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Indybay Feature

Message to Oakland City Council Members Regarding Conflicting Police Oversight Proposals

by Coalition for Police Accountability
Oakland has spent more than 30 million dollars monitoring the Negotiated Settlement Agreement over the Oakland Police Department since 2003 and over 65 million dollars on wrongful death and police brutality lawsuits. How many affordable housing units or police academies could those funds have provided for our city?
As you know, a group of concerned citizens and [30] organizations, known as the Oakland Police Accountability Coalition including the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, the League of Women Voters, SEIU Local 1021, ACCE, the Oakland Alliance, and the Block by Block Organizing Network have discussed the need for a truly independent police commission that could be set up when the current federal oversight ends. The Coalition has researched existing versions, interviewed attorneys, police specialists and sitting commissioners in other cities and come up with a unique new model of police oversight.

Since an independent commission requires a charter change and a citywide election, we are requesting that you join with Council Members Kalb, Gallo, and Kaplan to put this carefully wrought measure on the November ballot rather than substituting a weaker ordinance that does not provide true citizen accountability. A measure that continues to give the mayor or a city administrator the option of declining to impose discipline, for instance, would restrict true police department reform and leave us open for more abuse and additional lawsuits in the future.

This is a good government measure that provides transparency and real community engagement with police operations for all Oakland residents. As progressives, we expect no less from our representatives. We hope you will join with progressive council colleagues to place it on the ballot.


Both measures are to be heard at the Public Safety Committee meeting of June 14 at 4:00 PM. The Kalb/Gallo measure we support is item #3 on the Agenda. The competing measure by Campbell Washington/Guillen/Reid which we don’t support is item #4. See (Committee members: Noel Gallo, District 5; Abel J. Guillén, District 2; Dan Kalb, District 1; Chairperson: Desley Brooks, District 6)
§Weak last-minute OPD Monitor proposal by Campbell Washington, Guillén, and Reid
by Coalition for Police Accountability
(31-page PDF)

We do not support this proposal being offered by Anne Campbell Washington, Larry Reid, and Abel Guillen, only offered after Noel Gallo and Dan Kalb introduced a stronger Police Commission proposal.

We need everyone's help to defeat those who are trying to defeat us by offering a very weak alternative to the Council that would make it seem like the Council is being pro-active when, in fact, they are not. Our voices must be loud and clear: we are not fooled!
§Stronger OPD Police Commission proposal by Gallo and Kalb
by Coalition for Police Accountability
(33-page PDF)

While we prefer our own measure for which we are currently collecting signatures to place on the November ballot (, this measure now supported by Kalb, Gallo, and Kaplan is worth supporting over the intentionally weaker Campbell Washington, Guillen, and Reid proposal.

Let's make our voices be heard!
§June 9 update to Kalb/Gallo proposal
by Dave Id
(6-page PDF)
(10-page PDF)

Annie Campbell Washington, Larry Reid, and Abel Guillen withdrew their own proposal and turned around and submitted these requested changes to the Noel Gallo/Dan Kalb proposal. See handwritten notes in file for which were accepted by Kalb/Gallo at June 14 meeting, and where Desley Brooks cut off discussion, tabled for negotiations between council members prior to July 5 full council meeting.
(24-page PDF)

This proposal, with amendments noted in previous attachment, passed committee and will be heard at July 5 Oakland city council meeting.
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