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Koch Brothers Poured Tens Of Millions Into Ohio Senate Race

by Populist
Despite the tens of millions Koch brothers used trying to buy the Ohio Senate race, (and hundreds of millions buying GOP seats elsewhere) Donald Trump's tapes may have given the election to Ted Strickland, Democrat.
Koch Brothers Poured Tens Of Millions Into Ohio Senate Race
by Ohio Populist

Rob Portman, senator from Ohio, has said he will write in Pence's name on the ballot. He has pulled his endorsement of Trump. However Portman is no
advocate for women, having voted against equal pay multiple times.

1 WARMONGER Rob Portman voted for every immoral illegal bankrupting war
2 MALE CHAUVINIST Rob Portman voted 5 times against equal pay for women
3 EARTH DESTROYER Rob Portman has been called by Sierra Club, EDF, NRDC one of the 5 worst senators for the environment
4 PAWN OF THE NRA Portman as a Bush operative tried to bring stalking hunters into national parks to endanger children, tourists, animals
5 SOCIAL SECURITY ENDANGERER Rob Portman tried as a Bush operative to privatize Social Security
6 HUSTED PARTNER Portman's silent partner is Jon Husted Ohio GOP who has illegally removed 2 million Ohioans from voting rolls.
7 JOB QUASHER Rob Portman voted for NAFTA, CAFTA etc., sent hundreds of thousands of jobs out of state
9 KOCH BROTHERS MOUTHPIECE The Koch brothers have spent over 100 million $ to buy Portman a Senate seat
9 UNETHICAL RADIO WKSU, GOP radio, has gobbled up 22 counties in OHio while pushing Portman and quashing coverage of Strickland

Please ask Ohioans to inform themselves and watch the videos

Rob Portman: warmonger, hunter, oil pawn, deforester, voted 5 times against women's rights It's time to put out his Senate office lights.

Koch Brothers Spent 81 Million On Just First Of Many Ads For Ohio Senator Rob Portman as they try to buy another Senate seat.

1a. Former Bush operative Rob Portman worked to privatize Social Security, and to turn over the pensions of the poor to Wall St. hedge fund megathieves.

1b Portman worked to have the public pay for Wall St speculator insurance and bailout money.

1c In Portman's privatization plan, Wall St profiteers would have been paid hundreds of billions in fees whether or not the stocks they recommended crashed.

2. Rob Portman has voted and worked for every illegal Bush-Obama war from Afghanistan and Iraq to Syria, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen etc. How many millions of combatants, civilians, mammals, birds, reptiles, trees have been killed or maimed.

3. Portman worked to bring hunters, some drunk, many poor shots, into our national parks to kill and maim mammals, birds, as well as bystander adults children and family pets. ,. Bow and arrow hunting, rifles, and other weapons would have been allowed? Did he stop short of semiautomatics in the woods? Children have been shot to death by hunters while playing in their back yards... Cleveland Amory, former editor of Parade magazine, wrote that he had scene animals alive in the woods with 12 arrows sticking out of them.

4. Portman, Kasich, Attorney General DeWine and other Ohio Republicans were part of a many year conspiracy to deprive third party and Democratic citizens of the vote. Federal judge Algenon Marbley in June of 2016 declared Ohio Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted's practice of eliminating ballots because of, for instance, a missing zip code, unconstitutional. There have been at least 3 separate actions of Jon Husted which have drawn condemnation from the federal bench in 2012 and 2016. Since taking office Husted has eliminated 2 million from the voting rolls, virtually all Democrats and third party voters. US District Court Judge Michael Watson ruled that Husted's elimination of early voting was unconstitutional.

In 2012 a federal judge issued a 17 page condemnation of Ohio Republican scofflaw attorney general Jon Husted.

5. Portman in Congress worked to cut social programs and divert the money to the expanding military budget.

6. Five times Portman voted against equal pay for women.

7 . In voting for NAFTA, CAFTA, and special trade status with China, Portman sent Ohioans' jobs to Mexico, Central America, China etc.

