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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Tell the President: No to TPP!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Event Type:
Art Persyko
Location Details:
Federal Building
Mission St & 7th St
San Francisco, CA 94103


The President will be delivering his State of the Union Address the day of this rally, on Jan. 12th, in the evening. He will use that opportunity to promote TPP.

Join with other senior and disability organizations, labor unions, and environmental activists to let the President know that Californians opposes the TPP. Let Congresswoman Pelosi and the media hear us too!.

Events like this will be happening around the country on this day –prior to the President’s speech. Stand up and be counted.

If you can’t attend the rally on the Jan. 12th – please be sure to call Senator Feinstein and your congressperson. The number at the Capitol Switchboard to call is: 877-762-8762
Tell our representatives to STOP THE TRANS PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP (TPP)! And say why:

If passed, the TPP would:

*undermine our national, state, and local laws;

*make it easier for big corporations to ship our jobs overseas, pushing down our wages and increasing income inequality;

*flood our country with unsafe imported food;

*jack up the cost of medicines by giving big pharmaceutical corporations new monopoly rights to keep lower cost generic drugs off the market;

*empower corporations to attack our environmental and health safeguards;

*ban Buy American policies needed to create green jobs,
roll back Wall Street reforms;

*sneak in SOPA-like threats to Internet freedom,
and undermine human rights.

The TPP can take effect only if the U.S. Congress approves it, and its fate in Congress is uncertain at best. Fast Tracktrade authority only passed through Congress by the narrowest of margins after a series of legislative maneuvers, with reluctant support from some key swing members contingent upon certain provisions being in the final TPP. The released text shows these concerns have been largely ignored.

And an unprecedented array of organizations have joined together in a powerful and diverse coalition to stop the TPP. Groups united on this extend well beyond labor unions and include consumer, Internet freedom, senior, health, food safety, environmental, human rights, faith, LGBTQ, student and civil rights organizations.

Opposition to the TPP is growing at home and in many of the other countries involved.

For more information about the TPP and how we can stop it:
Added to the calendar on Mon, Jan 11, 2016 8:10PM
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