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Take Back Santa Cruz Silent as Member Faces Gun Narcotics Charges

by Seeking Knowledge
Posts deleted as TBSC member faces multiple felony counts ranging from illegally synthesizing a Schedule 1 narcotic, to being illegally armed with a firearm.
James Burtnett of Boulder Creek California, faces multiple felony counts ranging from illegally synthesizing a Schedule 1 narcotic, to being illegally armed with a firearm. According to court documents, Burtnett was involved in a narcotic processing operation. Due to the high concentration of extremely flammable, toxic chemicals involved, the illegal lab exploded on September 29th, 2013 on 3rd Street in Santa Cruz, California.

Three males in their early 20s who were present when the lab exploded were severely burned over nearly 70% of their bodies, and according to Deputy Police Chief Steve Clark, “They not only put themselves at risk, they put that entire neighborhood, and especially that entire apartment complex at a very high state of risk with their activities.” The burns sustained by the 3 men present were so severe that in an article on October 3, 2013 in the Santa Cruz Sentinel quoted police chief Steve Clark as saying, “The men, who were flown to Valley Medical Center, are in a medically induced coma. A criminal investigation is underway and there is a possibility of prosecution. Should any of the men die, the investigation could turn into a homicide investigation…Our hope is that they do recover from their injuries. We hope for the best for them but there is that responsibility component that comes into play as well."

According to a post on the Take Back Santa Cruz Facebook Page dated Sept. 29, 2013 (see below), Burtnett had to stay away from the apartment complex due to the explosion. Fellow Take Back Santa Cruz member Sharon de Jong stayed with Burtnett and his two dogs while the crime scene was contained and investigated by authorities. On TBSC’s Facebook page there was never any mention of Burtnett’s involvement with the illegal narcotics manufacturing lab, just that he had to stay away from the apartment due to its proximity to the explosion and subsequent fire. Several members speculated that it was a meth lab fire. Later in the thread, de Jong indicated that Burtnett’s apartment was attached to the crime scene, stating, “…several people were evacuated due to the attached laundry room catching fire. James was one of them.”

Always wanting to feel like she’s in the thick of the action, Take Back Santa Cruz founder Analicia Cube chimed into the thread stating, “Is James OK? Does anyone need anything?” Clearly Burtnett is a high ranking member of the Take Back Santa Cruz junta. He has been a very vocal part of the group for several years, and can often be seen in group photographs with the rank and file Take Back leaders. Most notably he is front and center in the infamous “Gladys Kravitz” photo featured on the first page of the Take Back website, where members proudly flaunt their surveillance tactics and busy-body presence in the community. Unfortunately the group conveniently forgets to focus on their own member’s transgressions.

In line with many Take Back members who are obsessed with firearms, the community should be extremely alarmed that Burtnett is also being charged with,”Special Allegations-Personally Armed/ Firearm Controlled Substance.” Court documents state, “It is further alleged that in the commission and attempted commission of the above offense the Defendant was personally armed with a Springfield .40 caliber handgun and a Steven 12 Gauge shotgun within the meaning of Penal Code 12022 (c)” Burtnett’s online social media accounts are littered pro-gun messages.

Other charges against Burtnett include “Possession of Marijuana For Sale,” another “Special Allegation-Armed With a Firearm” violation, and a probation violation. Burtnett’s trial was set for February 22, 2016, but has been rescheduled for a later date so that Fire Investigators can have more time to continue their investigation. Burtnett remains free on his own recognizance.

The other men involved in the narcotic lab explosion didn’t fare as well as Burtdett. It was discovered that at least two of them have crowd funding pages to assist with medical expenses incurred from treating their severe burns. Some of the photos found online are extremely alarming, and show the magnitude of the explosion:

May 21st, 2016, TBSC member Ronald Paul Hughes posted a link to the Santa Cruz Sentinel article on the criminal sentencing to the Take Back Santa Cruz Facebook page (see below). The post was deleted in the early morning hours of the same day even thought it didn’t appear to violate TBSC’s terms of use. This selective censorship by a group who claims to be concerned with public safety is all too common. If putting a neighborhood at risk of explosion with an illegal drug manufacturing lab doesn't qualify as a public safety issue, then Take Back Santa Cruz should reanalyze their platform.

For more information see the links below.

