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Indybay Feature

Uncle Bram Robs a Lot -- the audition

Tuesday, May 24, 2016
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Event Type:
David Giesen
Location Details:
The Irregular Parklet
1272 Valencia St.
San Francisco, California 94110

This is an open audition for political street theater. Ack-Act Theater is the vestigial agitprop remains of 3,000 years of resistance to the underlying supposition of civilization as we know it, namely that land value can be privatized. Ack-Act Theater abides in the conviction that land values emerge with the growth of community and therefore belong to community.

If you love to merge political consciousness with everyday acts of human engagement, we'd like you to show up and audition for Uncle Bram Robs a Lot, a short interengagement taking up the reported great wealth of a relative who bought a Bernal Heights lot in 1936 and now feasts on the rent paid by you and everyone you know. Uncle Bram's a good old guy who wouldn't hurt a fly. But he does own land values.

This comedy in the sly style is devoted to upsetting patterns of thought. For starters, there's money for the actors. Second, we're not knee-jerk avert to the market. Third, in fact we love the market to tell us what land owners owe to community. Can you dig? As in The Diggers.
Added to the calendar on Mon, May 23, 2016 8:21PM
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