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Anti-Hillary Clinton Action in Salinas

Wednesday, May 25, 2016
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Event Type:
Watsonville Brown Berets
Location Details:
Hartnell College
411 Central Ave
Building G -- Auxiliary Gym
Salinas, California

Hillary Clinton is coming to Salinas CA this Wednesday on May 25th to speak and try to win over the "Latino" vote. Let's show her she is not welcome here and she does not represent our people.


(allows millions of $ from corporate
interest to pour into the political process
to fund campaigns by SuperPACs)

(hillary advocated/lobbied for big
cuts towards the needy & homeless
in '96 to reduce gov.spending. Military
spending increased by 9 billion afterwords)

DOMA ........................................VOTED FOR IT
(Defense Of Marriage Act, prevented
equal rights for alternative marriage)

(hillary advocated/lobbied for it,
resulted in lost U.S jobs by
companies out sourcing for
cheeper labor abroad)

(hillary advocated hard lobbying
up many votes on capital hill for the
"Crime Control & Law Enf. Act of '94"
amping up Reagan's 'War On Drugs'
black/hispanic hoods turned into police
states by random stops/searches in these
hoods sparking the mass incarceration
we see today. till this day hillary's against
lighter sentencing for non-violent offenders
like marijuana users, Prison Donors fund HRC)

KEYSTONE PIPELINE.........................SUPPORTED IT
(will result in emanate domain,
taking lands from citizens so Oil
Companies can profit, hillary has
recently flipped on this issue for
political convenience)

(to avoid another "too big to fail"
fallout scenario like in '08 Crash.
millions of lost jobs, lost homes,
401K's, Billions lost in tax-payer $.
hillary says trust 'Dodd Frank Act'
to police Big Banks into doing the
right thing on Wall St.... basically
saying if they crash it again there'll
be penalties........Really?)

TPP FREE-TRADE................................VOTED FOR IT
(lost more U.S jobs... companies
profit on cheep labor by out
sourcing more american jobs)

(along w/ relaxed provisions and
regulations so oil companies can
save $ by drilling on the cheep,
resulting in the gulf of mexico
oil spill of 2010... fracking has
resulted in minor quakes,
property damage, water pollution,
suspected in derailment of trains
because changing ground levels
due to fracking)

UNIONS............................................ AGAINST IT
(while on the Walmart board of
directors, hillary did not support
her employees efforts to unionize
for livable wages & equal wages
for women)

(made it harder to fix & get good
credit, big banks & credit card
companies rake in record profits
by keeping customers in the "Red"
longer to pay high penalty fees
& high interest rates)

(regulation passed by FDR to
prevent another great depression,
deregulated by the Clintons in '99.
would have prevented the '08 Wall
St.Crash.. today hillary defends the
banks by claiming there's no need
for glass steagall because 'Dodd
Frank Act' will police the big banks
into doing the right thing..."Trust the
Banks Again!?" ....Really?)

(cost the tax payers 1.7trillion,
destabilized the middle east,
leading to ISIS today.. 700,000
esti. arabs dead, 4500 alley u.s.
soldiers dead, countless more
dismembered or suffering from
postpartum war symptoms,
Corporations like halliburton
make $Billions off Iraq War)

REGIME CHANGE ........................ SUPPORTS IT
(as if Iraq wasn't enough,
sec.of state hillary backed
overthrows in Lybia, Yemen,
Egypt, & now Syria furthering
mass chaos in middle east)

GMO INDUSTRY..............................SUPPORTS IT
(the taking over of gov. funded
Genetically Modified Organism
companies in the farming sector
pushing out family farmers,
the non labeling of GMO's
in packaged foods in stores)

MTBE BAN BILL ............... .......VOTED AGAINST IT
(Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether,
a chemical used by Big Oil &
Gas discovered to be toxic to
the environment & local water
supplies causing cancer)

(Hillary was a "Goldwater Girl"
worked for the Barry Goldwater
campaign which was anti-new deal,
anti-welfare, anti-unions,anti-gay rights,
anti-abortion, pro mass deportation..
Goldwater voted against
The Civil Rights Act of '64)

^google it/ yahoo it/ wikipedia it/ youtube it...

A "short-short" List of HILLARY $PEECHE$
click on this pic/link below, then click on pic to expand

Exposing Clinton's Flip flops and corrupt history

#WhichHillary in Black History:

Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes What Hillary Clinton Really Represents

For U.S. presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, coups are democratic, and she even says there should be more military intervention in Latin America.

Her role in the 2009 coup in Honduras was constantly criticized by indigenous activist Berta Caceres, who was murdered this year for her political and environmentalist activism.

As Secretary of State she intervened in Honduras' democracy, who will stop her from going further in other countries if she ever becomes president?


“As is well known, [Hillary Clinton] supported the coup d’etat in my country, which has sunk a very worthy and bleeding land further into abject poverty, violence, and militarism,” Honduran feminist activist Melissa Cardoza said of Clinton’s legacy in Honduras.

