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No on Measure D in Santa Cruz County to hold two demonstrations highlighting large corporate contributions to Yes on D campaign

by via Widening Won't Work - No on D
The No on Measure D campaign in Santa Cruz County asks voters to consider the impact of big money in local politics. During the last week of the campaign season, The No on D group, Widening Won't Work, will hold two public demonstrations in front of two of the major corporate donors to Measure D, Granite Rock Construction Company and Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Granite Rock has contributed $10,000 to the Yes on D campaign, and PAMF has contributed $25,000.
Rick Longinotti, chair of the group, says, "This is the most expensive Santa Cruz County ballot campaign in memory. Contributions to Yes on D total more than $416,000. We believe it is important for County residents to understand who is behind the financing of this measure."

Public records show who is behind the Yes on D campaign:

* Over half the contributions come from the construction industry and unions.
* Over half (54%) of all contributions come from outside the county.
* 97.4% of Yes on D funds come from large contributions of $1000 and over. There are no legal limits to campaign contributions for ballot measures.

Measure D is a 30-year half-cent sales tax, expected to raise revenue of $500 million dollars, more than $100 million of which will fund expanding Highway 1 for auxilary lanes (lanes that start and end at on- and off-ramps, but do not continue through interchanges). According to Longinotti, "No amount of special interest money can alter the conclusion of last year's Caltrans report that the widening project won't relieve congestion."

Longinotti explains why the No on D group is choosing Graniterock. "I spent over twenty years working in electrical construction, and I disliked working on projects that increased energy consumption. Let's put people to work on transportation projects that offer real solutions to congestion and help us break out of our dependency on fossil fuels."

On Friday, November 4th, at noon, the No on D campaign will present a copy of the book Urban Sprawl and Public Health to the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, which has contributed $25,000 to Yes on D. The book describes the enormous health impacts of automobile dependency, including injuries and deaths from collisions, chronic asthma due to air pollution, obesity and diabetes connected to the decline of walking, and the crumbling of neighborly connection due to the spatial isolation of auto-dependent communities.

Green Jobs, Not Greenhouse Gases
Tuesday, November 1, 11:30am
303 Coral Street
Santa Cruz, CA

Highway Expansion Is Not Healthy
Friday, November 4, noon
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
(Sutter Health)
2025 Soquel Avenue at Capitola Road
Santa Cruz, CA

Widening Won't Work - No on D
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