8.. Portman is a former lobbyist for the Sultan of Oman.

9. Of all senators running for re-election, nationa environmental groups have selected Portman and McCain to defeat.

10 A Rob Portman, as well as other Ohio Republicans John Kasich, Jon Husted, Mike DeWine, Maureen O'Connor, and others have had a corrupt relationship with First Energy, the Ohio utility which has decapitated mountains in 4 states (WV, KY, OH, PA), the major factor in the severity of record breaking flash floods which killed 23 humans and uncounted unnamed animals by the millions.

10 B Portman is a pawn of oil gas and fracking interests in Ohio, a state which has had 800 earthquakes in the Youngstown area alone from fracking, while Ohio has more cities with lead in their water than Michigan. Portman has lobbied for a lack of regulation for utility and coal companies so that they might continue to pollute.

10 C Portman led the fight in the Senate to remove any restrictions on carbon emissions by utilities. UPI reported that The League of Conservation Voters, the Sierra Club, the NRDC Action Fund and Environmental Defense Fund are targeting Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, Rob Portman of Ohio, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin with a total of five ads highlighting their votes against the Clean Power Plan, which is aimed at curbing carbon pollution.

10d Ohio ranks fourth in carbon dioxide emissions, and third in coal ash pollution nationally—yet Senator Rob Portman refuses to act, putting his fossil fuel industry donors ahead of Ohio’s interests.

11. Portman is part of the petroplutocracy which has caused over 400,000 deaths so far from rising seawaters submerging island communities and from climate change related droughts and fires.

12 WKSU, Republican radio calling itself 'public radio' is unethically censoring his opponent, Democrat Ted Strickland, former governor of Ohio.

13. Portman hopes the Republican fraud machine which stole the US election from John Kerry (See Robert F Kennedy Jr's article in Rolling Stone) will create another crime for him. Ohio Republican Secretary of State Husted has removed 2 million voters from the rolls, nearly all Democrats, He has stolen the yes vote for marijuana from Ohioans with the help of old Diebold machines (Diebold based in Ohio has sold its voting machine division but many obsolete easily hackable ones remain in Hamilton, Portage, and many other counties in Ohio.)

14. Portman voted against college students.

15 Portman was the debate coach for Mitt Romney, a man who wanted 50,000 more troops in Iraq, but not a single one of his 5 sons.

16. Portman denies he tried to privatize Social Security

17. Portman is worth nearly 9 million dollars in a Capitol Hill which has 372 millionaires. It is the most money dominated Congress in history.

18. The Koch Brothers have spent 81 million dollars for just 1 of several commercials attacking Portman's opponent, former Ohio governor Ted Strickland. It takes Strickland's words out of context.


A bill about the heroin epidemic has passed the Senate 94 to 1. The Koch Brothers are funding ads giving Portman credit while in actuality for 23 years Portman has been a secret supporter of CIA involvement in heroin trade.Portman has supported every illegal war. No other factor as much as US military drug usage has been responsible for the heroin epidemic.

20. Karl Rove loanshark capitalist warmonger is giving money To Portman.

21. Among others disenfranchised, Portman and Husted have coconspired to remove the right of the homeless to vote.

22/ Portman is one of the Republican senators who have voted to allow those on the terror watch list to purchase semiautomatic weapons.

23. When his fellow Republicans gutted the Voting Rights Act, eliminating protections for African Americans, Latinos, and Democrats in racist states, Portman said they were just making tweaks.

24. Portman tried to undermine White House negotiations with Iran by signing a letter critical of the process.

25. Bush appointed Portman a US trade representative. He was supposed to stop illegal dumping of steel by China. He did nothing.

26. The Koch Brothers are flooding YouTube with Portman ads. Google's YouTube isn't satisfied with just 1 ad per listening experience.

