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Indybay Feature

Walking Vagina Reaps Shock and Awe from "Walk for Life" Marchers in San Francisco

by R. Stevens
"Walk for Life" marchers are told to keep eyes forward and not engage with their adversaries, but some members of the anti-abortion rights folk giggled, pointed and stared when they witnessed a counter-demonstrator dressed as a vagina on the sidewalk.
Stop Patriarchy led a raucous rally at Powell and Market at the same time that anti-abortion activists, made up primarily of members of evangelical and Catholic groups, marched through the streets of San Francisco on January 23.

Pro-rights protesters greeted speakers, including medical doctors and people who lived during the time when the only abortion in the US was an illegal one, with enthusiastic cheers. The Raging Grannies were among those who said they knew what it was like before Roe v Wade; the Grannies sang pro women's rights songs and waved a hanger and knitting needle saying, "don't let this extreme measure of the past once again be in our future".

After the rally pro-choice activists faced off with the crowd of thousands of anti-choicers when they came marching down the middle of Market. Lines of riot police stood between the two sides. "Walk for Life" marchers are told to keep eyes forward and not engage with their adversaries, but some members of the anti-abortion folk giggled, pointed and stared when they witnessed a counter-demonstrator dressed as a vagina on the sidewalk.
by R. Stevens
Even the ministerial dude in black hat and clerical collar can't help but look and smile. Reactions vary from mouths agape to giggles...with one woman on the far right pointing. Check out the cops giving each other a fist bump.
§More street theater...bloody pants
by R. Stevens
The Walk-for-Lifers had plenty to react to with counter protesters in various costume
§The rally before the face-off at Powell and Market
by R. Stevens
This guy holds up hangers with the "NO" symbol and shouts as he faces the Walk-for-Lifers who marched down the middle of Market St. Counter-protesters were kept on the sidewalk by long long line of police
Lots of cops
§This cop jaded...he's seen it all
by R. Stevens
The guy at left in bright green is a Walk-for-Lifer volunteer
§Pro-abortion rights in Spanish
by R. Stevens
T-shirts and signs for abortion rights in Spanish...the larger white sign says: Forced motherhood is enslavement of women.
§Raging Grannies on the street
by R. Stevens
§Vagina lady rear view
by R. Stevens
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by Pro-Abortion
Ms. Walking Vagina is a good start for what should be universal pro-abortion theater since 3 hours of screaming at the anti-science, anti-women, anti-abortion Catholic Church aka Ku Klux Klan of the North idiot parade discourages participation in the pro-abortion protest. There could be others walking with her as Fallopian Tubes and Egg Sacs and Men as Penis and Scrotum. People could carry blow-ups from the Internet or Medical Dictionaries of the human body in full and in part from all angles, such as Gluteus Maximus muscle for the behind, and so forth. The easiest graphic are condoms since they are essentially balloons. You can write pro-abortion messages on them with a smiling face and blow them up, then attach them to a poster or a string. There can also be lots of condoms in one long string for a group of people to carry as they walk along side the anti-abortion idiots. Comic Theater is a great unifier and will increase the pro-abortion participation which is urgently needed due to some 80% of US counties, including most of the California Central Valley, having no abortion provider and the Catholic Church denying sterilization procedures.

For example, Catholic Mercy Hospital in Redding (near Mt. Shasta in the Central Valley, north of Sacramento) denied a woman pharmacist a tubal ligation, a form of sterilization, commonly and best done when she gives birth to a child. Judge Goldsmith of the San Francisco Superior Court, on January 15, 2016, sided with the Catholic Church, stating she could risk her life in traveling 70 miles to give birth this week to have both the birth and the tubal ligation done, leaving behind her husband and 2 children. Clearly, religious institutions should not be allowed to run hospitals and in light of the recruiting of schoolchildren for this anti-abortion, anti-science idiot march, they should not be allowed to run schools either. See;jsessionid=gJO95OsrOXXKDv-+okdSgp-e.undefined

We are pro-abortion as Roe v Wade guarantees women a right to safe and legal ABORTION. Democrat Dennis Kucinich was anti-abortion until he ran for president; then he became "pro-choice." Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid is anti-abortion, and lots of Democratic Congresspeople are anti-abortion, so it is no surprise that Democratic Party front groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL, defend the Democratic Party's giving a permit to what amounts to our local Ku Klux Klan (American Nazis), the Catholic Church, both being anti-abortion groups. In the 1980s, they denied a permit to American Nazis to march in San Francisco, stating correctly that no one has a right to FALSELY yell fire in a crowded theater, and thus they have no free speech rights. The same is true of the Catholic Church's anti-abortion, anti-women, anti-science hate march.

The only 2 pro-abortion parties on the ballot are Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party.

Right to Life, Your Name is a Lie,
You don't care if women die!
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