialist in 1974.

On the presidential race, this little history chant should provide you a reality reminder:

We remember nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Democrat Truman);
We remember the creation of the CIA in 1947 with $200 million from the Rockefellers and Mellons by 350 German Nazis under Nazi Army Major General Reinhard Gehlen (Truman);
We remember the frame-up and eventual execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (framed by Truman);
We remember Korea, with 3 million dead Koreans, 1 million dead Chinese, 36,000 dead Americans (Truman);
We remember Vietnam, with 3 million dead Vietnamese, 1 million dead Cambodians, 58,000 dead Americans and thousands of other dead people (Democrats Truman, Kennedy, Johnson including under Truman the US paid 80% of the French war against Vietnam after WW2 until defeated in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu);

We remember Unemployment Insurance being tax-free until 1978, the 1979 bipartisan Advisory Council which promoted taxing of Social Security which bipartisan Congress legalized in 1983 (See, the disastrous effects of the 1978 Airline Deregulation Act (See; the US aid to the murderous Indonesian government at war with East Timor in 1977, US aid to CIA terrorists in Afghanistan in 1978, US aid to the fascist dictatorship of El Salvador in 1980 that murdered Archbishop Oscar Romero and thousands of other people, and the beginning of the homeless crisis in 1980 (Democrat Carter);

We remember Iraq and Yugoslavia, both victims of “depleted” uranium, and in the case of Iraq, over 1 million dead and hundreds of thousands displaced (Democrats Bill and Hillary Clinton);
We remember the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of January 1, 1994 that destroyed the Mexican economy, forcing whole villages to flee to the US to try to find work and caused the loss of 879,000 jobs in the US (see (Bill and Hillary Clinton);
We remember the destruction of a welfare system that actually helped people get out of poverty, replaced by the poverty-promoting Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) and we remember the prison, death penalty and racism promoting 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (see (Bill and Hillary Clinton);
We remember the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, an Inside Job that was a rehearsal for the 9/11/01 Inside Job, and was led by Andreas Strassmeir, a German national from a Nazi German family and resident of Elohim City, Oklahoma, a bastion of fascist organizations (Bill & Hillary Clinton)
We remember Sudan, Somalia and many more (See and Hillary Clinton);

We remember Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, installation of Nazi Ukraine in 2014 where they worship a proud Nazi, the late Stepan Bandera and have named a street after him, drone killings, targeted assassination lists, praise of US war crimes in Vietnam, provided skin-melting white phosphorus to Saudi Arabia to aid in killing 10,000 people in Yemen (same chemical used for same purpose by USA during American War against Vietnam), use of white phosphorus in Iraq by American troops illegally there, all bombings and massacres in the US and Europe, all staged INSIDE JOBS by definition as was the 9/11 Inside Job staged by the previous CIA family member, Bush, as is Obama, from 2009 to 2017, accelerated destruction of Civil Liberties (See “The Obama Legacy Part V: Waging War on Civil Liberties,” 8/2/16, by Danny Haiphong at, the refusal to compensate CIA torture victims or prosecute any officials responsible for their crimes (See : “Former CIA Detainees Describe Previously Unknown Torture Tactic: A Makeshift Electric Chair” by Alex Emmons, 10/3/16;
We remember the refusal to abolish the federal death penalty, the refusal to legalize all drugs to remove them from the street as they will have no market value and end the prison pipeline, the refusal to free Leonard Peltier, Sundiata Acoli, Aafia Siddiqui and all other political prisoners; the refusal to completely close Guantanamo Concentration Camp and Guantanamo Military Base and all federal maximum security prison-concentration camps and the refusal to demand that all state governors abolish the death penalty, free Mumia Abu-Jamal and all other political prisoners, the refusal to free all prisoners over age 50 and abolish maximum security prison-concentration camps and transform all prisons, federal and state, into high schools providing a high school diploma and job training for decent paying jobs, changing all sentences to a maximum of 5 years (Democrat Barack Obama);

WE REMEMBER PALESTINE BEING DESTROYED BY ISRAEL (Truman through Obama, Democrats and Republicans together, 100%)

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