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Workshop on Socialism for Sanders Supporters

Sunday, February 21, 2016
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Event Type:
Eugene Ruyle
Location Details:
Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library
6501 Telegraph Avenue in North Oakland
One mile south of the Cal campus, just north of Alcatraz Ave

Workshop on Socialism for Sanders Supporters

To be effective as Bernie advocates, we must understand his democratic socialism and how it is related to other forms of socialism. As a democratic socialist, Bernie Sanders is leading a political revolution to transform a political system run by the billionaire class into one that represents working and middle class Americans and creates more opportunity for everyone. This workshop will take a closer look at democratic socialism by placing it within the global context of two centuries of struggle against the capitalist system. We will compare the democratic socialism of Senator Sanders with other forms of socialism, including ecosocialism, the Christian socialism of Martin Luther King, and the scientific socialism of Marx and Engels. The workshop will be led by Eugene Ruyle, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Cal State, Long Bach.

Sunday, February 21, 2016 – 2-4 pm

Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library
6501 Telegraph Avenue in North Oakland
One mile south of the Cal campus, just north of Alcatraz Ave
For info, contact Gene Ruyle 510-332-3865 or cuyleruyle [at]

Find out where Bernie stands on over 50 issues and how you can support the Sanders campaign at

Labor donated by volunteers unassociated with any Super PAC or billionaire, with no official relation to Bernie Sanders, his office, or his campaign.
More info at:
Added to the calendar on Tue, Feb 16, 2016 12:19PM

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by Register Peace & Freedom or Green
It is outrageous that a Marxist library allows the latest Democratic Party's sheepdog, Bernie Sanders, who proudly proclaims he is not a Marxist and is a vicious anti-Communist, to have a campaign meeting on its premises. Telling anyone that a proud supporter of US foreign policy, including military contractors in Vermont and everywhere else, drone warfare, encircling Russia, attacking Hugo Chavez as a "dirty red" and much more is any kind of "socialist" is a vicious slap in the face to all socialists, who by definition, are Marxists.

Let us remember that Nazi means National Socialist German Workers Party. They were not socialists but tried to steal the thunder of the Communist Party of Germany, the 3rd largest party in Germany in the 1930s, before Hitler took power in 1933, aided by the social democrats. The German Nazi party was created to draw the workingclass away from the Communist Party. They had red flags too, as did the Communists, but the Nazis had their crooked cross symbol on the flag. The German Nazis had lots of anti-capitalist, anti-big business rhetoric. The truth is, they were financed by the capitalist class to smash the left and the trade unions, which the left helped organize. See

Bernie Sanders' version of socialism is similar to that of the German Nazi Party.

ALL OF THE US ELECTIONS ARE STAGED, and the presidential elections are planned to the last detail. Sanders does the usual sheepdog routine of giving lip service to workingclass needs during the campaign to make sure you never vote socialist (Peace & Freedom) or Green, but instead with the Democrats to the bitter end. He cannot deliver anything because he has no Congress with him and because he puts guns before butter with his pro-war agenda. The Democratic Party has the same foreign policy blood for oil war agenda and the same pro-police state agenda at home as the Republicans, proving they are the twin parties of war and fascism, paid by the same capitalist class to carry out the same goal to maximize the profits of the capitalist class, the greatest profits being in oil and munitions. The Democrats ONLY EXIST TO MAKE SURE YOU NEVER VOTE RED OR GREEN. The Black Agenda Report of May 6, 2015 has a good description of all of the Democrats' sheepdogs at

Elections do not cause change; they merely reflect the class struggle that has preceded them, if any. In the US, with labor only 10% organized and not much class struggle taking place, this election will not advance any cause, whether it be women's liberation or any other worthwhile cause.

Sanders will either drop out before the Democrats' TV advertising show (same as the Republicans' TV advertising show) known as a convention or at the convention. Clinton has all of the superdelegates, that is all of the Democratic Party officials and all of the Democrats elected to office nationwide who can vote at these conventions. The ruling class has no intention of allowing their sheepdog be on the November ballot. The pre-arranged Republican lunatic, billionaire Don Trump, is making war criminal multi-millionaire Hillary Clinton look like the "lesser evil" when of course they are both evil. The billionaire parties, the Democrat-Republicans, do not leave anything to chance because their profits come first.

Here is the research your "professor" organizer will not tell you:
FIVE YEARS AGO, a Counterpunch article warned Americans of the Democrats' sheepdog to drive disgruntled Democrats back to the Democratic Party that they have in every presidential election. See
The Myth of Bernie Sanders
by Thomas H. Naylor in Counterpunch 9/30/11 at
Bernie Sanders Is a Russia-Bashing, Pro-Israel, Militarist Tool at
He also called Hugo Chavez, the late leader of Venezuela murdered by the CIA, a communist dictator, standard US capitalist war machine hatemongering. See
US Presidential Candidates Demean Muslims and Hugo Chavez by Steve Lendman, 9/19/15 at
His support of US imperialism is outrageous and unconscionable. See
Does Bernie Sanders’ Imperialism Matter? by Shamus Cooke, 1/5/16

Bernie Sanders voted for money for Israel during Israel's massacre of Gaza in July 2014. He is a lifelong Zionist, a darling of AIPAC. His Russian bashing and celebration of war contractors in Vermont are part of his same support of the US war machine as his support of the US military base called Israel.

He claims he is a democratic socialist but not a Marxist, an impossibility since a Marxist is by definition a democratic socialist, supporting the needs and interests of the overwhelming majority, the workingclass.

Stop being swayed by the good cop-bad cop game of the Democrat-Republicans. Register either Peace & Freedom (socialist) or Green. You can register online at:
For more information, see (Gloria LaRiva for President) (Be sure to read her serious socialist program.)
and (Jill Stein for President)
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