Santa Cruz Sentinel:

The Santa Cruz Sentinel:

KSBW news story:

See the Santa Cruz Superior Court webpage for more information:
Case number: F27180
by Seeking Knowledge
by Seeking Knowledge
by Seeking Knowledge
by Seeking Knowledge
by Seeking Knowledge
by Seeking Knowledge
by Seeking Knowledge
by Seeking Knowledge
§"Bitchin picture!" of James Burtnett
by Surf's Up
January 6, 2014. Samantha Olden of Take Back Santa Cruz tells James Burtnett that the photo of him and his dog is a "Bitchin picture!"
§September 19: Will Take Back Santa Cruz "Save The Date"?
by Cowabunga, dude
60-year-old James Patrick Burtnett has a Trial Readiness Conference scheduled for September 14, 2016 at 9:00 AM before Judge John Salazar, followed by a Jury Trial on September 19, 2016, also at 9:00 AM before Judge Salazar.
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by G
Was Dexter Cube reappointed to the Downtown Commission? Has the Santa Cruz Sheriff or Police Department launched investigations of financial fraud involving other TBSC members?

Was Dylan Greiner released? Has the Santa Cruz Sheriff or Police Department launched investigations of pedophilia involving other TBSC members?

Was James Burtnett incarcerated? Has the Santa Cruz Sheriff or Police Department launched investigations of drug and gang activity involving other TBSC members?

Is TBSC pursuing political power and influence in order to make it too difficult for the Santa Cruz Sheriff or Police Department to launch investigations involving other TBSC members?
by Laurel habirsch
Why is James Burtnett not incarcerated? Because he is 'in bed' with santa cruz police thats why. For some reason this utter scumbag, this transplant redneck from the south, landed in Cali where hash oil and weed is plentiful, and Gennaddy the already sentenced leader of the hash oil lab op that exploded was giving James FREE HASH OIL. So the "flip flop cop", the cop ass kissing gun loving trumpster His greed for free shit got him in trouble because he wanted to turn a blind eye to this dangerous lab that he helped with and that he KNEW was there. HYPOCRITE. And TBSC and Santa Cruz Hall of Shame are big hypocrites, deleting posts and kicking out whistleblowers. Blind idiots.
by Sam
Whatever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law"?
How refreshing! Just imagine the improvement after a few more TBSC headline busts.
by Seek and ye shall find
So Guy, TBSC is stalking Denise? Please say more. And why is TBSC stalking anyone?

Sam, please refer to the Kenneth Maffei thread on the closed Facebook page that you admin to answer your question.
by Razer Ray
So he was making hash oil... I don't give a fuck... What *I* care about is his making poison using butane instead of water extraction or some other method that doesn't POISON people.

On the streetcorner we call guys like that "Skull & Crossbones" and they often have amnesia... They forget if it was a little bit of this and a little bit of this and a LOT of that or was it a little bit.... of... this.... and... a... (h/t Gil Scott-Heron, Black Wax, intro rap to 'Angeldust')

Gil Scott Heron - Black Wax, complete concert , 'Angel Dust' @ 20:15 - 29:34
by John Cohen-Colby
Actually Take Back Santa Cruz (TBSC), on numerous occasions, has vilified suspects — like Kenneth Maffei — before they were convicted. Recently they did this about the homeless person accused of attacking a woman on Pacific Avenue with a golf club.

People here are not convicting James Burtnett: they're pointing out the hypocrisy of TBSC. This was apparent with Dylan Greiner. Burtnett is just another example of how a supposed anti-crime group reacts when one of their favorite members is on trial for serious crimes. TBSC isn't an anti-crime group. That rationale is just a cover to attack latinos, the poor, homeless people and political activists.
by Sam
Where did anyone get the idea that I have anything to do with TBSC?

Never ASSume anything.
by Razer Ray
"Last time I checked, a person was innocent until proved guilty and entitled to a jury of their peers."

That's soooo before 9/11!

Listen TBSC is a CRYPTO-FASCIST organization. Literally. Complete with thugs and blackshirts


Don't believe it? I have proof, but I'm not interested in trying to convince you.

Further, I'm just wondering if these drug manufacturers had connections and were also responsible for all those "Bags O' Needles" that TBSC hasn't seemed to wave around quite as often... They just TALK about them more.

