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Indybay Feature

PEACE VIGIL - 14th Anniversary of U.S. & British Airstrikes in Afghanistan

Wednesday, October 07, 2015
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Mckesson (BART) Plaza -
Montgomery & Market Streets - directly above Montgomery BART
(on the steps facing Market St. - below Senator Feinstein's office)
San Francisco

PEACE VIGIL - This week's focus is:

-14th Anniversary of U.S. and British Airstrikes in Afghanistan
-U.S. Bombing of Doctors Without Borders hospital in
Kunduz, Afghanistan on October 3, 2015
- Fleet Week in San Francisco

Codepink, World Can't Wait, & OccupySF Action Council invite all to say ENOUGH WAR!

-Speakers welcomed.
-Feel free to bring your own signage, photos, flyers. additional
signs and flyers provided.
-Stand (or sit) with us and the huge PEACE banner.

For info:
Curt - wechslertoo [at] or Adrienne - afong [at]

Multiple protests are planned across the country.

Info on Fleet Week (October 5th - October 12th)

Added to the calendar on Tue, Oct 6, 2015 12:05PM

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by Organize Labor
Don't Fight the Bosses' War; Fight the Bosses Here at Home; Organize Labor!

This is the chant for the demonstration and throughout this week as the military is in town, all in desperate need of education as to what is right and wrong. You can do this chant whenever you see them playing tourist in the City. They need to hear our message loudly and clearly. They will walk away quickly, but the message will be received and they are all young enough to learn. They all joined for economic advancement, which as paid professional killers which all soldiers, military sailors and military air force people are, always means they have to kill their fellow workers around the world to make the rich richer, the only reason the military exists, with the greatest profits being in oil and munitions. The illegal invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan were and are blood for oil wars. Afghanistan is near the Caspian Sea oil pipeline and is itself rich in minerals. The only way we can put an end to war is to organize a labor movement strong enough to carry out a general strike to take state power to end the private profit system, the cause of all wars.

As to information on the Navy's Blue Death flying over our heads this week, it is a horrifying ear-shattering nightmare for the 4 days, Thursday through Sunday, Oct 8-11, 2015, Columbus Genocide Weekend, from Noon to 4 or 5 p.m., wasting tax dollars and oil, polluting the air, flying illegally low over heavily populated San Francisco, all to glorify war as it is a military recruiting show. The military does not exist to entertain anyone, although thousands of people in the Bay Area seem to think so as they rush to watch this hideous sight, demonstrating the lack of peace education as we certainly cannot have guns and butter.

At and will see the announcement with excellent photo of one of these murder machines that this is indeed a recruiting tool, on paragraph 2, from the Department of Defense April 30, 2002 Press Release,: “THE MISSION OF THE BLUE ANGELS IS TO ENHANCE NAVY AND MARINE CORPS RECRUITING…”

For more on military air shows, see
“War, Big Oil and the Inconvenient Truths About Military Air Shows” by Dr. Gary G. Kohls, 8/12/14 at

The claim that this military recruiting show brings its blood money to San Francisco is insulting and a lie. The money spent on the military would pay for all our needs many times over. It is the progressive income tax of the state and federal governments, better known as tax the rich, those making over $200,000 a year, that should and must pay for all our social service needs.
For more on how your tax dollars are spent, mostly on war, see the War Resisters League pie chart at:
The federal budget for Fiscal Year 2015 is $2,887 billion. The war budget is 45% not including the Social Security Trust Fund which is currently being robbed by Democrat Obama, just like the Republicans, to pay for his illegal blood for oil wars, AND THE MILITARY IS BY DEFINITION A COMPLETE WASTE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS AS THE MILITARY ONLY EXISTS TO MAXIMIZE THE PROFITS OF THE CAPITALIST CLASS.

Don't Fight the Bosses' War; Fight the Bosses Here at Home; Organize Labor!

The U.S. Judge Robert H. Jackson who chaired the trials wrote into world law that the Planning and doing of aggressive war is the supreme international crime on Earth, as it actuates all other crime big, small, high, and low.

Here is how he exactly says that...."War is essentially an evil initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only and international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."

He further says that it is the supreme international crime whether Germany does it or the UK-U.S.A does it. This law applies to all the countries in the world. In this world now it is NATO and the Imperialist camp that is sourcing all the aggressive wars of mass destruction for empire.

The U.S. UK-Britain are heading the aggressive wars throughout the middle east for the reasons that Imperialism has always initiated wars of aggression, and that is to grab and exploite the resources of the other countries to enrich their greedy little one percent ruling circles. Don't be made a fool of by pretending they are liberating the workers, or the majority peoples throughout the region.

They indeed are the modern war criminals that the Nuremberg Trials explains as the supreme itnernational crime that they are committing.

End fossil fuels dependence as non-renewables, and re-tool to the renewable sources of energy such as wind, tidal, and solar power transformed to electricity which is more power than all the pollution causing fossil fuels.

You yet have a world to win!! Workers of the world unite!!
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


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in the past month

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