Oakland City Council Approves Second UrbanCore Luxury Tower for E12th St Parcel

3 Reasonable Questions About EBALDC’s Segregated Housing Proposal
In case you missed it,
all the public pressure to #SaveE12th from a luxury condo tower appears to have pushed our opponents to a new low.
Thanks to our organizing for #PublicLandforPublicGood (which now includes our own community-sourced proposal for 100% affordable housing), the luxury tower team has been forced to include affordable units in their proposal for the land, as well.
And this is how they decided to do it.
Yes, you are seeing that correctly. Still a luxury tower… plus a small box of affordable units kneeling humbly down below.
It’s New York’s infamous “poor door” — now banned, and rightly so — times a thousand.
In light of this development, I have a few questions.
1. What the Fuck?
I CANNOT MAKE THIS UP. THIS IS A REAL PROPOSAL for the piece of public land at E12th. Look in the SF biz journal if you don’t believe me. There, Joshua Simon, Executive Director of East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC), explains:
The affordable and market-rate apartments are in separate buildings for financing reasons, but [EBALDC executive director] Simon said that the design would seek to integrate the affordable and market-rate portions through common spaces.
2. Are You Fucking Serious?
What they call “workforce housing,” I would call “servants’ quarters.”
Because it is literally a small box of affordable units tacked on to the luxury tower they are still proposing to build.
And given the trends of gentrification in the Bay Area, this “workforce housing” would likely house people in the service industries — washing dishes, tending bar, nannying kids, fixing Priuses, vacuuming offices, and dry-cleaning clothes, quite possibly for the luxury tower residents who happen to live right next door in $3,200/month 1-bedroom units.
3. What On Earth Are You Thinking?
To justify this segregated housing monstrosity (oh, my bad — “mixed-income proposal”), the luxury tower team UrbanCore + EBALDC just unveiled a laughably astroturf web site (complete with colorful paper cutouts of people instead of actual human supporters) championing the “workforce housing project” (a.k.a. servants’ quarters).
See their whole web site here.
Funnily enough, there is NO MENTION OF THE LUXURY TOWER THAT WOULD WAVE ITS TOWERLY DICK IN THE FACES OF LOW-INCOME RESIDENTS EVERY DAY. In addition to pushing rents sky-high for the whole neighborhood.
Like, really EBALDC? Really?
I would expect this kind of deceit from UrbanCore, who has bribed workers and misled non-English-speaking seniors in efforts to drum up support for their development. And I’m not shocked that BRIDGE, another affordable housing developer, is proposing a tower even though the community clearly and expressly DOES NOT WANT ONE.
But the East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC)? really?
It might be time to rethink your whole entire moral compass. Cuz this is disgusting.
Pull out. Walk away. Work on other projects that you’re good at. Support the People’s Proposal that has been determined by an engaged and transparent community process.
You want good projects on your record, not segregation for fuck’s sake.
Your heart is absolutely in the right place, but trust me, you're wrong. More homes at every income level is GOOD for Oakland.
(...and I have no idea why you're upset about separate doors - who cares? The more important thing is the number of units)
Your idea that this is servants' quarters would be laughable if it werent so patently offensive to people who have actually been servants. Grow up

Has Oakland LOST ITS’ MIND, or something???? I may live outside of Oakland, but I GRADUATED from Castlemont, LIVED in Oakland for most of my life, Joined the MILLITARY in Oakland, and came back from overseas TO Oakland…….and THIS is what it has become??? A haven for the Plantation Owners with Slaves and a haven for BIGOT NAZI DICKHEADS like trump??????!!!!! Has the mentality in the Bay area become SO obsessed with wealth and bigotry that they FORGOT who they were? And to those who are SUPPORTING this HEINOUS piece of garbage the the City council is trying to force feed the Oakland area, there is more I could say to you; but I will forgo my own thought to you greedy bastards until later.......but, PLEASE--DO NOT LET THIS PASS WITHOUT A FIGHT!!!! From what I've seen of Oakland, they've CHASED as many minorities OUT of the City as they could; and now, they want to build something where they are "helping" the poorer of the people living there (it is called SERVANTS QUARTERS FOR A REASON, PEOPLE)........Get a clue; STAND UP AND FIGHT!!!!! Oh, and before I go, a little PS for all of you BROWNSHIRTED trump supporters........
But it does not take a very vivid imagination to see the clear representation of a Swastika in the EBALDC logo.
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