by Laurel habirsch
Innocent until proven guilty? HE IS GUILTY OF TURNING A BLIND EYE TO THIS DANGEROUS DRUG LAB ..ALL THE WHILE BEING THE 'FLIP FLOP COP" Wake the hell up. Even if they DONT convict him of the 5 felonies hanging over his head, he is guilty of being a hypocritical asshole in the name of getting FREE DRUGS, just like he likes getting FREE EVERYTHING..
by kathleen kelley
...why is james burtnett protected?....because he is a tool.....he will prostitute himself out for anything...he is a walking toxic waste site...he would only be a cost to the taxpayers so why bother to incarcerate him when he's willling to rat people out who have the financial where-with-all to pay the court fines and restitution whether they are guilty of something or not...this is how he proves himself of worth to his "good friends" on the police force...the not so upstanding members of our force and there are a few...the problem is he is a menace to society and a thorn in the side to all who come near him and decide he really isn't someone with whom they really want to associate he attacks, threatens and harasses them...when you no longer buy into his false personna of someone with credibility and see him for who he is the problems begin...and he becomes more toxic and vicious and hateful with each passing day...there is a long list of people who are coming out of the woodwork who will back these statements without hesitation due to the evil and hateful person that james burtnett has proven to be in their lives...each having similar stories to tell...he is a sociopath...when his mouth is open he is why is he not in jail....?...if it looks like a rat, and it walks like a rat and it smells like a's a rat!
We appreciate this story so much, we would like to post it on The Homeless Advocate. Please contact me so we can get a written consent.
by tobynixon
Wow, that's a really hypocritical, coming from TBSC which closes Pot clubs and reports cancer sufferers for "being intoxicated" by their medication. Is involved with illegal operations to extort and deprive people of their rights. And seeks to criminalize the Mentally Ill and RUN OUT the homeless people that have lived in this county their entire life.

SO, whatever dude, keep your hand on that 911 speed dial as I come walking through, telling them I have a gun because I am smoking pot.
by Mary Nelson
More hypocrisy from Take Back Santa Cruz.

In the Goodtimes article, Analicia Cube of Take Back Santa Cruz claims to not know James Burtnett very well. With a group as large as Take Back Santa Cruz is, you can't know everyone involved.

James claims being buddies with SCPD, was tied in with Louis Roubal of Santa Cruz Hall of Shame fame and frequently was at many Take Back Santa Cruz events.

Has anyone looked into whether or not any Take Back Santa Cruz members have written character witness letters in support of James to the courts?

The good times article is
by John Cohen-Colby
Take Back Santa Cruz commander-in-chief Analicia Lesnowicz pulled the same stunt with James Burtnett which she did with Dylan Greiner. She distanced herself from them, claiming she didn't know them very well (which in both cases were lies). If she fibs about these criminals, what else is she fibbing about?

I suspect her life — like her defense of Dexter Cube's criminal past — is full of lies and mistruths. I bet she's hiding a lot from the public. If you want to understand Analicia better look at the tree the apple fell from: Colonel Ed Lesnowicz.
by HT
I don't agree with "Take Back Santa Cruz" on most things. Was Burtnett the founder? The leader? or just a vocal member? If the latter, then I see blaming by association.
Further, Burtnett clearly has issues. In a sense he is a victim of substance abuse. I don't blame people who become addicted. They have deeper issues that need treatment or resolution of some kind.
So what is the point of this post?
a response to the Take Back Santa Cruz's attempt to disarm the critics of their honest and above board operation...they are a vigilante cult with their own shady agenda!...none of them are to be trusted...either because some of them are criminals and because the rest of them are just plain stupid!

OH , THAT'S RIGHT!....I FORGOT....IT'S JAMES BURTNETT, OUTSPOKEN MEMBER OF TAKE BACK SANTA lends the question to be asked how monty matteson (good friend and loyal financial supporter of the notoriously combative james burtnett) is involved in this illegal hash oil lab that exploded on sept 30, 2013 resulting in three critically burned young men (one of whom had his genetalia reassigned to dust as a consequence of this illegal and amateur operation!)...why is he so invested in the outcome of james trial?...why is he so concerned that james is going to go down for this crime like the others who were also involved?...monty has been seen repeatedly standing up in james burtnetts defense ( a well known snitch who would turn on his own mother if he could locate her) it because james has something on monty matteson...this plot gets thicker with each new day...i can't wait til sept 19th ...why you ask...well it's my dads birthday (rip) and i think i may just get a gift from heaven because that's the day mr burtnett goes before a jury to be held accountable for all of his wrongdoings...illegal manufacturing of drugs and weapons!...this is goiung to be good!
by John Cohen-Colby
Using Facebook's boosting tool, GuerillaGorilla Advocacy has made James Burtnett a world class celebrity. Check out the link below:

1K likes — this Indybay article has reached more than 16K people around the world. Now Take Back Santa Cruz is world famous. This is a great success for independent media in general and Santa Cruz Indybay in particular. We don't need the corporate media anymore to promote good journalism.
by John Cohen-Colby
Too bad Santa Cruz Superior Court Judge Ariadne Symons wouldn't allow the Santa Cruz Police Department (SCPD) to look at Take Back Santa Cruz (TBSC) child molester and child pornographer Dylan Greiner's computer — which is standard procedure for such cases — because we'll never know whether these two child predators recently arrested by the SCPD were connected to Greiner and downloaded some of the child pornography Greiner took of young girls.