“She is part of those who consider only some lives to be legitimate, obviously not rebel women and women of color that live here and who do not, at least not all, fit in with imperial interests.”
Added to the calendar on Mon, May 23, 2016 5:29PM
§Hillary Clinton Speeches (2013-2015)
by Evil Hillary
A "short-short" List of HILLARY $PEECHE$
Click on the image, and then click again to zoom in.
§Community Groups, Latinos Protest Clinton Visits in LA
by teleSUR
Event organizers estimated attendance at the anti-Hillary event to number in the hundreds, May 5, 2016.
Photo: Gonzalo Rios Castro

The Democratic presidential candidate has faced two separate protests in Los Angeles where she has been denounced as a "war criminal" with blood on her hands, whose actions led to the current crisis affecting Central American refugees, particularly from Honduras.

Besides naming her hawkish record, the event organizers stressed that she called for the deportation of unaccompanied refugee children back to Central America when she was Secretary of State and could easily do the same as president.

In particular, Latino organizations have called Clinton out on her involvement in the 2009 coup in Honduras that has caused an increase in human rights abuses, including the murder of environmental activist Berta Caceres, leading thousands of Hondurans to flee their country.

In a statement, organizers noted, "As Secretary of State, Clinton played a major role in destabilizing countries in Central America, such as the U.S. sponsored coup d'etat in Honduras in 2009, generating crisis and violence in that country leading to mass migration of children. Other Central Americans are also migrating to the U.S. due to state-sponsored violence and corruption. In 2014, Clinton supported the deportations of unaccompanied Central American minors arriving at the border as a way to deter further migration, ignoring the structural violence they were fleeing and that she helped create."

More Photos:

Comments (Hide Comments)
by No Justice, No Peace
The Californian reports:

The Democratic presidential front-runner will be at Hartnell College from Noon to 3 p.m. Wednesday in Building G -- the auxiliary gym -- to try and pull in more supporters, said Shawn Bagley, a member of the Democratic State Central Committee of California of the California Democratic Party.

The Clintons are in California going after votes including the Hispanic vote, which is critical in a state where the majority of the population is now Hispanic/Latino.
by Lady V
Your claims are inaccurate. Research on Politifact (nonpartisan fact checking site). You are repeating the memes of the far right wing.
I am wondering why "our" media is not informing us about another of Hillary's hypocrisies - Clinton Foundation Pays Male Execs 38% More Than ... "Male executives at the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation earn 38 percent more than women executives, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of the foundation’s latest IRS tax filings.

The foundation’s 2013 IRS form 990 reveals that nearly three times as many men as women occupy the executive suites at the Little Rock, Arkansas-based foundation. . .
The foundation’s highest paid executive is Frederick Post, director of “sponsor and marketing,” who has built the foundation’s assets to $247 million. He received $484,000 in annual compensation.

The highest paid woman is CEO Virginia Ehrlich. Her pay is only $201,000, less than half that of Post’s.

The second-highest paid male is long-time Clinton associate Bruce Lindsay, who received $395,000 in annual compensation.

All eight male foundation execs earn $200,000 or more. Only one woman earned $200,000, while Stephanie Streett, its executive director, received a paltry $169,000.

Altogether, eight executives are men in the executive suites compared to three women, according to the foundation’s filing. . ."

Read more:
by thekerry
According to my memory of the Clinton White House years, the Clinton Senate years, and her work as Sec. of State, this list of Hillary's actions and advocacy is very accurate. Perhaps you could be more specific on the "facts" you disagree w/ and provide some links that would support your opinion. By the way, Politifact may claim to be unbiased but a quick search will show many sites and articles questioning that self-definition.
I'm grateful to whomever put this list and other info together. I will share it w/ others.

by IndyRadio
she was begged by congress to stop supporting oligarch and sweatshop entrepreneur Miguel Facusse' - he passed away last year at the age of 90, but it is his huge family that has rolled back land reform and benefits most from the US taxpayer dollars funneled there since 1982, as shown in my introduction to this recent report from George Washington University. there's also a copy on indybay in the global section
As a white female of senior citizen status I have waited since the 1970's to enjoy rights equal to men. We still are not there. The facts of this are clearly substantiated on a daily basis.

I want/wanted a female president but it is not Hillary Clinton. Alas, for her & us, she prefers war over peace. She has a record of supporting the mostly male financial elites over the trampled poor woman. In her own Clinton foundation neither she, nor Bill nor their now elite daughter Chelsea have managed to implement any of her recent campaign statements concerning equal pay for women.

Despite the immense privileges & power NONE of the well educated Clinton's have utilized the foundation they themselves developed. If Hillary really believes in equal pay for woman why hasn't she ensured this for women working for the "Bill, Hillary, & Chelsea Clinton Foundation"?

Instead they misused a true & simple opportunity - in real time & right now - to implement real changes for the female gender. Hence, there has been NO improvement to "our" needed & OVERDUE changes to gender, race, & pay equity for females in the allegedly democratic USA. I wonder - why none of these 'powerful' elites could accomplish these changes at their own foundation?

The plethora of facts provide the actual evidence that neither Hillary nor her daughter Chelsea have used their prodigious celebrity & financial status to uplift women. It's one thing to be well paid to give a nice speech - as both have done. . . But what about REAL action? It is the trite & over used political jargon instead of actual change that I object to. Jargon used by both men & women. If Hillary can't manage to improve their antiquated prejudicial thinking in her own foundation there's no way she could do this as "president". This is another example of a white woman who got her "goodies" for her & her daughter & doesn't really give a flip about other women.

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