27. Portman has endorsed racist, misogynist, execution-promoting, petroplutocrat pawn Donald Trump.

28. Portman is getting many times the airtime on IHart (Clear Channel) radio stations than Governor Ted Strickland, the Democratic candidate for senate. Romney, sole owner of Bain Capital, bought Clear Channel to boost his candidacy. Unethical media include WKSU, taxpayer supported, which has given many plugs to Portman while virtually ignoring the campaign of Democrat former governor Ted Strickland.

29. While Portman has been in office, Ohio has become a capital of brutal cockfighting.

30. Portman worked with other Republicans to give corporations taxbreaks to help in their outsourcing to China and other countries.

31 The billionaire Koch Brothers, profiteers from the privatization of national resources,
are spending many millions in misleading ads such as saying that former governor Ted Strickland emptied the Rainy Day Fund. He did so because the needs of the people of Ohio outweighed other considerations

32. The Portman-Husted-Koch Brothers cartel supports the violation of property owners which has frequently occurred with the proposed Nexus pipeline. Nexus and Republicans have been abusing eminent domain laws, applying them to corporations and not urgent public need.

33. According to a radio news report on Aug 30, 2016, the Portman Husted Koch Brothers cartel has barred local communities from sending out voter registration forms, thus preventing Democratic metropolitcan areas (every big city in Ohio) from offsetting GOP removal of 2 million registered voters from the rolls.

34 Portman made a show of putting money for Ohio in a congressional spending bill, but when the rollcall was examined he was found to have voted no.

35 In the light of the September 2016 5.6 earthquake in Oklahoma after 5000 others which caused authorities to shut down 37 fracking wells, it is time to outlaw Koch campaign contributions and remove Portman from the Senate. Ohio has had over 1000 quakes.

36 The Teamsters' Union leadership has been corrupt since the death of Jimmy Hoffa and the endorsement by the leadership of unionbuster Ronald Reagn. The fact that Portman is endorsed by that leadership is further proof of his corruption.

37 Portman is playing both sides, endorsing Trump but refusing to campaign with him.


A new ad compares cicadas which emerge every 17 years to Portman who has emerged 6 years later to attempt to rewrite his record.

WKSU continued to promote Portman and to ignore Strickland. In May of 2016 it lied and diminished Strickland's ad campaign. Strickland's supporters, national environment groups, unions etc are running ads constantly. WKSU news director is Andrew Meyer.


"Americans for Prosperity, the political group backed by billionaire conservatives David and Charles Koch, have launched a $1.4 million ad blitz" (attacking former Gov Strickland who is running against Portman)

3 articles on Republican vote fraud conspiracy in 2012 and 2016

NY Times on Husted disenfranchisement

Portman voted 5 times against equal pay for women

70 Varieties of millions of incidents involving Republican (distinctly minority party) vote fraud

No Jobs Rob

While Portman has been in office, Ohio has become a cockfighting capital

Portman, one of 372 millionaires in Congress

Bernie Sanders sues corrupt Ohio Secretary of State over vote fraud

Koch Brothers pour money into Portman campaign

Portman voted against college students

Portman way behind the times on the Voting Rights Act and Iran

Portman wants to remove Social Security protections

4 senators targeted by environmental groups


Portman has lobbied for a lack of regulation for utility and coal companies so that they might

continue to pollute.

Portman denies he tried to privatize Social Security

Portman led the fight to remove any restrictions on carbon emitting polluters.
Richard Burns, Pat Toomey, Ron Johnson

Ad about Portman's privatization attempts re Social Security

Picture source:

Afghan picture from

Portman hypocrisy

Portman has been called by an environmental coalition one of the 5 worst senators for earth.
§Portman's silent partner is Jon Husted
by Populist
Ohio Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted has removed 2 million legitimate voters from rolls (Democrats, third party), has ended same day registration and voting, has been sued numerous times.
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