Dylan Greiner is homeless in Fallbrook, California and his computer has probably already been destroyed (purposely to avoid creating a huge scandal about all the people who were looking at his child pornography). Greiner got early release and can never be connected to these two child predators nor to all the other ones on the Internet still downloading photographs of his victims.

TBSC criminals seem to get off easy in Santa Cruz courts with seemingly biased judges.
Apparently, if you study the history of how Santa Cruz Superior Court judges mistreat homeless people, you will discover that they consider sleeping unhoused a greater crime than molesting young girls and taking child pornography.

Consider the court cases for alleged "sleep criminal" Gary Johnson.

To quote:

"Homeless activist [Gary] Johnson has been sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison for peaceful political protest in front of the Santa Cruz courthouse in August 2010 and again last winter. He was shining a spotlight of shame on Santa Cruz's criminalization of homeless people and persecution of homeless activists. A vegetarian, Johnson needs money to pay for food there."

“Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.
--Henry David Thoreau"

Here's a San Jose Mercury article about Take Back Santa Cruz (TBSC) child molester and child pornographer Dylan Greiner.

To quote:

"Greiner has been charged with lewd acts with children, possession of child porn, using a minor for sex acts, sending harmful matter, sexual exploitation of a child and possession of material depicting a child in sexual conduct -- all felonies, according to court documents.

He also is charged with unlawful invasion of privacy, a misdemeanor, and faces 10 years in prison if convicted."

Why wasn't this TBSC monster sentenced to 10 years in prison after he pleaded out?

Did Dylan Greiner get off easier than Gary Johnson because he was a better actor, that he cried crocodile tears while Gary Johnson asserted his innocence and claimed he had civil rights? What children were harmed by Gary Johnson? Who did he victimize? What's wrong with Santa Cruz judges? Apparently they hate homeless people in preference to a despicable child molester who committed numerous sex offenses and collected pornographic images of his victims.

This leads me to believe that Dylan Greiner received leniency because he was a leader in TBSC closely connected to Analicia Cube, her corporate criminal husband Dexter Cube and her crazy father Marine Colonel Ed Lesnowicz. Note these three are closely connected to local politicians, government staff, law enforcement officials and notable members of our local 1%.

Apparently Gary Johnson didn't have 40 supporters writing letters begging sympathy while Greiner did. Gary Johnson had no friends on the City Council, in City staff, in the Santa Cruz Police Department, in the local business community nor in the local judiciary.

Considering the great injustice Gary Johnson suffered — as a supposed "sleep criminal" — while monstrous TBSC child molester and child pornographer Dylan Greiner was given a pass on justice I wonder: will Judge Salazar impose justice on dangerous, armed TBSC terrorist James Burnett? While Gary Johnson committed no crimes, James Burtnett has harassed other Section 8 voucher holders, stalked numerous women (especially homeless ones), lied to the FBI about his drug use to obtain guns, has threatened numerous community members about using guns against them, violated Section 8 rules by owning guns, defrauded the Social Security Administration and defrauded the MediCal In Home Health Services (IHHS) program as well as turning on those who generously helped him.

Most pointedly, James Burtnett boasts about his glorious military service — he only served two years out of four which suggests he was dishonorably discharged — while he cheats the Veterans Administration and sells free medical marijuana he receives from WAMM to feed his hash oil addiction.

My question: will James Burtnett be treated by Judge Salazar as harshly as "sleep criminal" Gary Johnson was or as leniently as child predator Dylan Greiner was?

Will James Burnett's numerous victims ever receive justice in a Santa Cruz court?
by kathleen kelley
THIS BASTARD lived above me for over a year shortly after his involvement with the meth lab explosion...he was threatening and caught 2 times looking in my granddaughters privacy while she was in the bathtub....she was 6 years old!..he stole my mail and pounded on the floor of his apartment (my celiling) every night....he assaulted me twice but the police did nothing to overt his bad behavior....he CLAIMS to be a veteran but he never served other than pushing a mop stateside to get veterans benefite....he lives on free housing (section 8) and cooks meth in his house creating a product called dabs.....this is a very sick individual and he needs to be incarcerated for life!...i suffered fro PTSD after i moved away from this derelict for years and went thru therapy...i have nothing good to say about this piece of shit!
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